MTSIR - character biography, Poem "MTSI", image and characteristics, character analysis, quotes, photos


Character History

The protagonist of the same name of the poem Mikhail Lermontov. Young man, from childhood locked in the monastery against his own will. Dies shortly after he managed to escape.

History of creation

Writer Mikhail Lermontov

Mikhail Lermontov worked on the Petzyrian poem in 1838-1839. The first publication took place in 1840 in the collection of "poem M. Lermontov" with some censorship abbreviations. The poem is considered one of the last samples of the romantic genre in Russian literature. The plot of the poems Lermontov allegedly borrowed from one story, which heard during the reference to the Caucasus, where the poet was sent in 1837.

The poet traveled through the old military-Georgian road, which goes through the main Caucasian ridge. There, in the city of Mtskheta, Lermontov talked with a certain monk who told the poet of his own life. This monk took place from the Mountain family and in childhood he was captured. General Alexey Yermolov was a child with himself, but the boy ached across the road, and the general had to leave him in the monastery on the care of breeds.


The child grew up in the monastery, but could not get rid of new conditions and tried several times to run back into the mountains. After another attempt, the child seriously fell ill and almost died. This story was allegedly so impressed by Lermontov that he created a poem based on the heard history. Whether this episode is really in Lermontov's life, or he was invented by early biographers, it's hard to say now.

The poem is noticeable and great influence of the folklore Georgian. For example, the motif of the battle of the young man with a leopard or a tiger is common in the People's Georgian poetry. The name of the poem initially sounded as "Bari", which translated from Georgian meant "Monk". Later, the author replaced the name on the "MTSI" - the word that meant simultaneously and the "novice", and the "alien", which more accurately reflects the essence of what is happening in the poem. Editing the poem later, Lermontov threw a part of the text, probably fearing censorship. In these rows, MTSI will complain that instead of the Motherland, God gave him prison.


The main hero of the MTSERS in young years

The hero was born and grew in the Caucasus in the family of proud mountain. In the memoirs, the hero sees the father in the image of a warrior, in combat clothes and with a gun. Six-year boy Hero captured a certain Russian general and taken from his native edges. On the road, the child fell ill, and the general had to leave the boy in the monastery. There the child was held forcibly, and Mcsi against the will had to become a monk.

The hero has retained the quality inherent in the mountaineers, - passionate and hot nature, proud character and "mighty spirit", which young man inherited from the ancestors. As a child, the hero refused monastic food from pride and agreed to die from hunger. Even the child was a hard hero in spirit, never complained, did not cry and silently suffered diseases and difficulties.

Confession of the MTSIRY monk

Before his death, confessing, the hero says that his life was full of "bitter torment". The hero remembers the past - the father's house and the gorge, where the Aul stood, in which the Mtsyri family lived. When the hero was in the monastery, one old monk began to patient a sick boy from pity. Recovery, the hero, however, did not have fun, and hid from people, did not play and seized.

The old monk, who saved the boy from death, hoped that over time, McIrs would take off his relatives, would forget about the past and mastered in the monastery. The young man really forgot the faces of loved ones and vaguely remembered his past, it was terrible to monastic life, began to understand the language of the local and was sainted by the Holy Father, but it did not turn good. The hero continued all his short life to raise about the lost and dream of freedom and perceived his own life in the monastery as a stay in prison.

Escape from the monastery

The McSi family continues to live somewhere in the mountains of the Caucasus, and parents probably consider the hero of the dead, nothing know about the current situation of the MTSI. Becoming adult boys, the hero gives himself a word that it will certainly be seen with his relatives. Once the hero is addicted to escape from the monastery. The hero runs out at night during a thunderstorm, but spends on freedom of three days. During this time, the hero has time to meet with Barz, enter into battle with him and defeat this terrible predator.

During this short babble on the sky, McSiry also meets an excellent young Georgian, which watched from published. The girl goes down to the mountain river to dial water into a jug. On Georgian, poor clothes and Chadra, but the voice of the girl seems to be "Sweet Sweet". The hero sees the house where the girl lives is Salu, who "grown to a rock", and a blue smack that flows over a flat roof. These memories dying due to the disease hero considers the most valuable in life.

To the native places hero, however, does not get. Mczyry goes to the mountains, but comes off from the road in the forest, it suffers and goes back to the monastery, from which he escaped. In the forest, the hero is ill, later, the monks are found in the forest, and are attached to the monastery. The guy believes that he will soon die due to illness, and it will be sad about what will be buried in someone else's land and will not be able to see relatives.

Dying, Mcsi reproaches the old man, that he lived in a rich life in peace and went to the monastery only later. In addition, the old man is already weak and seed, the depth of desires, so he does not understand the young MTSYR, who was in the monastery against his own will, completely another child and did not see his life.

Pity that the monks are tested to MTSIR, it seems a shameful young man. At the same time, the old monk who came out and worn, the hero applies with due respect and calls that "Father." The old man himself also belongs to the MTSYR, and takes the confession at the young man when he lies with death.

Illustration for the work of Lermontov

Most of all, the hero seeks to gain lost freedom and dreams to go back where he lived in childhood. McSyry asks to transfer it before dying in the garden, from where the Caucasus will be visible from the young man. The further biography of the hero is unknown - McIry could die, and could and recover from the disease.

Mczyry did not cause evil to people, this is a kindle man with a clean children's soul, but with habitat in the monastery the vitality of the hero is incompatible. Mtsyri's thoughts are directed towards native land, which hero left against his own will. Stay among the monks, the hero perceives as captivity and believes that this is not life. The hero is forgiving in his homeland and is alone in which it is located in the monastery, despite the presence around the monks.

Mcsury is not suitable for measured monastic life. The young man is full of "welcome and longing" and "powerless and empty heat." Life was moving to the once cheerful and frisky hero sullen. Mcsyri cancer from people and feels among them a stranger; The hero seems that he himself is more akin to the beast. The young man remembers the "wonderful world of anxiety and battles", where "Woln people like eagles." For many years, the hero has not seen relatives and misses them, feeling devoid of fragmentation and loved ones.


The hero is freedomizing personality, and for the sake of finding freedom, he is ready to risk life. Dying, however, I do not want at all. Mcyri regrets that he lived so little and could not fulfill his own secret desire - to see his homeland again and the family.

Despite the fact that the monom's hero was raised, he became a bold man who was ready alone to fight with a wild predator, without experiencing fear, and defeat this fight. Mcyri turned out to be a glorious warrior, loyal and imminent strike, he is a "wide forehead" leb, having simple bitches as weapons. The hero had every chance to become a remote hidden, if the evil fate did not abandon the McSyri into the monastery.

Lermontov demonstrates the spiritual state of the hero through nature. The young man compares with a single leaflet that threw and challenged the storm. The hero himself is constantly admired by the nature of the Caucasus, the bizarre mountain ranges, snow, which are burning, "as a diamond", and voice off the sky. Mountain nature in the poem is the opposition to the monastery - the location of the chief hero. Nature is associated with freedom.

Mcsury admires the beauty of the mountains

In addition, the Mountain Landscape surrounding the monastery is perceived in different ways and the MTSYR themselves. For the hero, hiding in the cliff clouds - the embodiment of freedom, the house of free people, and monastic celi Mcyri perceives as "stuffy". For monks, on the contrary, nature is full of dangers. This opposition strengthens the conflict between Mcsury and the monastery.


"Old man! I heard many times that you were saved from death? Little lived, and lived in captivity. There are two lives for one, but only a complete alarm, I would trade if I could

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