Alexander Svetivtsev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Maniac 2021



According to the criminals, the "Siberian Ripper" Alexander Svetills, who killed and eating from 20 to 82 people, is one of the most cruel and dangerous maniacs operating in Russia in the second half of the 1990s. The crimes committed with the help of the mother in the eyes of their sister still raise the horror of the inhabitants of Novokuznetsk, and they prefer to think that the monster would not reach the end of life from the places of detention, and in their city there will never be a similar subject.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Nikolaevich Nikolayevich's biography is connected with the Siberian city Novokuznetsk, where March 1, 1970, he was born in the usual maternity hospital, and then grew and brought up in a simple Soviet family. Since childhood, a boy who suffered from lack of weight, often sang and slept in the bed of Mother Lyudmila Yakovlevna, who cared for him and defended him from attacks often drinking an aggressive father.

Alexander Svetivtsev in youth

She did not understand that the child who made small hooliganism and the dirtyness deserved penalties, and looked through his fingers to how the son scans the walls of the entrance and shoves matches into neighboring castles. In the school, Alexander was instructed by the concerns of the older sister's hope of Spesivtsevaya, which was still doing the younger brother.

As a result, due to the lack of control, the pupil of junior classes was carried away by fascist symbolism, and together with curses in his house, images of swastika and crosses began to appear. The mother, who worked at the School of Zavorom, was regularly called into the office of the director, but she did not find conclusions from conversations. And her son felt support and gradually became absolutely uncontrollable. Friends of such a teenager, naturally, was not, and he was kotal evenings in the company of women.

Mother and sister Alexander Spesivts

At first, the family entertained the TV viewing, and when Lyudmila Yakovlevna fired from the service and she became an assistant lawyer, crime reports appeared in the house with photographs of corpses that Sasha eventually loved. Instead of fiction, the inhabitants of the Apartments of Spesivtsev read the protocols of interrogations, and then the dinner had lively conversations regarding the circumstances and methods of bloody murders.

This process forced a teenager to experience strange sensations, caused nervous disorders and the first hit in a psychiatric hospital, followed by a special accounting. As a result, Alexander could not receive full formation, and their relatives were seriously disturbed by the future of a physically unattractive and mentally unhappy young man.

Personal life

Despite repulsive appearance, Sudobu and untidiness, in 1991, Alexander managed to get acquainted with the girl Evgenia Guselnikova, who was only 17 years old by that time.

Natives hoped that the personal life of Spesivsi would suit, and moved the apartment with Novokuznetsk, giving the living space with young. Hopefully As Sasha's in love gave bouquets and read the poems with a gullible girlfriend, and then, because of the trifling, it suddenly came into rage and severely beat her.

So the novel, who at first glance could lead to a wedding, stopped, and crimes began to occur in the Siberian city, and the story with Evgenia showed the true essence of Spesivsev and entered the textbooks of forensics as a cruel and meaningless bloody terror.


For the month, Alexander was mocked over the first victim of Evgenia Guselnikova, exposing her beatings left on the body bloody traces. Parents of a young girl who knew that their daughter lives in an apartment with her beloved, at first did not worry and appealed to the police, only when 4 weeks did not receive Westa from her.

Alexander Svetivtsev on the day of arrest

Investigators who came to the specksell, could not get into the room for a long time and, only hacking the door, discovered the sacrifice, unconsciously lying on the sofa in a pile of rags. The girl was sent to the Central Hospital, where she soon died from Sepsis, which was due to numerous wounds. The tormentover was detained, but he did not admit to the History and dumped the guilt on the neighbors on the entrance.

Such behavior played to Alexander, who in 1992, with a diagnosis of schizophrenia, sent to a psychiatric hospital, located in the village of Kishkinka a few kilometers from the city of Eagle. During the 3-year insulation, the criminal was regularly subjected to physical humiliation, and he, having received the inflammation of the penis, broke off at all other than relatives.

Therefore, after discharge, no marks have been made, the specks returned to their homeland, opened the hunt for residents of Novokuznetsk, and in early 1996, 2 girls aged 20-25 years became his new victims. After rape, beatings and murders, Alexander broke the corpses, and the mother, who unexpectedly became a reported, helped to bury the remains at home on the wasteland.

