Inga Yumacheva - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, detained in the USA, Interrogation 2021



Inga Yumasheva is a talented Russian television and radio host, whose esters are gaining a large number of views. She can arrange an audience to himself, cause the interest of students and viewers to actual news. In addition, Inga is a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation VII convocation.

Childhood and youth

Inga was born on March 11, 1985 in Ufa. Parents paid great attention to the upbringing and education of Yumacheva. School years have passed in the Ufa gymnasium, where the emphasis was put on learning English.

In 2002, the future TV presenter graduated from school with gold medalist. In the same year, the girl became a student UGNTU. It can be assumed that the choice of Father was influenced by the choice of university - the man led business in the field of oil production.


Student at the 2nd year of the University, Inga has become a party to the competition, in which the TV hosts were chosen for the Bashkir Satellite TV channel. Good luck smiled at a pretty and educated student - YUMASHEV won the "Competition". So began her career on TV. Since 2004, for 3 years, the girl led the heading of the local news program.

In 2006, Inga received an invitation to become a TV host program "Vesti-Moscow". In parallel, the student continued to be university student with the teleconarier. In 2007, she graduated from UGNTU, became a specialist in PR. Work on the Ufa and Moscow TV channels helped Yumasheva in writing qualifying work, in which the problems of the formation of the image of Russia abroad were considered through the Russian media. In 2008, Inga began studying at the Diplomatic Academy at the Russian Foreign Ministry.

The TV presenter is saturated in the customer career. Then the girl participated immediately in several projects on radio and television. From 2014, Ufimchaanka leads the program "Development projects".

In the same year, the circle of its activities includes a broadcast in the "lead-morning", which covers the East of Russia, the CIS countries and the Baltic coast. In December, the geography of the ether of the morning issues of the "Westa", which leads Inga. Now the transmissions are broadcast on the territory of the European part of Russia, in Europe and states.

In 2016, global changes in the career of Yumacheva occur. In April, the girl takes an interview with Rustem Khamitov, President Bashkortostan, and in September of the same year, he is elected to the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation VII convocation. Inga is one of the representatives of the United Russia party. In 2018, participates in the information California Forum.

Personal life

Popular TV presenter hides information about family status from the press. It is not known whether inhibition has a husband and children. In "Instagram", Ufimchaanka lays out a photo of an official nature, which is captured during work, at official meetings.

Before subscribers of instagram account, the deputy appears in strict business suits - there are no pictures here in evening dresses and swimsuits. She seeks to keep reputation flawless.

Inga Yumashev now

On October 4, 2019, in the biography of the leading an incident, which caused the socio-political resonance. Yumashev went to the States as a member of the Forum "Dialog Fort Ross". She was detained in the United States in the airport arrival area. John Kennedy. According to official sources, within an hour, the representative of the FBI led the interrogation of the State Duma deputy, asking incorrect questions.

Moscow diplomats reacted to the interrogation of Inga negatively. According to the chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin, the actions of the American special services against the Russian deputy can be regarded as a cynical provocation. After sending in the US, the notes of protest from the Russian Embassy of TV host news returned documents and let go. Employees of the Russian consulate hold the situation under control, preparing Ufimchanka to fly to Moscow.

TV programmes

  • 2004-2006 - "Vesti-Bashkortostan"
  • 2006-2010 - Vesti-Moscow
  • 2010 - "Zarnitsa. Sport. Extreme "
  • 2014 - "Development Projects"
  • 2014 - "Vesti-Morning"

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