Mila Levchuk - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Utub - Channel 2021



The name of Mila Levchuk is familiar to many Russian women who are interested in the issue of building healthy relationships. She is a popular blogger in the social network "Instagram", the author of the book "Women's dignity is the force of attraction of men", and also leads "YouTube" -canal. In her personal biography there were ups, and falls, but Mila did not fell in spirit and now helps other representatives of the wonderful sex to become worthy and feminine.

Childhood and youth

Lechukhuk Lyudmila Nikolaevna was born on April 23, 1982 in the major Soviet city of Omsk. Since childhood, the girl tried to please my parents, earn their care and attention, so he studied at school perfectly and read a lot.

After receiving incomplete secondary education, Mila entered the local pedagogical college number 4, which graduated in 2002. Successfully passing the entrance exams, the girl became a student of the modern Humanitarian Academy, where he studied until 2007. However, Levchuk never managed to work in the specialty.

Living in a civil marriage with the unemployed man, Mila loaded herself with work in 2-3 organizations to somehow secure himself and beloved. The girl seemed that she did everything right, showing herself as a patient, loyal and hardworking partner. However, the situation was heated, and Levchuk began to set up himself that it was her fate - to live in a small old apartment and independently contain a spouse all his life.

A turning point in the biography of a woman happened after she met on one of the Internet forums with a decent man named Ilya, who later became her official husband and business partner. A young man lived in Ukraine, so the first 4 months future spouses communicated at a distance. After this time, they decided to meet a meeting in reality and both have bought a ticket to St. Petersburg.

Levchuk filled out the statements about dismissal from 3 works, handed care about the apartment of the parents of his sister, gathered the suitcases, captured the cat and went to conquer the northern capital. Mila and Ilya first met at the Vitebsk Station. The guy arrived at the place already at 5 am, and the girl got to the destination on the subway.

According to Lechchuk, she counted for a large number of arrivals on Perron - she wanted to easily approach. But the station was empty, not counting the Ukrainians vamingly from his feet. Young people saw each other from afar and hurried to evaporate. They stood in such a pose about an hour, the trains came and left, and two lovers could not dismiss the hugs.

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Mila Levchuk realized that Ilya was the person who was not waiting for actions from his partner, but he did everything himself. She decided to change the life of 180 degrees when realized that the well-being and happiness of each woman more influences what a man next to her.

In 2009, the girl finally moved from Omsk to St. Petersburg. Moving was not easy for her - to settle in a big city, Mila went about six months. The future popular blogger rented a room without furniture on the ground floor, and everything that she had left at that time is pocket money, laptop and cat. Ilya at that time returned to his homeland to complete education.

Psychology and blog

Over time, the guy moved to the girl to St. Petersburg. The couple realized that it was necessary to somehow earn a living, since I did not want to survive in a small room. They decided to make a joint business associated with the creation of sites. Ilya was looking for customers, and Mila was engaged directly implemented by Internet sites. The first money earned steam spent on a journey to Egypt. The girl then first set off abroad.

3 months after the start of the activity, she hired 3 employees, and six months later there were already 10. The young businesswoman felt the main thing and was very happy about it. But she was very tired and no longer looked like a weak beautiful lady. After 6 months, the roles were changed - Mila worked in the art department, and Ilya Lechchuk oversaw projects and communicated with customers.

Levchuk was immediately embarrassed by the fact that he was now not leading to everyone. The entrepreneur began to often quarrel with her husband because he tried to demonstrate his superiority. The crisis in family life began, and the chosen began to talk about parting. This offer scared Mile, so it became interested in books and articles on relationships, to participate in webinars, attend psychologists. The knowledge gained helped her realize that she herself was to blame for the situation.

The Levchuk family drove into various apartments, and the girl began working on themselves - changed the style and move their thoughts. It helped - the spouse was looking at Mil and realized that he wanted to return a decent woman. However, she decided not to hurry the events, moved to his native city for a whole month, and the words and words of Ilya did not give up.

Then he arrived in Omsk and wrote under her window "Favorite wife, come back." Mila agreed, but acted very carefully. After that, lovers solved family problems, and their relationship became better than ever. Subsequently, this technique was called "Maslenitsa".

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Mila handed over the brethren of the board with a business husband, and herself began to spend more time on himself and relax, although it was unfamiliar to it. She realized that a strong man is looking for a weak woman, proud of them and gives a chance to demonstrate his male nature.

A year after the recovery of the family, Mila's girlfriend advised her to start playing a blog about how to get acquainted with a decent guy and build a happy future with him. At that time, the girl had a profile in "Instagram" with a minimum number of subscribers. She began to write in one post about how he saved her little family.

Initially, it was more like a hobby, which occupies the minimum amount of time. However, the number of audiences with each article began to increase, people began to demand to create thematic training. At some point, Mila Osmell and held a debut rate in online mode. Everything went successfully, and then the beginning of the blogger asked her husband to create an official website and help with the broadcast organization.

Since then, the main tasks of Levchuk are to write articles and selection of photos for them, visiting trainings, drawing up a lecture and creating videos for YouTube (Some she takes out with a popular family psychologist named Satya Das). All complex tasks are engaged in Ilya.

Personal life

All details of his personal life Mila shares with his huge audience on the Internet. She almost immediately told subscribers the news that he was waiting for a long-awaited child. Newborn daughter blogger gave the name Tamila.

The people and the news that she decided to divorce with her husband and an Ilya business assistant to the Ilya business was not covered. The reason was different life goals. Blider stated this in one of his posts laid out in June 2019.

According to Lechchuk, she never turned to surgical plastic - its beauty and slightness completely natural.

Mila Levchuk now

Now the popular blogger continues to give advice on relationships and talk about his personal news. In the spring of 2019, she took part in the "Restart" program on the TNT channel, thus discovering a new platform for promotion.

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