Year of Nisanov - Biography of businessman, photo, personal life, News 2019 2021



One of the most famous Russian businessmen, the most successful rank of the country. For many years, the co-owner and the head of the Kiev Square Group of Companies, also holds the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors of Joint-Stock Company Olympic ".

Russian businessman year Semenovich Nisanov

In 2014, he was appointed vice-president of the century - the World Jewish Congress, becoming the first in history to the Gorso Jew in the management part of the organization.

According to Forbes magazine in 2019, he took the 34th position in the list of richest entrepreneurs of Russia (the best of its result is the 25th place in 2015), and together with a compatonon Zarakh Imev confidently leads in the ranking of "Russian real estate kings".

Childhood and youth

Grew in a full large family - along with him parents raised her older brother and two sisters. The native village, referred to as Gasaba Gusaba, has a rich history and, despite a modest number, quite widely known. The population is predominantly by the skilled Jews, from here the old established traditions, which residents strictly adhere to.

For the same reason, the boy's upbringing took place canonically - in love, but without sending, which made the Year of Nisanov very responsible, intelligent and warning person.

After graduating from school, he entered the Baku financial and credit technician, where the specialty "Lending and Jurisprudence in Social Security System" was studied, followed by the Assignment in 1990, the lawyer's qualifications.

Carier start

Nisanov began the implementation of his bold ambitions in early junior, combining work in the social security service and assistance at the Father's enterprise - the Cuban Canning Plant. Having received enough experience there, I tried myself in business - discovered my own small commission store. Success gave confidence with a young man, and to continue his career, he decided to leave his native land and go to Moscow.

In the capital from the first days, he works a lot and fruitfully, studying the specifics of working in the areas of trade and real estate, and in 1992 his path intersects with a countryman and a comrade Zhavyev. Together they organize a joint business oriented mainly to the development, within which several projects have successfully implemented.

One of the ships of flotilla

Under the guidance of companions, the Kiev Square Group of Companies becomes a serious and influential player of the real estate market. To date, the holding is listed at the top of the list of "200 largest private companies in Russia." According to Forbes, the organization's income is about $ 1.5 billion, and the number of employees has already exceeded 25 thousand people.

The main directions of specialization of the Kiev Square are the development, hotel and restaurant business, but successful projects are increasingly implemented in other areas. The most famous are listed below.

Hotel business

Here the Nisanov team definitely sets the rhythm for all metropolitan hoteliers. They first respond to changing trends, follow demand and carefully analyze the needs of the audience. So, for example, in recent years, a lot of attention is paid to the business space: Business tourists and organizers of international forums, conferences and other activities appreciated the possibilities that provides, for example, a business cluster of the Radisson Slavyanskaya Hotel & Business Center and other businessmen organized by a businessman .

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In addition to "Slavic", in the asset "Kievskaya Square" included:

  • Radisson Collection, Moscow - the former Hotel "Ukraine" in the building of the Stalinist high-rise in Kutuzovsky Avenue, renovated, the event, who acquired a new concept and received the world name and recognition. By the way, the equally well known for Muscovites and the guests of the capital of Flotilla Radisson are the property of the hotel and also the Nisanov and Ivaiv project;
  • "Charger" is a unique multifunctional hotel complex, which, thanks to the conscientious attitude of the developer to the architectural component, will become an organic continuation of the eponymous park. The phased discovery is scheduled for 2021 and 2023;
  • "Housebook". Already having first-class luxury hotels in the asset, Nisanov decided to refer to another price segment more accessible to the wide audience. Thus, soon in the "House-book" at the address Novy Arbat, the house 21 will appear an office and a hotel complex with a good room foundation, an attractive price list and demanded proposals for the business community.

Gastronomic boom

If we reincarnate the established expression about the path to the heart of a man, then you can formulate the principle of choosing another direction of the business of the year Semenovich as "the way to success lies through the stomach."

Each project associated with the provision of Muscovites foods was crowned with a recognized success, and the concepts of many of them will be replicated.


Among the latter can be allocated:

  • "Food City". The year of Nisanov spoke to the developer of the agri-food cluster, located at the Kaluga highway in Moscow. Thanks to a special organization and quality control here, procurement is happening almost a third of food for agricultural origin for the capital;
  • Retrorentor "East", fully resistant in the spirit of the USSR. His roof is nothing more than the observation deck of the Park "Charger" in Red Square. Next to it, a gastronomic center is located, where visitors are introduced to the kitchens of the people of the world, he is also managed by Kyiv Square;
  • "Depot" - the largest in Europe of the gastronomic quarter of businessmen discovered in the world's restored unique architectural complex of the Mius Trolleybus Park (tram depot). Restaurant corers, cafes, shops, shops, recreational areas, musical and sports halls - real gastrogen as part of a large city.

