Elizabeth Anhovskaya - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "Plan B" 2021



Elizabeth Ankhovskaya - the real "Turgenev Baryshnya" of modernity. Unlike media beauties, abusing plastic, "Miss Yekaterinburg - 2016" retains natural beauty, engaged in charity, restores icons. The girl became a member of the new project "Plan B".

Childhood and youth

Ankhovskaya was born on March 2, 1998 in Asbesta. Father Lisa is a military man, but the girl was not brought up in rigor. Besides her, in the family two more children - Alexander's brother and sister Milan. From the young age of Elizabeth demonstrated artistry and musicality. Since 2005, parents have given the daughter in the Yekaterinburg club of ballroom dance "Ovation", where the girl was engaged in 2008. The future model participated in regional dance competitions, took prizes.

In parallel with the dancing Anichovskaya since 2007 he studied at the Asbestos Art School. Painting turned out to be close to the girl, and, after graduating from high school, she became a student of the art school. Shchara in Yekaterinburg. Lisa chose the specialty "Restoration of Icons". Such a decision, the young artist explained in an interview.

It turned out that a few years before admission to the school, the girl was with her mother in the old temple. Admiring the remnants of the former picturesque beauty, Elizabeth made a desire to become a restorer in the future to preserve magnificent examples of antique art. When it became known that the school has a set on this specialty, the entry asked the sign of fate.

In 2016, an important event occurred in the girl's biography - participation in the Miss Ekaterinburg - 2016 competition. Among the finalist Lisa was the best. Gentle, natural beauty, education and talent conquered the judicial team. The victory became unexpected for a girl who was not accustomed to publicity. Soon, Elizabeth had the first job, however, on a volunteer principle.

The winner of the competition invited the head of Yekaterinburg Evgeny Roizman as an assistant. In the local press appeared articles with photos, covering the first working day of Anhovskaya in the reception center. Lisa repeatedly reported that the decision of social problems, assistance in need, care for the disabled people is close.

After the contest, the mayor's assistant received a proposal to try the forces on Miss Russia, in which Ekaterinburg represented Elizabeth in 2017. The model was among the 20 best participants in the competitive program, but did not turn out to be among the winners. To the increased attention of the press in relation to his Person Elizabeth reacted calmly. The girl, returning to Yekaterinburg, continued his classes in the School of Painting, engaged in creating handmade products.

Personal life

Elizabeth does not reveal the press details of his personal life. It is known that in Yekaterinburg, beauty met with the boxer Mikhail Osintsev.

The model has already tried on the status of the bride, but young people decided to part. Reasons are unknown. Now the heart of the girl is free.

Elizabeth Ankhovskaya now

In the summer of 2019, Ankhovsky moved to St. Petersburg and entered the Academy. A. L. Stiglitsa. A student chose the faculty of restoration of oil painting. In "Instagram" it places many pictures with the majestic views of the city on the Neva.

Alsisabeth also passed the casting to the new show "Plan B", which started on TV channel TNT. In this project, the girl fights for the heart of the popular Bachelor of Timur Batrutdinov. Lisa has a high chance to get around the rivals - an excellent appearance, an increase of 171 cm, a small weight, readiness and good manners.

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