Martha Ketro - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



The writer, published from the blogosphere, can be called the prehistory of the literary debut Marta Ketro. The girl began to write in his "LJ" -Mikroblog, after which it became published at the invitation of the publisher. Martha Ketro writes in the genre of light female prose. Her heroines are modern women with their thoughts, concerns, problems and hopes.

Childhood and youth

Inna Yuryevna Living (real name of the writer) was born on July 19, 1981. Despite the popularity of the writer's writer on the Internet, information about its biography is extremely small. About her childhood, she says very circumvocible, so that one of its original quotes is obtained:

"I had a light childhood, which I almost don't remember, it is unlikely that I will ever write about my memoirs about him, unless sclerosis provides a service, as sometimes it happens, and some details will begin to emerge from the deep past."

It is only known that after graduation, the girl 4 months worked in the Children's Library, which was fully consistent with her education: Inna is a librarian bibliographer. Then there was experience in the film industry - 2 months the future writer worked with a costume. Realizing that the office life is not for her, the young woman decided to become an exemplary housewife, devoting himself to concerns about the family.

Blog and books

Life - residential, and the creative soul required self-expression and creative emissions. Then, in 2005, Inna began to keep his blog - the passion of "LJ" was just mainstream. Smart, ironic and observant, she began to write small, but current notes that it surrounds, about the attitude towards life, on the assessment of certain situations and phenomena, etc.

According to the author, she started the blog to read interesting bloggers, however, the purpose of the self-presentation was also pursued. A woman deliberately chose the public "LJ", which was considered the most reading and intellectual. And this audience entrusted its first texts, taking the alias of Marta Ketro. Invented, he was uncomplicated: the blogger just looked at the Metro map and, having rearranged the first letters of the words "Map" and "Metro", folded the new original nickname.

Literally after the year of blogging, Marta realized that if he would not bring real benefits, it would be too expensive. Perhaps the author would have turned the activity, but she suddenly suddenly suggested to print the first edition.

In 2006, the book "Hop Hop, Snail", Ketro quickly became popular, won the national title of "the delicate and sincere legend of the Russian Internet." In the same year, the author received a popular Parker's network premium in the nomination "Literature". And soon the name of the debutant has become a flagship in the direction of female prose.

On the wave of success to the writer, it was lined up from journalists. Everyone wanted to get acquainted with the new Network Literature Star. And, of course, among the frequent questions, those were associated with the specifics of creativity, smoothly flowed from a blog program to book pages.

"A blogger appeal has changed rather with an increase in the number of FRENDS - now nothing personal, triumph political correctness and accuracy of statements. Actually "literature" does not appear in the blog - non-format, "the author is recognized.

The second book in the bibliography of Ketro was the funny work of "Women and Cats, Men and Cats" with the same funny illustrations in the performance of Oksana Mospane. In this paper, the author in humble form describes family relationships and even "climbs" in them favorite pets.

In 2008, the novel "Smile is always always, my love", which Martha devoted to the search for a woman of her personal happiness, relationship, growing, mistakes and partings. The next bright work was the collection of Essay "Bitter chocolate. The book of consolations ", published in 2009. At the same time, a novel in two parts of the "Mrs. Apples" comes on sale.

Since 2010, the writer preferences the genre of a story in his work. In her creative piggy bank, such wonderful things appear as "Life in a small flower", "the same fat like me", "wife-fox", "Magiches", "Signs of Love and Her End." Later, in 2011, most of these works entered the collection "Book of Deceptions".

In the same year, from under the pen, the book "Autumn flight of the taxes" comes out. It is a collection of essays on gender topics. Martha wrote this work by posting fragments on a blog during the year. The background theme was the growing woman.

Books of writer recent years: "Stray Woman" - about the first trips to Martha to Israel, the "Art of Love War" - that even close people can fight, as in war, "how to make you love" - ​​about the search for popularity in Networks, "Lemons and Tits" - about the search for love and happiness, which are natural for every person.

Personal life

Questions about personal life The writer tries to bypass the party and does not deepen the details of family relations. And the woman's family appeared in his youth. Martha was married at age 17. Chosen girl became the musician Dmitry Ravich. Now the family couple has an adult son.

"Never tried to live without a family. Therefore, I, of course, it seems that the text is important, while I have everything and everything is in order. But, I hope, I never have to choose: whom I love more, mom or dad, in the sense, profession or family, "said blogger in an interview.

Martha ketro now

Today, the writer constantly lives in Israel (since 2014). It has the citizenship of this state, in addition to Russian. At the same time, the author writes is still in Russian and has the status of a member of the Russian Union of Writers.

A woman travels a lot and goes with creative meetings in Israel. Recently, Martha Ketro became the columnist of the popular female Cosmopolitan magazine and in 2019 it continues to be journalistic creativity.

Blogger to all social networks prefers "Vkontakte" and "Facebook", in the last March publishes many photos, including family.


"It seems to me that I am writing about women such simple things that if the men did not think before them, it is unlikely that I am unlikely to report something." When something happens to the reader - he comes out of the book. He entered, is a good job. "" Martha Ketro is the character itself, far from me real, but still there was a solid "I-I-I-I," a lot of me. "


  • 2006 - Hip Hop, Snail
  • 2008 - "Smile always, my love"
  • 2009 - "Mrs. Apples"
  • 2009 - "Bitter chocolate. Consolation book
  • 2010 - "Magiches"
  • 2010 - "same fat like me"
  • 2011 - "Signs of Love and Her End"
  • 2014 - "Lemons and Tits"
  • 2015 - "How to make you love"

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