Georgeon - portrait, biography, personal life, cause of death, paintings



Georgho Barbarelli Yes Castel Franco is known as Georgeon - the Master of the High Revival Age and one of the most mysterious figures of world art. The artist did not sign his work, and the author's belonging and the reconstruction of the catalog still cause hot spores among art historians. The creative activity of Georgeon lasted a little over 10 years, but marked the fracture in Venetian painting. Little paintings of the master - the pearls of the greatest museums of the world.

Childhood and youth

The biography of a mysterious artist, remote by centuries, contains little reliable facts, and often they are easily replaced by speculation. Italian art historians, speaking of Georgeon, called that the myth rather than a man.

Self portrait Georgeon

Even the facts associated with the birth of the future masters of painting, one cannot speak unequivocally. The first attempts of his life ways to rise to the 16th century, and according to them, Georgeo was born near Venice, in the town of Castel Franco-Veneto, in 1477 or 1478.

No source tells about the young years of artists and about the time when he decided to leave his hometown. It is known that in Venice, the painter came to the young and already in 1493 he entered his studies for the famous Master Giovanni Bellini.

Here he takes attention to color and details, focusing on the art of the landscape. Historians believe that, finishing to learn, Georgeon returned to Castel Franco-Veneto, where in collaboration with local artists engaged in the design of facades and interiors, working in the technique of frescoes.

Art historians of the 16-17 centuries list a lot of frescoes by Georgeon, but by now only one work has been preserved - a fragment of the Fondaco dei Tedeski facade, which is stored in the French Gallery in Venice. The fresco was made in conjunction with Titian, who was also a student Giovanni Bellini. The work of both artists is tightly connected.


One of the first independent works, which came from under the brush Georgeon, consider the picture "Christ, carrying the Cross" dating from 1497. The next work of the artist is also associated with religious motifs: In 1504, he began writing a picture for the altar of the San Liberal Cathedral of his native city. "Madonna Castel Franco" depicts Mary Mary with a baby surrounded by Saints George and Francis.

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Georgeon's Heritage Pearl is a masterpiece stored in the Hermitage, "Judith" (1504). The sophisticated and harmonious work demonstrates the perfection that the Master of High Renaissance was reached, no wonder the authorship of the work was attributed to Raphael for a long time. The image of Yudifi personifies the power that lies in the fragility of female beauty, and is permeated with light and peace, which begins landscape background. Silent spirituality, the wealth of hidden vitality is characteristic of the images released from the Italian brush.

The painting "Three philosophers" was originally conceived as an illustration of a biblical plot, but in the process transformed into the genre canvas. Here are three wise men representing different types. They are distinguished by age, culture and worldview. However, the lyrical, full depth and volume of the landscape combines the heroes into a single whole, leaving the hope that these people will hear and enrich each other.

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Nature as a valid face is still brighter appeared on the "Thunderstorm" canvas, dating 1505-1508 years. The configured landscape was a special genre in the work of Georgeon, as he says and "Rural Concert" (1510), where the images of musicians are organically inscribed in the pastoral background. These paintings are frankly secular in nature, which marks the tendency that Venetian painting asked for that period. It focuses on a person and the surrounding space, is saturated with color and harmonious colors.

However, Georgeon never ceases to comprehend religious and mythological plots, so that one of the last paintings appears - "Sleeping Venus, stored in the Dresden Gallery. She again speaks of the harmonious unity of man and nature, achieving the clarity of the volume, expressive contours and the softness of lighting. Each smear is read by admiring the beauty of a person and the surrounding world, while multi-modeling does not break harmony, merging into a holistic creation.

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Portraits of the artist are full of insight and accuracy. "Old Woman" (1508), "Portrait of a young man" (1508) are devoted to simple, doubting people whose features attracted by Georgeon depth and character. Self-portrait of the painter also demonstrates the face of an outstanding, attracting harness rather, rather than the correct lines. But nevertheless, first of all, the Italian is a beauty singer, what the images of Laura and Antonio Broccaro say about what Images of Laura and Antonio Brocco.

By the end of the 1510s, Georgeon became the legislator mod in the Venice School of Painting, young artists were focused on his innovative works, and the Italian paintings were in demand in private collections.

Personal life

Looking at the Georgeon's canvas, it is easy to present it as a person with high sensuality and romantic charm. It is known that the man was high in growth and for it received his nickname, which can be translated as Big Georgho.

At the same time, interpretation of the name is inextricably associated with the greatness of the artist's spirit and skill. Nothing is known about the personal life of the painter: he did not leave me after letters or notes. However, his paintings are full of dreamy languor, graces and lyrics, which indirectly indicates that young genius knew a lot about love.

Georgeon entered the circle of young patrician, seeking to turn the world in the "Garden of fun". He was comprehensively gifted, he knew how to musitize on Lithe and had a gift of improvisation.


The creative way of Georgeon was cut off at the takeoff: in 1510, men did not. The cause of the artist's death was the plague epidemic that raged at the time in Italy. The legend says that he infected the disease from the beloved, which was refused to leave, despite the deadly danger.

It was originally believed that he died in Venice, but the studies of 2011 are called another place - Lazzareto Nuovo Island, where contaminated people went to Quarantine. The same function was performed by the island of the television in the Venetian lagoon - it was there, according to another version, a great master of revival was buried.

Despite the fact that Georgeon lived a little over 30 years old, he marked significant progress in painting, having an impact on the subsequent representatives of the Venetian school - Titian, Sebastian del Pjombo, Lorenzo Lotto and others. The presence of a plurality of imitators and the continuers gave rise to the problem of the authorship of the work of Georgeon, which is sometimes impossible to determine.


  • 1500 - "Holy Family"
  • 1501 - "Fire Test Moses"
  • 1501 - "Solomon Court"
  • 1504 - "Judith"
  • 1504 - "Madonna Castelfranko"
  • 1505 - "Reading Madonna"
  • 1506 - "Laura"
  • 1506 - "Young man with an arrow"
  • 1507 - "Welcome worship"
  • 1508 - "Old woman"
  • 1508 - "Thunderstorm"
  • 1508 - "Sleeping Venus"
  • 1509 - "Three philosophers"
  • 1510 - "Portrait of a young man"
  • 1510 - "Worship of Shephers"

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