Olga Tokarchuk - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Nobel Prize, Books 2021



Olga Tokarchuk - the fifth writer writing in Polish, who was awarded the Nobel Prize. Among the alder compatriots laureates were the lady - Poets of Vislav Shimborsk. But the international bucker prize Tokarchuk was first from the Poles.

Childhood and youth

The writer was born in the winter of 1962 in the West Poland, in the town of Sulechow, in which 17 thousand people now live. The surname of the Nobel laureate is due to the Ukrainian roots - from the Malorus, the grandmother Olga took place on the father's line.

Girl's parents were taught in a rural People's University. The family lived in a small old castle, who remained from the Germans, - Small Motherland Tokarchuk repeatedly passed from the Poles of Germany.

Olga Tokarchuk

In 1979, Olga's stories "My Friends" and "Christmas kills Fish" published a journal for the junior "Strain". The girl hidden under the pseudonym Natasha Borodin.

In the early 80s of the 20th century, Tokarchuk studied at Warsaw University on a psychologist and worked as a volunteer in clinics for mentally ill people. Having received a diploma, the woman worked as a psychotherapist in Valzbikhe (a city previously known as Waldenburg). However, finding what more patients worries, Olga left medical practice and focused on writing.


Although in his youth, the writer was fond of poetic creativity (in 1989, the book of poems of Olga Miasta W Lustrac came out), in the further bibliography, the Tokarchuk predominates prosaic works. Writer's novels often resemble collections of stories, essays and sketches of plots. Such are the books "House Day, House Night" "Recent Stories" and "Runners".

Tokarchuk appreciates small prosaic forms and is an inspirer of the international festival of the story. In the book-essay "Doll and Pearl" Olga rethinks the works of cult for the Poles of the author Boleslav Prus.

Tokarchuk combines juicy literary language and exciting plots. "We have your own plow in the bones of the Dead" - a detective novel, in which men-hunters die, and the police ignore the version of the rural teacher, assumed that the hobby of the victims is the cause of their death. The main character of the work "E.E." Erny Elzner, living at the beginning of the 20th century, opens a gift of medium.

Olga Tokarchuk signs books to readers

At the heart of the "Book of Jacob" - the biography of the Jewish Messiah of the 18th century Yakov Frank. In the novel "The path of people of the book" Heroes, seeking a mysterious folio, fall in love with each other.

The book "Anna Ying in the Tomb of the World" was written in the framework of the international literary project "Myths". Tokarchuk combined the aesthetics Cyberpunk with Sumerian legends.

Personal life

About the personal life of the writer knows a bit. Olga Married, in 1986 the Son was born in a woman. Tokarchuk looks close to feminist and vegan. Her favorite writers - Thomas Mann, Zbignev Krushinsky, Magdalena Tully and Elias Kanetti.

A woman loves and knows how to sing, every morning begins with a cup of coffee. Tokarchuk leads courses for writing stories. In all photos, the writer appears with Dreadlocks.

Olga Tokarchuk now

In 2019, Eksmo publishes published a translation into Russian language collection of "Dicky stories", created Tokarchuk in 2018.

Writer Olga Tokarchuk

Since that year, the Committee on the award of the Nobel Prize in Literature was paralyzed by a sexually corruption scandal, in the next highest writing awards were given two writers at once: Tokarchuk - for the 2018th, and Austrian Peter Handka - for the 2019th.


  • "There are two truths - what is, and what seems to us" ("Latest Stories")
  • "Nothing treats solard, as active activity" ("Rights and other times")
  • "Sin told - released. The talked life lives not in vain. Who did not learn to speak, he trapped, "Runners")


  • 1989 - Miasta W Lustrac
  • 1993 - "The path of people of the book"
  • 1995 - "E.E."
  • 1996 - "Rights and other times"
  • 1997 - "Case" (Collection of Story "
  • 1998 - "Daily House, Night House"
  • 2000 - "Doll and Pearl"
  • 2001 - "Game on different drums"
  • 2004 - "Recent Stories"
  • 2006 - "Anna Ying in the Tomb of the World"
  • 2007 - "Runners"
  • 2009 - "His plow through the bones of the dead"
  • 2014 - "Jacob's books, or a big journey through seven borders, five languages ​​and three big religions, not counting small"
  • 2018 - "Dick Stories"

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