Another time, part of the teenagers of Paul and Konstantin, who fell into the den of the criminal under the pretext of the robbery of the apartment, Lyudmila Yakovlevna plunged into the garbage bucket and late in the evening he sent to the Ababa River. And after a very short period of time, the same fate suffered 2 girls who barely turned 12 and 14 years old.

With each murder, the mental disorder of Spesivsev progressed, and he began to feed the remains of the victims of the diving dog, and then tried to prepare human meat and ate some pieces of himself.

Serial killer Alexander Svetivtsev

In June 1996, a man, a woman and two minor children disappeared in the apartment of Manyak and Goddded, and a young girl named Natalia was raped there and severely killed.

Another three girls of adolescence in the den of Novokuznetsky Monster lured his mother, and Alexander immediately stabbed the trying to escape Nastya, and her friends were tortured during the month. Before death, they had to dismantle and eat a prepared corpse.

And although all these horrors occurred in an apartment building, the neighbors, hearing shouts and moans, did not cause the police, as they thought that the sounds made unbalanced tenants. As a result, Cannibal remained unpunished and made a huge number of crimes.

Investigation and verdict

Investigation of the terrible murders performed by Spesivtsev began after the coast of the Siberian Abya River found the remains of corpses belonging to children aged 9 to 14 years. Experts could not establish the individuals of all those killed, but they realized that the maniac was played in the city.

First of all, law enforcement agencies checked those who used to serve the punishment in prison or psychiatric hospital, but Alexander was not in this list because of a rush from the discharge and negligence of doctors.

The responsibility of the serial killer was able to attract a net minimity after the utility officers came to an apartment with a check, and a man refused to open the door to the mental disorder and refused to open the door.

As a result, with the help of precinct controllers penetrated into a suspicious premise, and their eyes opened a terrifying picture, which consisted of the tested and chained handcuffs of girls and pieces of dismembered and scattered along the corridor. According to the evidence of the bare victim, which was 14-year-old Olga Galtseva, the offender ran through the window to the roof, but after a couple of days it was able to find it.

Alexander Svetivtsev in the SIZO

At the interrogation of the specks, he admitted 19 murders, but then, referring to the damaged reason, refused his own words. However, the court recognized the maniac samented and sentenced him to imprisonment as much as possible. Shortly before the final verdict, Alexander repeatedly passed a psychiatric examination. The opinion of doctors from the Research Center named after V. P. Serbsky changed the measure of restraint and determined Novokuznetsky monster in the hospital near Volgograd.

The Mother of the Criminal was also brought to justice for the complicity and received 13 years of conclusion, despite the fact that lawyers persuaded the jury to endure an exclusive sentence.

Alexander Svetivtsev now

Since the cannibal and killer, Alexander Spesivtsev admitted insane and sent for compulsory treatment, it is located in a special psychiatric hospital in the Volgograd region, in the village of Dvorasky. And his mother and sister came to freedom and sister now live in a small village at the city of Osinniki.

Lyudmila Yakovlevna several times visited the Son in a specialized institution and by 2019 filed a few stages of transformation into outpatient accounting.


  • 1991 - Evgenia Guselnikova (1975 R.)
  • 1996 - Trunova Elena (1975 R.)
  • 1996 - Cotkin Elena (1974 R.)
  • 1996 - Nosovets Alexander (1986 R.)
  • 1996 - Olga Nosovets (1985 p.)
  • 1996 - Vorobiev Dmitry (1984 R.)
  • 1996 - Vorobyva Irina (1982 R.)
  • 1996 - Sachkov Elena (1983 r.)
  • 1996 - Winov Natalia (1977 p.)
  • 1996 - Shatalina Galina (1984 R.)
  • 1996 - Tsvetaeva Olga (1984 R.)
  • 1996 - Bournaeva Anastasia (1983 r.)
  • 1996 - Barashkin Evgenia (1983 r.)
  • 1996 - Galtseva Olga (1981 p.)

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