Antonin Dvorak - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Music



Antonin Dvorak - Czech composer, whose compositions refer to romanticism genre. In his creations, the author combined classic leitmotifs and traditional distinctive features of national music. Critics and listeners appreciated the ingenuity of the maestro and the unique beauty of the melodies created by him. The creative heritage of the musician includes waltza, operas, humorings, concerts, symphonies and etudes.

Childhood and youth

Antonin Leopold Dvorak appeared on September 8, 1841 in the village near the castle Nelagozes in the butcher's family. By nationality, his parents were Czechs. The family highly valued the traditions of their native country. His father kept a restaurant, a job in which he managed to combine with the main activity. In the moments of leisure, he loved to play the citre. So Antonin met the music.

Antonin Dvorak in youth

Adult, the boy acquired to the work of adults, helped in the development of a family case, but his heart took an interest in the melody. At 6 years, parents identified the Son to School. In addition to letters and calculations, he was taught and musical asam. The first teacher of the boy became Joseph Spitz, the minister of the church. Antonin elected the first violin tool and after 2 years already entertained by the visitors of the father's restaurant lyrical melodies. Dvorak also solired on services in the church.

At 9 years old, he completed his school studies and was sent to the town of Zlonens. Here Antonin was to learn to the butcher. The boy lived at uncle, who defined a nephew to school with the study of German. Kantor Antonin Lehman was a class teacher. He noticed the creative ability of a teenager and began to give him the lessons of playing the piano and organ.

Monument Antonina Dvorakik in Prague

Young Dvorak combined hard work on a massacre with inspirational classes and in 1856 received a document to work as a subset. By the time, his whole family moved to Zlonians, and his father decided to send his son to study to Czech Kamenets. After that, Antonin became a student of the Organ School in Prague.

The first professional dreams of the young man were associated with the work of the organist in the church. Gradually, he got acquainted with the works of great composers and felt more and more in himself in itself to create significant things. Having studied harmony, building fugues and prelude, counterpoint, the musician honed the skill of the game on strings.


Upon completion of training at school, the Dvarak could become a rural organist, but remained in Prague. Since 1850, he worked as an altist in Karelle Karelie Komzak, and by 1862 he became a musician of the "Temporary Theater" orchestra. By the 1866, his chapter was the dismissed breeder. The composer performed the works of Ferenz Leaf, Hector Berlioz, Richard Wagner, Mikhail Glinka.

Bust Antonina Dvaraika

Turning around the idea of ​​the opera, the Dvorak quit from the orchestra. The premiere of the long-awaited "king and the coalcher" took place in 1874. The opera turned out to be incredibly successful, and, inspired by success, the Dvorak began writing with great hard work. Opera "Wanda", "stubborn", "Sly Peasant", and the works of a small format, including "Moravian Duets" appeared. Subsequently, Creation was highly appreciated by Johannes Brahms.

Despite the creative rise, this period biography of the Dvoraik was not easy. Three his children died, which affected creativity. The author endured the grief, sadness and longing, who experienced due to loss. Only by 1878 he was able to cope with severe loss. The wife gave him a daughter, and the joyful event set up a musician to a positive way.

Music Publisher Fritz Winner ordered a disadvantaged a collection of plays "Slavic dances". His yield was marked by an enthusiastic reaction of critics. Melomanians bought notes, and from publishers hurried the flow of orders. Antonin was demanded. In Prague newspaper, the translation of a laudatory article of German critic appeared, and a huge number of guests gathered at the Dvoraik concert. Success was deafening.

Antonina Dvorakik was elected by a member of the club of creative figures "Clevetskaya conversation," and he headed the musical direction of this union. So the composer began to act as a jury member at musical competitions. His popularity has become a fabulous. No concert did without the fulfillment of his works, but for the creations of the author they were offered huge fees.

Composer Antonin Dvarak

In 1884, he received an invitation to the UK, where he was also warmly accepted. At the trip, Antonin met Peter Tchaikovsky and after England visited Russia with tours. The courtyard was angry here.

In 1901, the premiere of the famous Opera "Mermaid" took place, re-reminded of the immense talent of the author. Among the latest works of the Dvoraik, written before death, was the "Armid", which the author finished in 1904.

Personal life

In 1873, Antonin Dvarak married. His chosen was his daughter Jeweler Anna Chermakova. The personal life of the novice musician was well enough, but the material position of the spouses turned out to be asked. Children quickly appeared in the family. To ensure them, the Dvorak worked as an organist in the Church of St. Loetha.

Antonin Dvorak and his wife Anna

The money was disastrously lacked, and the composer filed a fear of scholarships for poor creative figures. The Commission collected for the consideration of the request was Brahms. To confirm the creative activities of the Dvarak, demonstrated to the judges of the 3rd and 4th symphony.

The Commission approved the provision of benefits. He was given a musician for 5 years. Financial assistance was very by the way in a difficult period, when small children of spouses died.


Antonin Dvarak died on May 1, 1904. The cause of death was hemorrhage into the brain. His grave is located in Prague on the Vigiserad cemetery. Also in the city there is a museum dedicated to the life of the composer.

Today, his name is remembered by people with musical education, but the rare man in the street recalls the Noborik, listens to the "immortal" authors. Nevertheless, the contribution of the musician in the legacy of the era is significant. His portrait is placed in various specialized publications and textbooks ..

Musical works

  • 1870 - "Alfred"
  • 1871 - "King and coil"
  • 1874 - "Stubborn"
  • 1875 - "Wanda"
  • 1877 - "Sly Peasant"
  • 1886 - Oratoria "Saint Lyudmila"
  • 1890 - "Requiem"
  • 1900 - "Mermaid"
  • 1904 - "Armid"

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