Fra Beato Angeliko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Pictures



Italy is a country rich in skilled artists: only the Renaissance era boasts Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Raphael. Their predecessor was no less talented Fraz Beato Angeliko, the Peru belongs to the frescoes and icons, immortalized on the walls of Italian temples and in the Great Art Gallery - Uffizi, Prado, Hermitage.

Childhood and youth

In metric books, Tuscany of the XIV century states that when baptized Angeliko received the name of Guido de Pietro. Reliable data on the date of the appearance of the artist's light is not preserved. Historians argue that Angelico was born at the end of the XIV century, in 1408 he became a novice.

Portrait of Fra Beato Angelico

The first mention of Angeliko as a monk dates back to 1423 year. Then the artist, following the rules of the Dominican Order, adopted a new name.

Religion is the main topic of creativity Angeliko: the artist embodies episodes from the Bible, and Madonna is most often depicted: "Madonna with a baby and four angels" (1420), "Madonna with a baby, Holy Dominica and Foma Aquinsky" (1430), " Madonna Füzole "(1430), etc.


Strict orders of monasteries did not interfere with the artist to create. On the contrary, he used the walls of his poles and altar arches as a canvas. According to Vazari, the first paintings Angeliko struck the Charterhaus altar - the Monastery of Cartesians in Florence, which was not preserved to the present day.

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In 1408-1418, Fra Angeliko consisted of the Dominican Men's Monastery Corton (now this is the Church of St. Dominic in Tuscany) and wrote frescoes, a significant part of which did not reach this day. The limit of the fzeolsky altar is stored in the National Gallery of London and is an example of the brilliant talent of Angelico. The fresco shows Jesus surrounded by 250 figures.

In 1436, Angeliko was among the few monarchs who moved to the new Dominican Monastery - San Marco in Florence. This important step was dissolved in front of the artist of the door in the Epoch of the early Renaissance and led to the patronage of one of the richest and influential representatives of urban power - Kozimo Medici.

Vasari argues that it was at the insistence of a Medici monk engaged in decoration of the temple. In those years, works were born, which are signs for creativity Angeliko - "Annunciation", "Coronation of Mary", "Crucifix".

In 1439, Fra Angeliko began the creation of one of the most famous works of its works - Altar San Marco. The work was carried out until 1443. The altar shows the portrait of the Virgin with a baby. She sends on the throne surrounded by the Saints and Angels. From many others, this fresco is distinguished by the atypical symmetry for that time.

Art historians, however, criticize Angelico for incorrect use of scale. The Mother of God and the baby are sitting on the throne, remotely from the viewer, respectively, their figures should be less than the other characters of the altar, and they are equal. The distortion of proportions is interpreted by contemporaries as the lack of reverence in front of Holy Persons.

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Rumors about the talent of Angelico spread in Italy, and in 1445 the ruling dad Evgeny IV called the artist to the Vatican for painting the chapel under the Cathedral of St. Peter (later demolished by another Pope, Pavel III). Bliss, with whom Angelico referred to work and portrait of Jesus and Madonna, convinced the clergy to offer the artist to head the archo party Florence. He refused.

One of the latest famous frescoes Angelico is considered to "mourning Christ."


Fra Beato Angeliko died in 1455 in the Dominican Monastery in Rome. The cause of death is natural. In recent days, he worked on Capella Nikkolin - a personal chapel Pope Nikolai V. The monk body is buried in the Basilica of St. Mary over Minerva.

The memory of the Italian artist was not dissolved in time. In 1912, Russian poet Nikolai Gumilyov wrote a poem "Fra Beato Angeliko". The work contains the following lines:

"Oh yeah, not everything knew how to draw, but what he painted is completely."

In 1983, Fra Angelico ranked to the face of blissful, and a year later declared the patron saint of Catholic artists.


  • 1420 - "Madonna with a Baby and Four Angels"
  • 1428-1430 - "Madonna Fiezole"
  • 1430 - "Madonna with baby, Holy Domenic and Foma Aquinsky"
  • 1430-1432 - "Annunciation"
  • 1432-1435 - "Terrible Court"
  • 1434-1435 - "Coronation of Mary"
  • 1435 - "Crucifix"
  • 1435 - "Adam Skull on Golgotha ​​Mountain"
  • 1437-1440 - "Removing from the Cross"
  • 1440-1441 - "Transfiguration"

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