John Wayne - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Films



In the late 1990s, the American Institute of Cinema gave John Wayne 13th place on the list of the greatest movie stars of the outgoing century. The laureate of Oscar and the "Golden Globe" contemporaries called the western king. Duke nickname - Translated from the English "Duke" - attached to Wayne for no wonder. He found himself in the company of the most sought-after Hollywood stars of the era of the sound cinema and starred in 5-6 paintings annually.

Childhood and youth

Maryon Robert Morrison (real name Wayne) was born in the spring of 1907 in the provincial American town of Winterset, which is in Iowa. Soon the parents changed the second name of the firstborn to Mitchell, because they called Robert's second offspring.

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John Wayne grew up in a family who did not have a relationship to art. Adherents of the Presbyterian Faith, which appeared in North America from migrants from Scotland and England, brought up children in rigor. Father, a veteran of the Civil War, taught the sons of courage and valor, brought up with real men. Later, these qualities Duke embodied in the best movie colors.

In childhood and the youth, the future king Western did not dream of the light of sophods and filming. Marion Morrison wanted to become a brave "maritime cat", but could not enter the US Naval Academy. Then the young man switched to football and succeeded, receiving a grant from the state to study at the University of South Carolina. He chose jurisprudence, but in the future he did not work in a specialty in the future, because he studied at the faculty of only 2 years, from 1925 to 1927.


Movie's passion came to John Wane by chance. For a student, he worked in the famous film studio of the "XX century Fox" - at first, inappropriate, the requisition, and then Cascader. A guy with a noble Irish appearance noted a novice director John Ford. Later biographers will call him a master who lit in Hollywood another bright star - Wayne.

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At the time of dating, John flashed in the episodes of several paintings, but the countdown of the actor's filmography is conducted since 1930, when the melodramatic Western Raul Walsh "big trail" came to the screens. The novice fee, despite the main role, was $ 75 per week, but from this film began a brilliant creative biography of the legend of the American film industry.

Later, in the mid-1950s, the size of Wayne fees behind the shooting grew up to the transcendental heights: "XX century Fox" for participation in the film paid Duku Halmillion dollars.

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In his youth, the actor played good-natured guys, fearless, but they like horror on enemies who know how to love, but not allowing the romantic feeling to lead the actions and turn off the way. At first, the career developed slowly. The next job in the movie went to Wayne after 3 years in Drama Alfred Green "Mordashka".

Then she passed another 6 years, when Ford remembered the actor, inviting to play the main hero of the Cowboy Saga "Dilizhans", which the Cinomians of America and Europe began to be taken. In the Russian box office, the audience saw a truncated version. Baby Ringo performed by 32-year-old Wayne turned out to be surprisingly charming. This is the first picture of the director in the genre of Western, in which the handwriting of the future Matra, who deserved 4 Oscar figurines for the director.

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After appearing on the screen again and having received a sonorous pseudonym thanks to the master, John Wayne no longer searched the roles - the directors found the artist themselves. But the main thing - John Ford did not forget about him, inviting the star hardly to all his projects. Their creative paths intertwined until the end of life.

In the 1940s, Duke filmography was replenished with a melodrama-militant "Rounds", on the set of which he met with irresistible Marlene Dietrich. Then Wayne played key characters in Ford's Westerns "Fort Apacha", "Three Great Father", "Quiet Man" and others.

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Another wave of fame and audience love came to the artist in 1948, after the premiere of Western "Red River". Ribbon Howard Hawkers helped Wayne's talent fans to see the star in a new light. John demonstrated a subtle psychological game. In his performance, the Tom Dunsson migrane is smoothly transformed from the gross and authoritarian owner of the ranch in a humane and just hero.

Critics agreed that Duke's "Red River" played himself. In life, the artist was a patriot of the country, a carrier of national traditions. Later, the role of Colonel Kerby's role in the militant "Green Berets", he merged with a character promoting the War in Vietnam, and gained great popularity in the US Army. Wayne adhered to the principle that the Motherland is above all.

"She or not right, but this is my country," John said.
John Wayne - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Films 10986_4

In 1956, John Wayne starred immediately in two bright projects - the western "seekers" Ford and Dick Powell's Cinepope "Conqueror". Both films were the leaders of the ratings, and the star doubled the army of fans. In the last ribbon, the audience learned the artist in the image of Genghis Khan.

In 1960, the artist debuted as a director and producer, dragging himself a major role. He did not change the beloved genre: in the western "Fort Alamo" played a real historical character of Davy Croquette - a traveler, officer and politics. Wayne's debut turned out to be more than successful. The film received the main filmmakers of Hollywood for the best sound and music and 6 nominations for Oscar.

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In 1969, the artist covered the new wave of glory. At the peak of popularity, he found himself after the premiere of the picture "Real courage". Western brought Wayne Oscar and Golden Globe as a better actor. The star fee for shooting in the tape was $ 1 million plus 35% of the rental. In 2010, the Cohen brothers decided to remote the film School, calling it the "iron grip".

In 1976, John Wayne fans saw the favorite on the last time screen. The star played a major role in the Western Don Siegela "the most damage", being deadly sick. Later, the "banner" of the Hero Westerns, fallen from the hands of the Great Duke, picked up Clint Eastwood.

Personal life

Westernov's star adored residents of provinces and women. Radden handsome man (Wayne's growth of 1.93 m with weight of 104 kg) with a pronounced character and courageous appearance liked beauties-colleagues. Rumors about the novels of Duke with Marlene Dietrich, Joan Crawford and Flytte Goddar. His personal life was violent and often discussed on the pages of yellow publications, Paparazzi walked behind the star on the heels to make a compromising photo.Embed from getty images

Three times John Wayne visited married. Wives are all as on the selection, dark-haired beauties - gave birth to him seven children, of which five - sons. Firstborn Patrick Wayne, who gave birth to Duke's first spouse Josephine, went in the footsteps of his father and chose the acting path. And the son of Mike got up at the head of his father's film company, who released the "Fort Alamo" tapes, "Comer Mans" and "Green Beets".

Interestingly, the actor was a prominent Mason, master of Lodge "Morion McDaniel", and reached the 32nd degree of Scottish Charter.


King Westerns did not become in the summer of 1979. He died at the Los Angeles Medical Center. The cause of death was cancer stomach. The favorite saying of the Hollywood actor was words:

"If you woke up in the morning, consider this day happy" .Embed from Getty Images

Later biographers of two stars - Ford and Wayne - celebrated an interesting fact. The director and the star-lit star diagnosed the oncological disease at the same time, in the mid-1960s. In 1973, Matra Westerns was not, the actor survived him for 6 years.

On the 9th day after the death of John Wayne, California Airport in Santa-Ana gave the name of the star. In one of the terminals, an artist's monument in the image of the Western hero, which is not surprising is not surprising. After all, in the consciousness of Americans, Wayne's name was forever merged with this movie genre.


  • 1930 - "Great Trail"
  • 1939 - "Diligence"
  • 1942 - "Rounds"
  • 1948 - "Red River"
  • 1948 - "Fort Apache"
  • 1952 - "Quiet Man"
  • 1956 - "Seekers"
  • 1956 - "Conqueror"
  • 1960 - "Fort Alamo"
  • 1963 - "Reef Donovan"
  • 1969 - "Present courage"
  • 1970 - Rio Lobo
  • 1972 - "Cowboys"
  • 1976 - "The most damage"

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