Herbert Von Karaians - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Conductor



Herbert von Karaiana was rightfully brought to the top ten speakers of all times and peoples. A real maestro, the cummy of the public had honed gestures and conquered the world with his volitional art, mysteriousness and millions of gram records. The man came to popularity in an obscure way, but became an example of how many geniuses are the slaves of his own irrepressible unique gift - for all of him ready for everything.

Childhood and youth

Herbert was born in Salzburg in April 1908 in the Doctor's family. Due to the sound of the surname, many mistakenly believed that by nationality he was Armenian. In fact, a man has a Greek ancestors who once lived in Macedonia. The prefix background in the initials of his descendants appeared in the XVIII century.

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The grandfather of the musician was a secured trader, his name was Georgy Karaiannis, but when a man was assigned a knightly title in Saxony, the name was reduced to Karaians and added the same background, indicating its aristocratic origin.

The gift von Karaian was already noticed in childhood, and therefore he had no long reflection on the educational institution nor his parents. In Salzburg, he entered the local conservatory of Mozarthum and already at the age of 21 received a good place in the German theater of Ulma, becoming the first dropsister there.


Having occupying some time in the theater is a high position, being in kind of creative and vulnerable, he strongly insulted, having lost the place there. At the same time, it all convinced that his time would begin. How he managed to get acquainted with Edgar Gross (member of the SS), who at that time he worked as an arter's theater in Aachen, still remains a mystery, but this connection allowed the background Karaian to conduct symphony concerts and opera performances. His career was engaged in Schedule Rudolf Vdder.Embed from getty images

Since then, many gaps have emerged in the biography of Herbert, after the end of the war, a man tried to destroy traces of acquaintance with these people. And later he was opposed to the publication of the preserved documents regarding his life in those years. And he did it for no wonder, thanks to the papers managed to prove his double joining of the NSRPG, while the conductor Yaro denied the facts, calling them to fake and misunderstanding.

In 1938, the name von Karaian began to appear in the headlines of newspapers, it happened after the execution of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra under his leadership of the Opera Richard Wagner Tristan and Isolde. After that, the musician began to promote Herman Hering himself. But not everything was so smoothly in the career of Herbert, for some reason he did not like Adolf Hitler.

Historians explained this by the great love of the Fuhrera to the work of Wagner, he knew all the composer's operas. At one of the concerts, the musician conducted, but by mistake the singer did not fulfill that replica. In the hall there was a Hitler who wrote this misunderstanding to the Australian's account, since he preferred to work without notes. Since then, he was ordered not to descend the eyes from the score.

The situation in Germany has deteriorated over the years, and after a concert with the Gottfried Orchestra von Einema, Herbert has more important problems. The fact is that the Austrian composer has already been interrogated by the Gestapo on suspicion of cooperation with anti-fascists, and everyone who had a connection with him automatically fell into the field of view of the SSS.

In 1945, a man decides to escape from the country, although he had a large number of fans in Germany, including among the military. At that time, Glory, the background of Karaian went far outside the same country, and many theaters and opera dreamed of getting a talented musician in their ranks. He became a kind of music of the music of music, worked at the Milan Opera theater "La Scala" and with the London Orchestra "Philharmonic".

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In 1955, the background of Karaian, as the successor Wilhelm Furtvengler, put in the head of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. At the same time, for the past 7 years, it works with the Vienna State Opera as the artistic director. Over time, the past of the conductor was forgotten. He was adored ordinary citizens, professional musicians and politicians who were expressed with admiration about any work of Herbert.

Frequently, Karaian's background was criticized for the fact that he recorded the compositions created until 1945, the "Requiem" of Mozart, as well as the works of Richard Straus, Sergey Prokofiev, Ludwig Van Beethoven (Concert with David Justocha, Svyatoslav Richter and Mstislav Rostropovich). Only occasionally, he made an exception, choosing the composition of contemporaries for the repertoire, having enjoyed the orchestra acting "Adagio Albini" Remo Jadzotto.

Personal life

The personal life of the Great Composer is also saturated with events, like a career in music. For the first time he married himself in his youth, but this marriage did not make him happy, and soon the couple was broken. She was an artist of Aachen operetta. For the second time, a man did not risk associating fate with the "colleague on the workshop", this time his chosen was the daughter of Industrialist Anita Guthermann.

With her, the background of Karaian also had problems, but it happened because of the Jewish roots that had the second wife. A criminal case was brought to the conductor, they probably demanded a divorce, but the man had the right to his personal life and did not betray his spouse. As a punishment, Herbert had a risk of being on the front, however, this threat was not fulfilled, the couple was left alone.

The third wife of the conductor was the 19-year-old Eletyt von Karaians, and the Herbert himself was at the time of marriage for about 50 years. Their acquaintance occurred in the south-east of France, in the city of Saint-Tropez, the girl went for a walk on a yacht, where there were many other guests. Soon she was scolded, and the fun turned into torture. Herbert was also there, he noticed the state of the young beauty and imperceptibly for the rest he drove it from the vessel. Further, the couple went to the restaurant, and then in a small bar, where Eletta danced fun, and the conductor she admired.

After a man and the girl went home, and their next meeting took place only in a year. Then the model worked at Christian Diora, another photo session led her to London, and there one friend invited the beauty to the concert of the London Philharmonic Orchestra.

The conductor was Herbert von Karaians. After the concert, they met again, and then their dates began to occur more often. After some time, the couple got married, Eletta presented Herbert two children - both daughters. Marriage of the model and the conductor lasted 31 years old, until the death of the musician.


Herbert died on July 16, 1989 in the same place, where he was born - in Austria, at the age of 81. The man until the last day continued to conduct, spoke with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra.

A stress schedule of work in aggregate with old age gave complications on health. Unaware of problems, the background of Karaians was not observed by doctors. The cause of the death of the Great Musician was myocardial infarction.

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