Tintoretto - portrait, biography, personal life, cause of death, paintings



Tintoretto is among the greatest artists of the Late Revival Epoch. He studied the Azam of Fine Art from the famous Titian, but did not manage to exceed the mentor to significantly. The legacy of the master is Veliko, as he agreed even on low-pay orders, and the work turned out to be extremely unusually quickly. Some works have been preserved in the churches and the Palaces of Venice as vivid examples of the creativity of the Renaissance era. Multiple craftsmen are kept in Russia.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Tintoretto is full of interesting facts. The artist was born in 1518 by Italy. Mother's Master has become Venice. At birth, the boy was called Jacopo, his last name - Robusti. Tintoretto is a nickname that the future painter received in childhood. Translated from Italian, it means a "small dye". Jacopo was called, because his father worked as a dye silk.

Self portrait Tintoretto

About the years of adolescence is known little. Experts in profile research rely on the book of Carlo Ridolph, who described the artist's biography. The overwhelming part of the information writer was directly from the son of the painter. Although the facts of fact are not excluded, since the author of the book was a fan of Tintoretto's creativity.

According to Rydolfi, the young Jacop loved to draw from childhood. He often watched his father, and the decision to devote himself to painting was thoughtful. Teenager Tintoretto fell into the number of students of Titian. Yunets gained experience for 10 days, and then he was kicked out of the workshop.

According to rumors, Titian could jump to the talent of a teenager and did not want to raise his opponent himself. The history of the professional formation of the painter is unknown. By 1539, he was already considered the master and for a long time painted facades of buildings.


The first masterpiece Tintoretto was the painting "Miracle of the Holy Mark". It was an order from the brotherhood monks who did not immediately imbued with the peculiarities of the composition and were presented to the Contractor. Noise around the project attracted new customers to Tintoretto. The fraternity took the work of the artist, and his name became famous in Venice. After the death of Titian, many customers found in Tintoretto a new idol.

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In 1549, the light saw the picture "Holy Roch, healing the plague", and then in the interval from the 1550th to the 1553rd Tintoretto wrote the cycle of paintings "Scary Court". To the final of the work, the painter had an excellent reputation and received an order for the painting of the Palace of the Doge. In 1564, he began to cooperate with the Brotherhood of St. Roch on the matter of the ceiling painting in the Skola di San Rocco Cathedral.

According to the legend, a sketch contest was announced to choose a master, and Tintoretto was the only one did not prepare him. Having come to a meeting with customers, he pointed to the picture "Saint Roh in Glory", hung in the room, and became the favorite of the competition. The painter allegedly penetrates the hall at night and wrote a canvas in advance. The monks wanted to make a choice of drawing, but Tintoretto assured that he knows how to work just and ready to give the picture. The order went to him. By this time, the Spanish King Philip II and the Roman Emperor Rudolf II were among the clients of the author.

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The feature of the creative manner of the painter was to be a unique ability to transfer complex persons and light effects that were visible even in early work like "The birth of John the Baptist". Mass scenes in the image of the author were distinguished by a variety of emotional responses of characters. Tintoretto preferred non-standard spatial constructions, asymmetry of compositions and nontrivial black and white transitions. In some paintings, the artist has drama and emotional tensions.

The battle of battle images includes the "Battle of Zare", written in 1585. Unique and "Light Supper", which has a specific light effect. Portraits of Tintoretto features psychologism, simplicity and rigor of lines preceding the manner of Rembrandt. The connoisseurs believe that the creativity of the painter is imbued with the spirit of the rebellion, accompanied by ideas characteristic of the 16th century.

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Creative Master of the Master has changed over time. His debut works were distinguished by the study of each stroke, as it can be seen in the details of the "Susanna and Elder" canvas. Late creations do not claim similar attention to the nuances. Tintoretto received many orders, and the author often neglected the details in favor of new projects. Nevertheless, such negligence turned out to be an advantage, as in the case of the Baptism of Christ.

Tintoretto works are preserved in Italy, in several museums and private collections in other countries of the world. In Russia, his paintings are presented in the Hermitage in St. Petersburg. Among them, "Saint George kills the dragon." The canvas was in the collection of Baron Pierre Croze, and in 1772 the picture bought Catherine II.

Personal life

As a creative person, Tintoretto lived work and did not think existence without painting. Nevertheless, he was happy and in his personal life. In the 1550s, he met Faustina de Veskovia, who became his wife. The woman presented an artist 8 children. Despite the fact that biographers characterized it as a harsh lady of pragmatic worldview, Faustina turned out to be a strong support for her husband and family.


Tintoretto died on May 31, 1594. The causes of death were quite natural. The artist has lived a long life by the standards of his era and never ceased to work on no day. In the last path it was performed with honors. Artists, followers, friends and sponsors from among his customers arrived to give the tribute to the talent of the painter.

Today, anyone can familiar with the creative heritage of Tintoretto. To do this, it is enough to visit Venice or see the reproductions of the author's works. His biography turned out to be so rich that the filmmakers of the 21st century decided to capture it in documentary tape. In 2019, the film "Tintoretto: Buntar in Venice" was released on the screens. The picture was created by the Italian director Giuseppe Domingo Romano and represents a museum show.


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