Nastya Gold - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "House-2" 2021



Closer to the end of October 2019 in the "Instagram" of the bright participants of the scandalous reality "House-2" Nastya Gold appeared video, on which Ilya Yabbarov, presenting her ring. To make clarity in what is happening, it supplied a publication by a multi-public comment, allegedly this jewelry meant an ambulance wedding, but for now only the beginning of new relations - young people officially declared themselves a couple.

Childhood and youth

Despite the fact that Nastya often faced the attention of the viewers, about her personal and family biography is not so much information. Except that the girl was born in the ninth June day of 1996 in Sochi. The average and perhaps the Higher Education she got there. But there is no additional information, it is not known even how its real name sounds.

At the beginning of the summer of 2019, the stormy discussions on the show "Borodin against Buzova" caused the fact that the striptease was supposed to come to the project and did not hesitate to undress before the public. However, she hurried to calm down and "house-2", and the growing army of fans:

"I was not engaged in striptease. I say it confidently and I will not give up my words. Yes, I worked in a karaoke club with elements of a striptease about a year, but was there a manager. Did not dance, did not do it, did not earn. I was the most ordinary manager, it is easy to check. "

Also, the girl quite succeeded in the model business, participated in all sorts of promotional photo shoots, which was promoted by good external data (according to one data, an increase of 175 cm at a weight of 55 kg), to which the plastic surgeon was clearly attached.

Personal life

Behind the perimeter, Gold tried to establish a personal life, she was associated with serious relationships with an unknown man, which ended in the reason for the infidelity of the latter. After what happened, she decided to try happiness on "House-2".

"House 2"

The first appearance of the girl on the project, where the lonely hearts are looking for each other, took place in the penultimate day of April 2019 at the persistent invitation of Valery Bloosherman. With a young man acquaintance occurred through a mobile application.

On the day of the arrival of the four new, Olga Orlova met, but in the end, only Nastya and athlete Vlad Plaksun remained on the show. On the self-sustaining Gold reported that in its plans - to overshadow the long-haired Olga Rapunzel.

On TV Tattoo Tattooed and Pierced Beauty liked many guys. First, Artem Soroka dedicated poems, filled with flowers and not tired of making romantic surprises, but at the same time could ignore it on tour. Inattention to himself, she could not forgive and put a point in the starting relationship.

Then, Sergey Zakharyash came under the charm and spells of the participants, Gold was even called the deliberate who chopped his beloved from Alexandra Ulyantseva. But happiness in someone else's grief turned out to be short-lived - Belarusian switched to other representatives of the opposite sex, and the former rivals became almost close friends.

As a result, Anastasia gave the chance to Ilya Yabbarov, whom she "sewed" a couple of times. With all the seeming brittleness, the participant for the word in his pocket did not climb - in his own example, Mondezir Light-Amur in September of the same year was convinced of this.

Nastya Gold Now

Back in mid-September 2019, Anastasia convinced himself and himself, that she would not come out with Ilya Yabbarov, the maximum is friendship, which does not develop anything serious.

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But after a month she decided to surrender to the mercy of the winner, allowing a man to get closer. And he did not lose time for nothing and, as already mentioned, he was presented by the ring. The wedding took place in September 2020.

Favorite news from life Favorites Fans can thanks to the social network "Instagram", as well as just enjoy its photos in all sorts of outfits and swimsuits.

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