Grushnitsky- biography, appearance, duel, heroes, photos, comparative characteristics


Character History

The work of Mikhail Yurevich Lermontov "The Hero of Our Time" is the classic of Russian literature. Critics recognized the serious role of the writings, conducting its analysis, comparing the images and the characters of the main actors. In his own way, the revolutionary, it gave the public the opportunity to get acquainted with the new type of hero, unknown before that time. They were Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin. The rest of the characters make it up, allowing you to better see the role of Pechorina in the novel, detecting the goal of the Hero's life against the background of what is happening around the events.

History of creation

Writer Mikhail Lermontov

The novel "Hero of our time" is recognized as a new phenomenon in the literature of the 19th century and provokes a mass of discussions among literary critics. Over time, the plot described in the work does not lose relevance, demonstrating the specifics of the generation to which Pechorin belongs.

The first half of the 19th century is rich in events. The book describes the reaction of the people to the uprising of the Decembrists of 1825 and its suppression.

The author describes the character who has advanced thoughts. Due to the fact that it does not correspond to the time, he is everywhere not to the place, although it has talents. Lermontov outlines a complex position in the book, in which people with alive and mobile consciousness were. They are oppressed by doubts and disbelief, and morality, traditional for generation of their fathers, rejected and popran. Moral norms and values ​​demanded a revision, so Pechorin represented the sufferers of its generation. People of his age can apply accumulated personal resources.

Decembrist uprising (1825)

Lermontov portrayed reality using new means of artistic expressiveness. The usual confrontation of the hero and its antipode in the novel is presented due to Pechorin and Grushnitsky. The characteristics of these heroes make it possible to fully appreciate the social features of the younger generation of that time. Disclosure of one character through others and became the main tool of Lermontov in the work.

"Hero of our time"

Grushnitsky (Actor Leonid Gubanov)

The Grushnitsky first appears on the pages of the novel in chapter called "Princess Mary". Its appearance is attractive and makes it possible to make an assumption about the young age of the hero. He was dark, high, dark-haired and has a neat fashionable mustache doing it older. The soldier sinel gives the image of the hero romantic delete. At the same time, he became a soldier and lost the title due to a duel.

The characteristic of the image is impressive reader. This is a selfish narcissistic man who loving a visor with a pair of French replicas, unable to listen to the interlocutor. It is nice to realize that such a Mask is churchingly chosen consciously. In reality, he is different: a cute and cute man, not at all.


The negative perception of Pechorin is formed by the fact that the cause of the duel turns out to be trifling. So wished him pleasures. The petties of the reasons for the tightness understands even the second of Pechorin - Werner. Peaceful Pearshnitsky was not averse to reconciliation, but friends prevented to do it. He is cowardly and nervous. During the duel, a man demonstrates fear of murder. He can't kill a person.

The colleague of the main hero, the pears, along with the peopling, turns out to be on the waters. Grushnitsky duplicates the characteristics of his opponent. The only drawback: he is not lucky with women. The hero sees her similarity with the peopling and perceives him as an opponent. The hunt for the ladies hearts is also often reminded by the behavior of the prototype of the Grushnitsky. This causes discontent from the man.

Grushnitsky and Princess Mary

The hero can not be called a definitely negative or positive hero, because its character is cleaner, but abounds with the tenders to the vices. Sincerity makes him honor. Attitude towards women at the hero is positive. It seems to be a brave person and creates a faithful image according to the situation. He wants to raise and loses the individuality in the desire to play the chosen role.

Grushnitsky is too self-confident. It greatly prevents him in the struggle for the love of Princess Mary. The girl does not choose him, and in retaliation he is ready to dissolve rumors and gossip. He is trying to substitute Pechorin on a duel - puts the gun without charge.

Comparative characteristic of Pechorin and Grushnitsky

The difference between the two bright images in the "Hero of our time" novel is viewed by the naked eye. But between them, as if there are no differences in the matter of nobility. Grushnitsky and Pechorin are similar in that both play people living in feelings. Both sinners.

Art for the work of Lermontov -

Grucnitsky loved the princess Mary, and Pechorin enjoyed it to avenge the opponent. Self-confidence and the lack of thoughts about the future overwhelm the soul of Hushnitsky. Juncker is jealous and indignant, seeing in the actions of Pechorin an attempt to prick him and bypass.

Differences between Pechorin and Grushnitsky are noticeable from the first meeting. Pechorin is accurate and looks nice. Aristocrat, he does not have a serious relationship in friendship. The audacity and mysteriousness are combined in the appearance. Such traits are easily fascinated by the representatives of the beautiful floor. Unlike Pechorina, the pearshnitsky comes from a simple family without much prosperity. The guy wanted to get out of people and earn a better stake. He is looked at the work of the impression, loves to look spectacular and please the ladies.

Pechorin is confident and judged, disassembled in people, demonstrates analytical abilities, cynicity and tendency to manipulate from idleness, for fun. Pereshnitsky, in turn, does not notice manipulations, although not stupid. Romantic, he is always in a raised mood, used to dramatize and exaggerate. He loves to think that is a sufferer and man disappointed in life.

Illustration to the novel

Although the heroes have different biographies, they are like two sides of one soul. Pechorin does not at the bottom. He is real, although his nature is contradictory and difficult. Grucnitsky is a small man and self-leencing malice and hatred. Between "be" and "seem" he chooses the second option.

The relationship of heroes with society is also different. Pechorin was disappointed in the ideals of the outgoing, but could not find or come up with an alternative. He is unconscious and useless. Loneliness, fatigue and apathy are progressing against the background of such thoughts. The hero is opposed to society and the metropolitan aristocracy. He notices other eyelids.

Grucnitsky loves life and prefers a romance to be sad. Therefore, a man is in demand among young people. He did not gain the positive features of Pechorin, so he became a caricature on a large-scale image. Thanks to the pears, the depth of the character of Pechorin is revealed.


The novel "The hero of our time" was repeatedly shielded. In 1927, the director Vladimir Barsky took films on three separate chapters: "Princess Mary", "Bal", "Maxim Maximych". It was a black and white cinema that displays the events described in the work. Georgy Davitashvili played the role of Grushnitsky.

In 1955, Isidore Annene took a feature film "Princess Mary." The role of Grushnitsky performed Leonid Gubanov.

Andrey Mironov in the image of the Grushnitsky

Anatoly Efros returned to the work in 1975. The director set the film-performance "Pages of Pechorin magazine" based on the novel. In the role of Grushnitsky - Andrei Mironov.

Alexander Cott in 2006 invited to work on the work of the Yuri Kolokolnikov's multisero project, and Roman Khrushch in 2011 in the Pechistan ribbon removed Ilya Shcherbinin.

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