Sultan Kesen - photo, biography, personal life, news, the highest person 2021



The highest person in the world of Sultan Kösen made a pituitary tumor. Ironically, the disease turned the usual person in the star and "introduced" his name to the Guinness Book of Records. Above Kösen was only an American Robert Wordlo, but he died in 1940.

Childhood and youth

The Turkish Gulliver was born at the end of 1982 in the city of Mardin, which is in the south-east of the country. His biography did not differ from millions of ordinary fellow citizens. Sultan was brought up in a farm family with an average intraction, where, besides him, four more children were adjusted. Kesen brothers and sisters, like parents, did not differ height. Up to 10 years old and Sultan was an ordinary boy, not higher and not lower than peers.

Everything has changed the disease. Doctors were diagnosed with a teenager acromegaly (pituitary tumor). Soon Kiesen overtook in the growth of peers, and then high school students. The boy used the filled "advantage" to play basketball, but not long: bouncing to get the ball to the basket, it turned out to be superfluous.

Follow the school, the guy either could not: move it becoming more and more difficult, and the treatment took time. Doctors from Virginia University tried to stop the growth of a young man and in 2008 even delighted parents that the disease managed to win. But remission was temporary.

Kosen's growth in 2011 reached 2.51 m and stopped at this record mark: Radio treatment and hormone controls have occurred. Now it is the same as weighing 137 kg. In the spring of 2012, the doctors confirmed that Sultan will no longer strive up, but also this height was enough to help the spine to take help: Kösen moves with a wand.

A man is experiencing a lot of inconvenience. Standard ceilings 2.5 m for it are low, riding a car also does not bring pleasure, because you have to bend twice. Buying clothes is impossible - trousers long and a half meters in the store not found.

However, there is in the life of Sultan Kösen and pleasure: he adores listening to music and watch good films. And also plays computer games and communicates with subscribers in "Instagram", which registered in January 2018. Here a man places fresh photos and is divided by news. Sultan is joking that he loves to look at the surrounding coughing and without problems, blurred bulbs or hangs curtains, without becoming on the chair.


Illness and huge growth prevented Kesen to finish school and get an education. He has no profession, but Sultan since childhood is accustomed to parents to work on earth and with pets. Therefore, farm labor initially was the only source of income.
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Fame, which fell on the "Turkish Gullivier" after fixing a record growth in the Guinness Book of Records, opened Kösene the door to the world show business. Gigaters are often invited to various TV projects, for participating in which he receives a fee.

Personal life

Gain growth did not prevent Sultan Kesen to arrange a personal life. At first, the girls fleeing the giant, trying to meet. But after his name was introduced into the Guinness Book of Records, the bride lined up.

Sultan Kesen and his wife Merve

In the fall of 2013, Kösen appeared a wife. A 20-year-old citizen of Syria Merve Dobo was not afraid of the difference in growth and age and agreed to marry. The girl is almost two times lower than the Sultan, but it is not an obstacle for happiness.

For a celebration in Mardin, there were 3 thousand guests from both Turkey and neighboring Syria and from far abroad.

Sultan Kösen now

Turkish Giant loves to travel. In June, I visited Thailand, and in August 2019, pictures made in Los Angeles appeared in His "Instagram". At them, Sultan in the society of children who are crazy about the "real Gulliera", as if came out of the fairy tale.

Now Kösen lives in his native Turkish mardine and willingly agree to shoot in television shows and shows that have become a permanent profits for the family budget.

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