Benny Hill - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, "Show Benny Hill"



People with bright smiles are often extremely unfortunate, and the one who makes the public becomes the hostage of his own jokes. It so happened to Benny Hill comic, who was at the peak of popularity for more than 30 years, and in recent years of life suffered from depression and died lonely. In the Oxford biographic dictionary, it is indicated:"As far as he was popular in life, he was so quickly forgotten after death."

Childhood and youth

This humorist's real name is Alfred Hyorno Hill. He was born on January 21, 1924 in Southampton, Hampshire County, in the family of the participant of the First World War Alfred Hill. Before taking a weapon, he, together with his father, George Henry Hill performed in a circus, but, returning from the war, threw a junior. In 1920, Alfred met the future wife Helen Keive, three children were born in the family - Leonard (1921), Alfred Hyorno and Diana (1933).

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Parents of the future parody worked at the store surgical instruments, the range of which was basically condoms. It became the main theme for ridicule over Alfred at school. The boy tried not to show offense, but only missed.

After school, Hill worked as a cashier, milkman, driver, sound engineer and drummer, and shortly before the Second World War got an assistant to the director of the touring theater troupe. In 1942, the young man called on the front.

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Until September 1944, Alfred served as a mechanic and truck driver in Normandy. Demobilized from the artistic group of entertainment organization for military personnel - the talent of the actor even in the harsh military times was not hidden.

Yumuru Alfred inherited from his grandfather who often took the grandson on comedy performances. Without much difficulty, the young man paroded celebrities, he composed the sharp jokes on the go, so immediately after the end of World War II went to conquer London. After a couple of years, the UK fell in love with Benny Hill - Charismatic, Charming Showman. Benny Alfred's name took in honor of Jack Benni's favorite comic.


The legendary "show Benny Hill" first published on television screens on January 15, 1955. Each release was a collection of humorous sketches, in which Benny Hill paroded musicians, actors, writers, politicians and athletes. More than 30 years of transfer history, the actor tried on the role of Marlon Brando, Richard Barton, Elizabeth Taylor, Bob Dilan, Liza Minnelli, etc.

Benny Hill performed not only as a leading and performer of parodies. He directed the show, wrote music for him and composed poems. But think that the project was held only on the British, incorrectly: dozens of comedians, including Jackkey Wright, Bob Todd, Alison Bell, Bettina Le Bo, Paul Edington and others helped.

The story of the "show of Benny Hill" has 34 years, but only 89 episodes came to the air - one per month, and even less often. Long calm is explained by acute public criticism: the comic was accused of sexism. Hill argued that in his sketches, women retain dignity, while men were depicted with jesters.

The parody of Margaret Thatcher, the Iron Lady, Prime Minister of Britain, became an interference for creativity. After the release of the episode with her "participation", the show showed a tough censor, hundreds of hours of filming went to the trash bin.

Despite dangerous jokes and public attacks, "Benny Hill Show" adored around the world. The British police officers whose careless comedians ridiculed, gave the honor of the manner, perhaps the most famous character of the program - Fred Skattla. He wore headdives with a visor in the side, and put her hand with his hand close up. By the way, in this image of Benny Hill is immortalized in the Madame Tussao wax figures museum.

In the late 1970s, RKO General - the main broadcaster in New York and Los Angeles - bought the rights to broadcast the "Benny Hill" show in America, which repeatedly increased the audience. In 1977, the transfer was shown in Australia, and in the mid-1990s - in Spain. In the entire history of the existence of the "show of Benny Hill", more than 140 countries of the world have acquired right to display.

In June 1989, the leadership of the Thame Television TV channel, where the show was shown in the UK, invited Benny Hill to meet. Just returned from the TV program in Cannes comedian suggested that it would be about the new series, but instead the leadership announced that "Benny Hill Show" closes, and Hill himself no longer want to see on TV studio.

As stated in the episode of the TV series "Living Famously" about the life of the comedian, the channel called several reasons for closing the project: low views, high costs for the production of program and hill is the production. The first argument is easily disputed by the data of British ratings: the final series of "Benny Hill Show" was watched by 9.58 million viewers, and at the peak of popularity, in 1977, 21.1 million people were gathered at the screens. Transfer and is now broadcast in the hundred countries of the world.

In his youth, when the "show of Benni Hill" only gained momentum, comedian starred in a number of films. I did not leave a man's career man and after the popularity of the author's transfer. Hill's filmography has 7 projects.

Hill is not only an actor, but also the author and artist songs. It owns comedy hits "Gather in the Mushrooms", "Pepys' Diary", "Transistor Radio", "Harvest of Love". Track "Ernie (The Fastest Milkman In The West)" headed UK Singles Chart Christmas in 1971.

Personal life

The success of the "show of Benny Hill" brought a multimillion state comedom (for 1988 - more than £ 10 million), but a man preferred to his own home leased modest apartments, and a luxury car - a bus or walking. He bought the usual food in the supermarket and dated torn clothes, but not because he saved, but because he did not see the point in the idle lifestyle.

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The only luxury that Hill is allowed - traveling. Thanks to frequent visits abroad, the comedian learned to speak French fluently, at the base level owned German, Spanish, Dutch and Italian.

On the screen of Benny Hill heard a handheld, but in reality a personal life did not develop - in 68 years old, the actor never married and in the end did not leave offspring. Twice he offered his chosen to play a wedding, but they refused. Among the possible spouse Hill was the British actress Annette Andre. Eccentricity and hidden lifestyle gave rise to rumors about alternative orientation Hill. The actor with laughter denied them.


In the late 1980s, Benny Hill's health worsened, it can be seen in the photo that he strongly gained weight. After a heart attack in February 1992, the doctors advised the actor to lose weight and shunt. He refused, and a week later, Hill was diagnosed renal failure.

Biography Benny Hill ended on April 20, 1992, at the 69th year of life. The body of a lonely old man discovered the producer of Dennis Kerckland, who was worried that Hill was not answered by phone calls. Walking on the fire stairs to the comic window, Kerckond found a man sleeping in the chair. The arrived police found that Hill died, the cause of death was called coronary thrombosis.

The body burned on April 26 at the Hollybruck cemetery, near the place of birth of a comedian in Southampton. The media appeared the assumption that, together with Hillom, the wealth accumulated on them was formed. On the night of October 4, 1992, the burial was discussed, and the coffin was opened. Since then, Benny Hill's grave is covered by a concrete slab.


  • 1956 - "Who did it?"
  • 1960 - "Light Heaven"
  • 1965 - "Air Adventures"
  • 1968 - "FIF-PAF Oh-oh-oh"
  • 1969 - "Italian work"
  • 1969 - "Waiters"
  • 1970 - "Eddie"


  • 1961 - "Gather in the Mushrooms"
  • 1961 - "Pepys' Diary"
  • 1963 - "Harvest of Love"
  • 1971 - "Ernie (The Fastest Milkman in The West)"

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