Shopping centers

Open a long time or launched recently - all Nisanov and Ivava shopping centers enjoy amazing popularity. Perhaps this is due to the mandatory distinctive feature of each of the objects that are trying to endow their authors.

For example, "European" - world vice champion in the total daily number of visitors, boasts an unusual musical fountain outdoors. And in the automotive shopping center "Moscow" spins "Garland" from the present machines, the patent for the invention of which belongs to the infection of orev.

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Surely all Muscovites for hearing the names of these centers:

  • "Grand" is the largest furniture trading house in Europe, where flagship salons of leading manufacturers are located, and interactive and entertainment thematic measures are held regularly;
  • "European" - a modern shopping and entertainment center from the Kiev Station, built using advanced technologies and unique design;
  • "Panorama" - a shopping center, built on the zero zero, with a playground for children;
  • "Moscow" - a trading autocentre, where not only new and slightly used cars are presented, but an exhibition of retro factors with rather rare exhibits is also organized;
  • "Electronic Paradise" is still a popular shopping center, which sell household appliances and electronics.

All of them are the result of professional activities and responsible decisions of Nisanov of the Year and his team.

Transport artery

Separately, in the list of socially significant projects, Nisanov and Iliva are those associated with transport. Among such objects, for example:
  • The South Gate - the bus station serves routes in more than 30 directions, hundreds of flights daily, along with this providing passengers a wide range of additional services;
  • Shchelkovsky bus station - "Kievskaya Square" organized the capital reconstruction of the station outdated in all senses, after which the Multifunctional transport and transformation unit "Shchelkovsky" includes an updated bus station, retail space, restaurants, a cinema and other useful infrastructure;
  • The Nagatinskaya TPU is the right to develop and implement the plan for the construction of this large transport and transplant assembly and the accompanying infrastructure, Nisanova received as a result of victory at the open competition of the Moscow Government. Work is underway and now.

Other projects of the year Nisanov

Some other iconic projects implemented by a businessman in collaboration with Zaum Eliov remained unpaid and some other iconic projects. In particular, the Center for Oceanography and Marine Biology "Moskvarum" - Recordsman on scale among European analogues, Vorobyevsky business center.

In addition to realized and implemented designs, a businessman has a lot of fresh ideas. The plans, for example, the creation of office cake in the area of ​​the area of ​​three stations, the Organization of the Technopark and the Entertainment Complex Ferrari World, the construction of the New Year in the trade complex "The Left Bank" is already the second - Agroclasster "Food City - 2".


Semenovich Nisanov is a permanent participant in charitable programs, providing material assistance to both personally from himself and on behalf of the Kyiv Square Group of Companies. It is known that the support of the businessman received the art enterprise "Sofrino", Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov, Russian Military Historical Society, Petrovskaya Academy of Sciences and Arts, Sports Society "Dynamo", National Medical Chamber.

The Certificate of Honor of the President of the Russian Federation received Zhisanov for the contribution to the restoration and restoration of the Nikolsky Maritime Cathedral in Kronstadt.

The year of Nisanov and Zamheev sponsors were sponsored by the construction of a new sports complex on the territory of St. Petersburg State Sea Technical University. Among the charitable foundations with which Nisanov cooperates - "Life Life", "Give Life", "Paper Zhuravlik", "The Edge of Good", "Hurry to do good!" Oksana Fedorova.

Developer Year of Nisanov

A lot of attention is paid to the businessman and the development of the native land - the city of Cuba, the village of Red Sloboda. With his immediate participation, a religious college and the Center for the Study of the Torah were discovered there, the carcogging synagogue was renovated, where the work on the creation of the world's first Museum of Mountain Jews is being completed.

Also, a former employee of the Cuban Canning Plant financed its full modernization and replacement of the dilapidated equipment to modern. Thanks to these investments, the company not only reached a new production level, but also could invite more than 200 people to jobs.

He also actively supports Jewish educational programs in Moscow, promoted the foundation in the capital of the Jewish school "Header Menachem".

Personal life

Semenovich's year is married, together with his wife, raises three sons and daughter. Heirs, like many other relatives, actively attracts to matters, but the way to leadership positions are underway on equal terms with the rest of the employees. It is likely that the "Kievskaya Square" will become another rare historical example of a successful family-owned company.

He is interested in sports, especially horse riding and diving, owns six languages.


Nisanov, Semenovich was repeatedly presented to awards, including state. Among them is the Order of the Friendship of the Russian Federation, the Order "For the Fatherland Service" of the 3rd degree of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Medal "Tereggy" for the help of compatriots and many other medals, premiums, diplomas, diplomas and certificates.

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