Lisa Kiseleva - Photo, biography, cause of death, missing girl



Lisa Kiseleva - Saratov schoolgirl, a tragic story in whose biography treated the whole country. The girl disappeared on the way to school. The city along with the parents of the child hoped for a happy outcome of events. However, Lisa was discovered dead in one of the garages near her house.

Childhood and family

The girl was born in Saratov in 2009. Childhood Lisa took place in a prosperous family. In 2016, the child went to the 1st grade. Then, in the subsequent year, the student of younger classes accompanied mom.

Since 2019, the junior Kiseleva began to go to an educational institution on his own. Aunt Girls in an interview noted that Lisa was already independent by 9 years, so parents decided that the daughter would cope with the campaigns to school herself.

Death and investigation

On Wednesday, October 9 at 7:30 am, the schoolgirl came out of his house number 7, located on the street high. This is the Kirov district of Saratov. Then the girl went to school number 37. The presumptive path of Lisa passed through the garage array. In the lessons, Kiselev did not appear, the cell phone did not answer.

The statement that the third grader disappeared, was submitted to the police a girl's mother. The search for the search organization "Liza Alert" was connected to the search. Volunteers printed leaflets with photos of schoolgirl and special signs and opened in Saratov. Lisa's disappearance information appeared in local and federal news, in social networks - "Instagram", "Vkontakte" and others.

Local volunteers connected to the volunteers of the detachment "Liza Alert" and the police. The search staff is located near the old airport, not far from the house of the missing. From 19 o'clock began a child's search operation. More than 100 police officers, ministry rescuers, relatives of the girl, volunteers took part in the work. Nearby streets, attics, basements of houses of the Kirov district, garages were examined.

The work was carried out in shopping centers. The versions of the disappearance of the Kiseleva - escape from the house, abduction, suicide, murder were put forward. These options are traditionally considered in the event of a disappearance of a minor. Parents of schoolgirls, relatives, classmates have been surveyed, conducted research from surveillance cameras.

The news about the disappearance of Lisa entailed not only constructive measures - in the police sites, numerous calls were made to the hot lines, in which "eyewitnesses" reported that they saw the girl in the supermarket, at the bus stop, which came to the child. However, all these statements were false.

Searches were made at night. As a result, things were found, bags with school "shift". Among such packages, the parents of Kiselevish identified and the shoes of the daughter. The bag with it was in the trash can at the bus stop near the airport. On October 10, the police began to open garages located near the girl's house. In one of them, 9-year-old Lisa was found dead. The cause of death, according to preliminary data, was the stroke.

Employees of the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case under the article "Murder of Minor", made a photorobot suspected of a crime. Criminists were sent to Saratov from Moscow to provide practical assistance in the investigation of the case. Soon the police managed to find a possible killer of the missing girl. They were Mikhail Tuvatin. A man has an outstanding conviction for rape, violent sexual action and robbery.

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News about the assassinated killer killer quickly flew away the city. Residents of Saratov, located near the location of the garages, began to surround the passing police car, in which, by their assumption, could be a criminal. People swayed the car, demanded that the police gave the killer to the people to make a self-person. Police officers needed to apply forces to deliver Tuvatin to the site.

According to preliminary data obtained from the confessions of the suspect, 2 years ago he illegally took two abandoned garages. On the morning of October 9, when Tuvatin was in the assigned construction, Lisa passed by. The girl asked if a man belongs to this garage. After frightened that the story is owned by the parents of the schoolgirl, he grabbed the child, joined the garage and killed.

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