Igor Rusanov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "House-2" 2021



Igor Rusanov is a bright member of the popular TV show "Dom-2". With the arrival of the love of love, the young man added a project of entertainment and increased the number of permanent spectators due to the external appeal. Nature endowed a guy with high height of 177 cm, beautiful and courageous features of the face.

Childhood and youth

Rusanov was born on April 2, 1992 in the city of Dnepropetrovsk. From childhood, the boy was distinguished by reality and creativity. After graduating from high school, the young man decided to go to the army. After serving the last time, Igor preferred not to enter the university, and find a job. In his native Dnepropetrovsk, the guy worked for some time in the publication.

Then I decided to drastically change the location and moved to St. Petersburg. Experience and knowledge gained at work in the restaurant service were useful for a young man in a new place. In the biography of the guest of the northern capital, an important event occurred - Igor opened a small café in St. Petersburg, which became the first business of Rusanov.

"House 2"

Before joining the project, the guy had a relationship, but the couple broke up. Deciding that there is nothing to lose, the young man tried to pass the casting on telestroy. In front of the participants of the "House-2" Igor appeared on April 8, 2019. Together with the Ukrainian, five applicants participated in the selection. A businessman managed to immediately arrange the "stars" of the program, proved that it was he who is worthy to stay on the court.

The permanent participants in the construction of Love Rusanov said that he came to compete at the heart of Victoria Golotovoy. It turned out that young people met before the project, corresponded to social networks and even met at the airport of St. Petersburg when the girl flew there on business. By the time of the coming of a businessman on Shaw Victoria was married.

This fact was not at all embarrassed by a new participant, especially since the lady of his heart was going to divorce his spouse. However, the pair was not destined to build love - a week after the guy's arrival at Telestroyku, Victoria left the perimeter. Igor decided to build a serious relationship, so he was forced to pay attention to other girls "House-2".

Soon, a young man penetrated sympathy to Julia Shcheglova. The guy and the girl made a harmonious pair that was liked permanent project fans. In "Instagram" Igor posted a lot of photos from the beloved - participants looked at them happy and carefree. Added a romantic fler. The exotic place in which the summer season of the construction of love was held.

Gradually, harmony in relationships a couple sued. Between the lovers began to be often born scandals, Julia rolled hysterics and shortly before Igor's vacation, which guy spent on Seychelles, announced that love was completed. Rusanov, who returned after the rest, again tried to set up a girl on a truce. Shcheglova decided to start everything from pure sheet, but the pair could not find a compromise.

Such relations in a pair made young people with the first challengers to fly out of the show. The leading Vlad Kadoni suggested that Yulia likes to play the role of the victim, suffer, and Igor does not like the girl - his heart is still committed to the former beloved Lida. This statement of Rusanov denied, saying that he became more attentive to Julia, he learned better to understand the participant, listen to her.

Personal life

The project in a young man had a saturated personal life. Igor consisted in long relationships with Lydia Koppalina. He met with a girl for 5 years (according to some sources, young people managed to marry). However, in 2016, the couple unexpectedly broke up. Now Lida and Igor continue to support relations, which, according to Rusanov, are solely business.

The fact is that when lovers lived together, they decided to build a house. The building has not yet been completed when they decided to partition. After some time, the guy wanted to buy out a part of the structure from the former beloved to make the house with his property. The issue of redemption is not yet resolved.

Igor Rusanov Now

In 2019, in addition to filming, the guy continues to lead a small restaurant business, communicates with fans in social networks. In an interview, he admitted that in the nearest plans - the creation of a cafe network in Russia.

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