Robert Forster - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Films



Cult American actor, pets Tarantino and Lynch, starred in a dozen kinobestsellers, nominee for Oscar. Robert Forster left this world in 2019, but remained forever in the hearts of millions of fans. A man with the highest IQ, adopted in the Society of Triple Nine, left after herself a bright mark in cinema and became an example to imitate young colleagues.

Childhood and youth

The future artist was born in the summer of 1941 in American Rochester. About the creative spark that broke out in the Son, the parents learned early: the boy began to sing, play and dance, barely learned to walk and dissuade the words. The development of artistic talents affected the atmosphere in the house: the head of the family trained elephants.

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When Robert turned 8, the parents parted, but this circumstance could not change the boy's hobbies. Forster junior All free time from lessons dedicated vocals and choreography, which he studied in a school circle. In high school, he went to theatrical layouts. Robert's support did not feel support from Parents: Father and mother considered the actor of Blameny and insisted on the "serious" profession.

After graduating from school in 1959, the guy entered the university where he received a degree of bachelor's psychology. The knowledge of the rules of behavior and the characteristics of the human psyche was really useful, but in another area: he went to the scene of the Eastern Rochester theater.


The cinematic biography of the Hollywood Star began in 1967. In his youth, Robert Forster began, as well as hundreds of colleagues, having gone on the first turned back to the work closer to the "Dream factory" - on the 20th Century Fox film studio. He was taken by workers.

Fortunately, a talented and, judging by the early photo, a charismatic guy quickly noticed and gave the role of ordinary Williams in the thriller "glare in a gold eye". On the set schedule, Robert met with Hollywood idols Marlon Brando and Elizabeth Taylor. But the brilliant start of the film engineers fell pause. The next picture in the actor filmography appeared 2 years later, in 1969.

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Minor roles in low-budget ribbons did not bring a fisther popularity. Everything has changed in 1977, when he was called on a major role in the dramatic detective "Cascade". After the premiere, a 36-year-old actor turned into a star. In the Soviet Union, a two-hour film looked without a small 42 million viewers.

He managed to fix in Hollywood in the early 1980s. A fighter "Black Hole", horror "Alligator" and fantastic tape "Waiting" Goliath "came to the screens. In 1986, the premiere of the militant with elements of the thriller "Delta" detachment ", in which Chuck Norris was played by key characters and Lee Marvin. The project had a loud cash success. The actor brought a great fame of the BANKER triller, where the Forstor took the major role.

The taste of real glory Robert Forster felt in 1997. Quentin tape Tarantino "Jackie Brown" returned the American on the cinema movie. On the screens, he appeared in the star company Robert De Niro and Michael Kiton. Forestra Work in the criminal drama brought a nomination to Oscar and second breathing.

Again, the star, David Lynch, drew attention to David Lynch, who looked after the actor to the role of the Harry McNight detective in the Malkolland Drive thriller. Forster met on filming with Naomi Watts, Justin Tera and Ann Miller, involved in the project. In the 2000s, the artist was pleased with the fans of the works in the series "Alcatras", "in all serious" and "Twin Pix".

Personal life

For the first time the actor married, being a student. With Jun Provenzano, the first spouse, he met at the university. Together the couple lived for 9 years. The first wife gave birth to the forster of three children - daughters Maegen, Kate and Elizabeth.

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The second marriage also did not bring happiness to Robert's personal life: he lived for 2 years with his wife named Civia.

The star had an extramarital son, which appeared in the mid-1960s. He also carries the name Robert Forster.


The cause of the death of a 78-year-old actor was the brain cancer. The sad news that the idol died, Forster fans learned on October 11, 2019. He died in his house in Los Angeles, without looking at the last ribbon with his participation, which the audience expected from 2013, when the show was completed by the show "in all serious".

The premiere of continuation of Neauzterna took place on the day of the death of the star. Wince Gilligan's series started on the Netflix platform. In a wide rental film came out at the end of October.


  • 1967 - "Golden glare"
  • 1977 - "Cascaders"
  • 1979 - "Black Hole"
  • 1980 - "Alligator"
  • 1986 - "Delta" detachment "
  • 1989 - "Banker"
  • 1997 - "Jackie Brown"
  • 2001 - "Malllhand Drive"
  • 2002 - "Like Mike"
  • 2007 - "War of Dinosaurs"
  • 2012 - Alcatrace
  • 2013 - "In all serious"
  • 2016 - "Fall of London"
  • 2017 - Twin Pix
  • 2018 - "What did they have"
  • 2019 - "Path. Breaking Bad. Movie"

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