James Corden - biography, personal life, photo, news, "very later show", "karaoke in the car" 2021



James Corden is a popular actor, comic, producer and TV presenter of the UK. He walked a long way from a chubby teenager, over whom classmates laughed, to one of the most popular Showmen of America and England.

Childhood and youth

James Kimberly Corden appeared on August 22, 1978 in London. His sign of the zodiac is a lion. In the youth, the young man lived in the small town of High Whita, which is located in the County of Buckinghamshire. The Father of the Future Comic named Malcolm worked as a saxophonist in the Royal Air Force of Great Britain and the music teacher, and Mother Margaret is a social worker.

According to James, he chose a future profession as early as childhood, because he always dreamed of entertaining people, dance, sing and play - in other words, make any actions that would make the audience look at him with a smile.

In 2012, the comedian published an autobiography under the unusual name "I can ask for a minute of attention, please?", Where spoke about childhood and youth, incidents behind the scenes of telecoms.

The book Corden said that he had never been a steep, beautiful or smart guy while studying at school. However, he was dreaming about this, suffering from the fact that it would never become a reality: in school it was ridiculed for overweight (with a height of 169 cm its weight is 72 kg), in adolescence, the guy failed to organize his own musical group, and after receiving Education he was constantly falling on auditions.


James tried his hand as a leading telecast at the age of 16, but the first attempts were unsuccessful. You can even find an archival video in which the comedian takes an interview with the MEAT Loaf artist. Later, the man tried to make a sketch show together with his colleague Matthew Horor.

Cordened became a popular person on television since 2010 - he shot Sketchi, participated in Comedy Gala, The X Factor, Sport Relief 2010, together with Kylie Minogue Showman led the Brit Awards award.

From March 23, 2015, the comedian is the leading "very late show with James Korden", replacing Craig Ferguson. The TV presenter's contract with the CBS channel was signed until August 2023. In the studio of the comedy program, such stars like Tom Hanks and Mila Kunis, Sting, Barack Obama, Prince Harry, and PR.

The Late Late Show show is Carpool Karaoke (in the Russian-language version called "karaoke in the car"). The TV host together with celebrities ride in the city in a passenger car and during breaks between conversations together their favorite compositions together.

Harry Stiles, Michel Obama, Adel, and Ave., Mishal Obama, Adel, and Ave. Together with Iggy, James rolled in a car in a wedding dress. In one of the gears, the guests of which were Aideli from the BTS group, the Briton jokingly adopted Pak Chi Mina (Jimin). So Korden became for the singer "Pope of Urine", and chi min - "Baby urine".

From February 3 to March 13, 2019, Corden was the leading television talent contest The World's Best. The fate of the contestants solved American judges and the international jury. But when after the 2nd round, Dimash Cudibergenov did not receive only 2 points out of 100 possible, the comedian even adsted the experts.


The young man debuted on the theater scene in the musical "Martin Herr" in 1996, playing a character with a single replica. At the same time, the debut took place in the cinema - the teenager participated in the episodes of the British and American youth serials.

Theatrical and film directions developed in parallel: in 2000-2005, the fame of the actor brought one of the central characters in the popular British TV series "Friends-fat men." And in 2004-2009, Corden received the role of TimMs (Timms) in the stage of the play of The History Boys, which was represented on scenes from London to Sydney, as well as in its film adaptation.

In 2007, the actor appeared in the Sitkom "Gavin and Stacy". He reincarnated in Smithti - a friend of the main character, and at the same time became producer and screenwriter of the project. The show became popular in the UK and received high estimates of film critics, and the Kordeneur got nominations and awards, including the BAFTA Award in the nomination "Best Comedy Actor".

Together with the comic Matthew Horor in 2009, James released the horror movie "The Killer of the Vampire Lesbian", where the British performed the main characters. At the same time, his filmography began to be replenished with new projects: the series "Doctor Who", the musical "the farther in the forest" and the picture "Three Musketeers" directed by Paul U. S. Anderson.

James Corden - biography, personal life, photo, news,

In 2013, Corden wrote a scenario and served with Matthew Benthone, the comedy series "Not those guys", for which he received a reward in the nomination "Best Comedy Story" from The Royal Television Society and was nominated for other awards.

A year later, the creative biography of the artist replenished the dramatic comedy "Dreams come true", which is an emptying of the success story of the amateur opera floor singer Potsa, the winner of the Britain's Got Talent. The Debut Album of the Tenor One Chance came out with a circulation of 3.5 million copies.

In 2019, the artist appeared in the adaptation of the famous Musical "Cats" directed by Tom Huper. For the tape, the hybrid technology of special effects, which combines real facial expressions, plastic actors and animation. The cast attended the "School of Cats" to prepare for shooting. Despite this, the graylers of musical fantasy on You Tube got much more negative feedback than likes. $ 95 million was spent on the declection, but it was not justified at the box office ($ 73.5 million) and got into the top 100 worst films of all time on IMDB. Plans for the continuation or spin-off project were canceled.

Personal life

In 2012, the personal life of the British comedian comedhed - he legalized the relationship with the actress Julia Carey, which met 3 years. Showman's wife found a long-awaited wedding ring in a Christmas sock. Now a couple of 3 children are the daughters of Carey and Charlotte and Son Max.

Despite the fact that James infrequently posts the photo on the page in the social network "Instagram", the number of his subscribers continues to grow constantly.

James Corden now

On March 14, 2020, because of the Pandemic COVID-19 shooting "very late show with James Corden" suspended, but at the end of the month James resumed shows: the show was conducted from the TV presenter's garage, and with the guests of the program he communicated along the ZOOM video. On self-insulation, the comedian remained until the end of September, after which the talk show returned to the usual format.

However, in January 2021, Cordenna again had to temporarily return to the garage and online connection with invited stars due to tightening measures against the proliferation of coronavirus in Los Angeles. In April, TV presenter, fan "West Hama", opened the ether with an emotional speech, in which he joined the fans and football clubs criticizing the European Super League project.

James Corden - biography, personal life, photo, news,

Cordened became the leading humorous evening show Beloved Show for the Yutiub-Channel Gucci. The project is launched by a fashionable brand in honor of the release of a new collection of BELOVED bags. On the transmission by stories about the latest events in life and favorite bags, such Ambassadors Gucci shared such as Sienna Miller, Dian Kiton, Serena Williams, etc.

Cordna's voice says Rabbit Peter in the animation film "Rabbit Peter - 2". It is the sequel tape "Rabbit Peter", based on works about the character of the children's writer Beatris Potter.

TV presenter, together with David Beckham, Lady Gaga, Justin Biber and other celebrities became an invited star of a special release of the series "Friends" called "Reunion".


  • 2001 - "Jack in Wonderland"
  • 2002 - "All or nothing"
  • 2002 - "Out of the game"
  • 2010-2011 - "Doctor Who"
  • 2005 - "The Last Palace"
  • 2006 - "Get to the top ten"
  • 2007-2019 - "Gavin and Stacy"
  • 2008 - "How to lose friends and make you hate everyone"
  • 2009 - "The Killers of the Vampire Lesbian"
  • 2010 - "Travel Gullyer"
  • 2011 - "Musketeers"
  • 2013 - "Dreams come true!"
  • 2013-2014 - "Not those guys"
  • 2018 - "Eight girlfriends Oushen"
  • 2019 - "Cats"
  • 2020 - "graduation"
  • 2021 - "Cinderella"


  • "A very later show with James Korden"
  • "Karaoke in the car"
  • The World's Best
  • The Brit Awards.
  • Beloved Show.

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