Group Burzum - photo, history of creation, composition, completion of the project, songs



The Norwegian black metal group Burzum became a musical reflection of the Universe J. R. R. Tolkina, interpreted in the consciousness of the writer and the musician Varga Vikarnes. During the existence, the team did not give any living concert, limiting the release of non-Fish Studio albums and Dark-Embirant, who promoted the cult of Satanism and aggressive actions against religion. Part of the material was written in a prison conclusion where the vocalist fell after the murder of the Austaine guitarist and a lift of the tasks of several churches.

The history of creation and composition

The sole author of the history of the Burzum group was the Norwegian teenager Christian Varg Vikarnes, from childhood who was fond of role-playing computer games and the trilogy J. R. R. Tolkina "The Lord of the Rings". In the late 1980s, he learned to execute songs on the guitar and founded the Kalashnihov project, set in honor of the Soviet Ak-74.

Together with other gamers, the young man wrote the "Upuk-Hai" composition, which became the next name of the youth group, with the head plunged into the world of Sauron, orcs and other dark forces. The guys played by the participants of such an extraordinary team, playing the music in order to enjoy the girls, and those who followed the opinions that the main thing in creativity is "sex, drugs and rock and roll."

Varg, relating to the project more seriously, did not share this point of view and could not continue cooperation with the bass player, guitarist and drummer. For the sake of love for clean art, he joined the team OLD Funeral and mastered the directions of techno-trash and Death-Metal.

The idea of ​​his own project did not leave a passionate musician, and in 1991 he returned to solo creativity and created the Burzum group. The name borrowed from J. R. R. Tolkina was part of the phrase written on the ring of all-in-law, which was translated from a dark orça language as "one ring to assemble them together and conclude them into darkness."

The idea formulated by the writer, hooked Vicarness, who decided to fill a light and romantic surrounding world with darkness. At the same time, the thought of fame and popularity did not completely worry a young metalist, and he decided to never give concerts, limited to the spread of songs on CDs and vinyl vinyl.

Trying to avoid disclosure of information about your own person, Varg took the pseudonym Graph Grishnak (the name of the orc from the "Lord of the Rings") and for the cover of a debut album used a photo closely not similar to his appearance. Until 1993, the author of the music and the only participant in the group of the group gave an interview anonymously, and when the identity was still revealed, filed an application for the change of documents and registered as Louis Kashe.

Music compositions in the spirit of illusion and mysticism Mediterranean attracted the attention of the guitarist Mayhem Austaine, and he recorded solo for one of the debut songs "War". Soon after that, Varg joined the Satanic organization created by a new acquaintance, and became an active participant in the "inland black circle of Norway", rather than the destruction of Christian churches.


The professional career of Burzum began thanks to the signing of a contract with the Deathlike Silence Productions label, belonging to a colleague and the cartridge of Varga Eystane, who was known for the pseudonym Dahronimus. It was there that the musician released the debut album "Burzum", consisting of 9 compositions, the most recognizable of which were "EA, Lord of The Depths", "War" and Feeble Screams from Forests Unknown. "

In the second mini-album called "Aske", the performer has come to the help of session musicians - Gitarist Tomas Tomastener Haaland named Samot and Drummer Eric Oliver Lancelot, who, in addition to participating in the record, continuously dragged into the studio equipment and musical instruments. On the cover was posted a photograph of the church in the Fatofte, which, according to rumors, Vikarnes took after the ritual act of vandalism, explosion and burning.

The plate released on the vinyl was bundled with a lighter with the image of the destroyed building, and this contributed to the implementation of the entire release of the circulation. However, the money did not get the author, and the director of the record studio director, and later it became one of the reasons for the murder committed by Varg in 1993.

Det Som Engang Var and HVIS Lyset Tar Oss projects, which included Den Onde Kyten hits, Naar Himmelen Klarner and Inn I Slottet Fra Drømmen, have become popular releases of that time and, according to Varga, were the best samples of his work, rather than a dilettanic brand on upset tools.

However, critics expressed their own point of view and at the top of this list were put on the album "Filosofem", published in 1996 at the independent Misanthropy Records label. Once in a row of British and European music charts, the Varga record with the capital track "Dunkelheit" became the "depressive black metal" style source and shortly after the release was recognized as an advanced essay of the Norwegian underground scene.

In compositions in German and Scandinavian languages, Varg continued experiments with sound and for the first time within the framework of the alternative direction used the genre of ambient music based on minimalist electronics and modulation of voice and guitar tone.

Later, these innovations were used in the "Dauði Baldrs" and Hliðskjálf "album records, made in 1997-1999 with a primitive synthesizer in prison. In these writings of Vikarnes, isolated from external influences and irritating factors, addressed mythology and interpreted the legends on Baldar, Tuisao, Odin, Loki and other residents of the Heavenly City of Asgard.

In 2010, after repeated interests on the reduction of the prison sentence, Varg was released and continued to be a creative career in the framework of the popular project Burzum.

Continuing to create metal and ambient music, the soloist and the instrumentalist replenished the discography of the BELUS album groups, "Fallen", "UmskipTar" and "Sôl Austan, Mâni Vestan". This time, the recording studio was equipped with high-class equipment and powerful microphones that allowed to achieve pure sound and professional arrangements. The compositions from the last plate were transformed into music clips and in this form included in the author's film Varga Vikarness called "Forebears".

Completion of the project

In 2014, the musician published in the network excerpts of songs from the "The Ways of Yore" disk, which should have marked the coup in the creative concept and the worldview of the performer. But, unfortunately, this work, published 4 years before the completion of the project, has become the last in the discography of Burzum. Due to the lack of Instagram and other social networks Varg announced that the group finished its existence, contacting fans in a series of videos called "World of Darkness".


  • 1992 - "Burzum"
  • 1993 - "Aske"
  • 1993 - "Det Som Engang Var"
  • 1994 - HVIS Lyset Tar Oss
  • 1996 - "Filosofem"
  • 1997 - "Dauði Baldrs"
  • 1999 - "Hliðskjálf"
  • 2010 - "BELUS"
  • 2011 - "Fallen"
  • 2012 - "UmSkipTar"
  • 2013 - "Sôl Austan, Mâni Vestan"
  • 2014 - "The Ways of Yore"


  • "Dunkelheit"

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