Varg Vicarnes - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Burzum 2021



Varg Vikranes is a Norwegian musician, an adherent of black-metal style, founder of the Burzum group. He received world fame not so much because of the music, how much due to its political and ideological views and loud crimes: arson of Christian churches, propaganda of neo-Nazi views and the murder of their colleagues. Varg and today remains the cult figure of the Scandinavian rock underground, he writes books, leads his own blog on YouTube.

Childhood and youth

The musician was born in the Norwegian city of Bergen in the family of an engineer and an employee of the oil company. At birth, the boy received the name of Christian Vikresnes. His parents could not keep marriage, and at an early age the child was left without a father, in the care of the mother. According to the celebrity, Lena Bore - the woman was so called - she had a sympathy for racist ideas and rejected Christianity.

Kristian's teenager began to show interest in the metal. His favorite groups at that time were Iron Maiden, Kreator, Celtic Frost, Destruction. Already at 15, the young man led his own rock team, which was called Kalashnikov. At first, three people played in the group, including the head, then the team expanded and was called URUK-HAI in honor of the species of the National Nationality from the cult novel John Tolkina "The Lord of the Rings".

Already then, Vicarnes began to show interest in the study of Scandinavian mythology, paganism gradually became part of his life. At 20, Christian officially replaced the name to Varg, so the word "wolf" sounds in Norwegian.

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The appearance of the singer himself also impressed - with its growth, more than 190 cm it was not difficult to present a musician in the deposits of the Viking, easily reflective attack of enemies.

In the youth of Vikakenes, it becomes a member of the Neo-Nazi organization The Inner Black Circle of Norway, which included many metal groups of Norway and Satanists. As for the purpose of this grouping, the members of this group set the complete destruction of Christianity in the country, although, according to the musician, all the ideas were only in words. Varg himself denied his involvement in devil-cloth, since the very concept of Satan arose only with the advent of Christianity.


In the early 90s, Varg becomes a guitarist in the Old Funeral group, but soon again organizes the Burzum's own musical team. The name of the artist was again borrowed from the mythology of his beloved literary work. On the "Language of Mordor" it meant the word "darkness".

The first songs of the group caused interest among the musician named Eronimus, the creator of the MAYHEM metal group and the owner of the DEATHLIKE Silence Productions musical label. By signing a contract with an independent company, Varg began to go to the scene under the pseudonym Graf Grishnak. Already in 1992, the release of the debut album, the name of the group named the same name. The second disk of the "Det Som Engang var" command appeared a year later.

Imprisonment in prison did not prevent the musician to continue his creativity. Only now Varg was deprived of the opportunity to musitize in the team, so I acquired a synthesizer on which the parties of all necessary tools recorded. So in the second half of the 90s, another 3 plates appear.

The next disk saw the light only in 2010. It was overwriting the first two albums. Then Varg released annually on the disk, until the 2014th. Interestingly, after the singer came out of prison, the group Burzum never acted with live concerts.

In 2018, on the personal channel in Youtube, Vikakenes announced the completion of the project. According to him, the music has never been his selfselot, but only helped emotionally worry every moment of life.

Crimes and conclusion

Throwing in the biography of the singer year was the 1993rd. On August 11, there was a dispute near the house of the latter in Oslo between Vikakenes and Evronimus. The situation came out from under control. For unknown, by the end, Varg inflicted 23 knife injuries to his friend. Evronimus died from wounds in place. The witness of the murder was a colleague of musicians Snorre Ruh.

After the murder of Comrade, the singer was arrested and appeared before the court. According to Varga, he regards his crime as self-defense, as the Euroronimus tried to apply a gun against him, which was in the house. According to another version, the cause of the aggression of a young man could be a debt, which his friend was not going to return.

During the investigation, a warehouse of explosives was discovered from the criminal at home. By punishment for the murder, the judge added a term for the arson of the temples, which was involved in Vikakenes. The musician was sentenced to 21 imprisonment.

In conclusion, the singer did not limit himself in creativity. He wrote music, took up literary labor. Since 2006, Vikakenes filed a daily release several times. According to the arresting orders established in Norway, it was possible to periodically leave the dungeons and visit relatives. In 2009, his petition was considered positively. In May Varg was released, but at the same time a year was noted in law enforcement agencies.

Political activity

Being behind bars, Vikakenes took over the pen and already in the first year of imprisonment created the draft "Speech Varga". The essay he could not edit for 3 years, as his manuscript was withdrawn. Later, the column of articles was published in several languages, including Russian. In the book, Varg spoke with criticism of Christianity, Satanism and modern black metal movement. The writer offered to return to pagan beliefs that would help keep the purity of the nation. Despite the Nazi statements, Varg noted that the Slavs refer positively.

Norwegian himself repeatedly became the hero of books and films of his contemporaries. He was told in the 2005 Documentary Project "Metal Study", the creators of which were set to investigate the history of Hevi-Metal. Directors used the quotes of the musician and his interview. Also Varg Vikranes became the prototype of one of the heroes of Michael Mojnikhan's book "Chaos Lords: the bloody sunrise of the Satanian metal underground."

Committing to freedom, the singer submitted his own work to the court of spectators - the documentary tape of the "ancestors", which he created in France. It was speech about the life of prehistoric ancestors, their life and beliefs. In 2011, I have already finally wrapped at the mainland Europe, Varg called on the French to support the ultra-right nationalist party "National Front", headed by Marin Le Pen.

Personal life

On the events of the personal life of the musician, fans learned only after his exit from prison. While being imprisoned, Varg met the Frenchwoman Marie Cashe, who became his wife. In 2007, the pair had a firstborn.

The boy was the second child of the musician. From the first relations that have happened in his youth, Rubekka's daughter grows up. In 2017, Vicersnes told the press that she brings up six children. Now the Norwegian Buntar family lives in France, his wife's homeland.

Vikarnes himself does not use "instagram", but he has a personal site, where Varg places the latest news, photos, their discography.

Varg Vikresnes now

At the beginning of 2019, the display of the new film-baiopic "Lords of Chaos" (Lords of Chaos) was announced, which describes the development of driving Metal Movement in Norway.

The narrative will affect the time period of the last twentieth anniversary of the 20th century, when popularity used by the Mayhem, Darkthrone, Emperor and Burzum groups. Main Heroes - Varga and Eronimus - played Emory Cohen and Rory Kalkin, Brother Macaese Calkin. Premiere films took place on February 8, 2019. The musician himself remained dissatisfied with the project and the acting.


  • 1992 - Burzum.
  • 1993 - Aske.
  • 1993 - Det Som Engang Var
  • 1994 - HVIS Lyset Tar Oss
  • 1996 - Filosofem.
  • 1997 - Dauði Baldrs
  • 1999 - Hliðskjálf.
  • 2010 - Belus.
  • 2011 - Fallen.
  • 2012 - Umskiptar.
  • 2013 - Sôl Austan, Mâni Vestan
  • 2014 - The Ways of Yore

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