Barti Kraph Jr. - character history, film advertising, actor, books, fan fiction


Character History

The universe of the fairy tales about Harry Potter is full of mysterious characters. The wizards have supernatural abilities, but their life bears on themselves the stamp of the difficulties faced by Muggle. Barti Crapohe is a curious proof of this.

History of creation

Barti Crapoh - the first one, who managed to escape from the impregnable Azkaban, although not without the help of outsiders. Sirius Black made a feat independently. The surname of the cravival is translated as "cropping", "enhancing", which is associated with the adolescence of the hero in front of the dark Lord. In England there is a river falling into the North Sea. It is called invisible. According to the plot of fairy tales, Azkaban is located in the North Sea.

Barti Crouch (Junior)

The name of the hero is derived from the vitality, the name of the biblical character healed by Jesus from blindness. Like the hero of "Poteriana", he wore the same name that his father.

Barti was a loyal fan of Volan de Morta, so strictly followed his orders. Family troubles pushed the young man in the arms of darkness, making the Death Eater. He whose name cannot be called, replaced the young man, becoming an authority in his eyes.

Relatives Hero hated, so selflessly served as the owner, hating those who got up on the way of the Dark Lord. Understanding that the Father Draco Malfoy is a traitor, he turned a teenager in ferret, aventile his family.

Barti Kraph (art)

The inadequacy of Barti manually manifested after imprisonment. For thirty years, he was imprisoned by the creast of "Imperius", and then escaped from Azkaban. Being a tary companion of the dark side, in his loyalty, Volan de Morta Krauhu was inferior only Bellatris Lestrange. For him was not a mystery to the essence of the owner.

Being a talented student of the Faculty of Slytherin in Hogwarts, the young man mastered all objects and was worthy of praise in all directions. Barti received top marks and perfectly knew the potion, transfiguration, dark arts, as well as non-verbal magic. Kracy's ability allowed him to bypass the "Conundus" spell by defeating the fire cup. The hero was one of the few who used the unforgivable spell and could withstand the "Imperius".

In the books about Harry Potter

Barti Kraph (senior)

The full name of the hero is Barmirai. The son of Kraucha-senior, employee of the Ministry of Magic, he was a thin young man whose biography was not the most successful way. For participation in the torture of the obversal and family, Barti became a prisoner of Azkaban. Igor Karkarov passed it with political.

The hero was able to escape from custody thanks to his parents. It is curious that his father personally concluded the Son to Prison. The liberation of the young man became the main secret of the family. Barti lived in the house of parents. The Elf Vinki cared about him. Mother Barti died, and it left a heavy imprint in his heart.

Volan de Mort

Wolan de Mort accidentally found out that his assistant is free. At the match in Kviddich Barti was under the cover of the invisible mantle. During the pitfall, Harry Potter's stick was in the hands of Krakuch, who managed to serve a Dark Lord signal. Potter noticed that Vinki left the match with a strange gait. He did not know that the elf held Barti and tried to neutralize him.

The black label caused the appearance of stunning. Father understands what happened on the match, and dismisses Vinki. Craporal Jr. attacks Grumum, invited to the post of teacher in Hogwarts. Drinking a revolving potion, Barti is reincarnated into the teacher and supports the image for a whole year. He killed his father and turned his remains in the bone, joining her near the school.

Frame from the film

The mystery of Barti quickly revealed, because he tried to teach children to use "Imperius", oolely them. Helping the Potter to pull out successful tasks from the Fire Cup and win, he pursues a mission, as a result of which Volan de Mort must kill Potter. Barti Crapoh Jr. died from a deumen's kiss, destroying his soul on the orders of Fadge.


In the film "Harry Potter and the Fire Cup" the role of Barti Kratucha junior performed David Tennant. The time described in the film coincided with the beginning of the cinematic career of the actor. Many details are lowered in the tape that Joan Rowling described in detail in the book. So, for example, the relatives of Barti Krausch there is no information, and his escape from Azkaban remains under the curtain of the mystery. In the finals, Dumbledore refers to the return of the criminal in Azkuban and does not speak of his death.

David Tennant

David Tennant, the famous role of the tenth of the doctor in the TV series "Doctor Who," does not look like Barti Kracy. The blonde young man with a painful pallor and freckles is not at all the fact that the carbonous dark-haired Tennant.

It is curious that artist worked on the manner in the project in the project. He adapted to peculiar facial expressions. For example, periodically proved the tongue like a snake and made a trick that describe a non-standard character's psyche.

Barti Crouch (Junior)

Barti Krauhua became the acting face of thematic art fan fiction, along with the main characters like Harry Potter and Hermione Granger, as well as with secondary characters like Ginny, Narfi Malfoy and Madame Rommert. Fan fiction uses quotes from books and film pictures about Harry Potter, and the heroes are often used "patronus" and other spells.

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