Clifford Saimak - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, books



Clifforda Saimaka is considered one of the founders of the modern literary genre fiction in the United States of America, as well as the largest American science fiction writer. Such works from his bibliography as the "Ring around the Sun", "live the highest grace", "city", are considered classic in their segment - they are gladly reread the first generation of booklers.

Clifford composed fantastic literature for 55 years, during which 127 stories and associates were published, as well as full-fledged 28 novels. Some of them subsequently disassembled quotes.

Childhood and youth

Clifford Donald Simak (so correctly pronounced the last name Fantista) was published on August 3, 1904 in the small American town of Millville, located in Wisconsin. Subsequently, in most part works of the writer, the action was transferred to his native staff. Clifford's grandfather along the Father's line, whose name is Shimak, immigrated to America from Bohemia, which is a historical area in Central Europe, which has become part of the Western Half of the Czech Republic to today.

Fantastic literature began to bargain the boy's consciousness from the young years, and influenced this creativity of the classic author Herbert Wells, which was the creator of such immortal works as "Time Machine", "Invisible Man" and "War of the Worlds". Having received secondary education in one of the local schools, the young man moved to Madison, where he began to study journalism at the University of Wisconsin. However, he never defended the diploma, because he threw his studies.

Further, the future author worked in various print publications of the Midwest until in 1939 signed a contract with one of the city newspapers Minneapolis Star and Tribune. With her, Clifford collaborated on an ongoing basis to his retirement himself, which took place in 1976. From 1949, a man worked as chief editor of the news department in the MINNEAPOLIS STAR newspaper, and from 1961 he was the coordinator of the research and popular Minneapolis Tribune series.


As a writer, Clifford Saimak first performed in 1931, it was then a presentation of his debut story, called the "world of the Red Sun". The whole subsequent year, the man spent on the creation of stories, such as "voice in emptiness", "unsuccessful of space", "Golden Asteroid", "Mercury Mercury".

In 1933, Saimak decided to leave literary activities. It was for this reason that for the next 5 years, the sole published creation has become a science fiction story "The Creator", which has a religious subtext, which was extremely rarely found in the scientific fiction literature of that era. In this work, Clifford was first of all of the representatives of the genre I tried rationally to explain the fact that the universe was created by Demiurge.

The full return of Saimak to writing art took place in 1938. This time, the recognition was overtaking in many ways thanks to cooperation with the glossy magazine Astounding Science Fiction, the chief editor in which John Campbell was. At different times, the works of Azimov, Heinline, Kattnier, Stargeon, del Rey and Van Vozhta were published in this edition. Clifford together with these authors was recognized by the Creator of the Golden Age of Fiction in America, who lasted 12 years, from 1938 to 1950.

The first works of the writer, among whom was the novel of 1939 release "Space engineers", are described in such a way as to fully correspond to the canons of "solid" science fiction. This subway is characterized by a focus on the technical component. The opposite is called "soft", which focuses on humanitarian fiction.

By gaining writing experience, Clifford preferred to get away from the trottening road and create a unique author's style to which the literary critics gave the name of the pastoral. In their later works, a man told about peaceful contacts with UFOs and about the spiritual community of civilizations, located on different sides of the immense universe. Simaak's aliens will be resting in one of the provincial bars of his native Wisconsin, rather than engage in the enslavement of the Earth.

The writer believed that humanity has quite optimistic prospects, but at the same time it was not told to mention that each resident of the Universe needs to begin to study at the "Galactic School" as a "first grader". In the creative biography of Clifford, there was also a period when he was working on Western and Stories about the war.

In 1952, a novel called the "City" was published for the first time, which was essentially a cycle of small stories. Saimak wrote a book in those days when humanity experienced a large-scale conflict - first the second world, and then Korean war. Compounding and releasing the work "City", Clifford expressed a kind of protest against human cruelty and hostilities.

In the end, the literary world met with Utopia, telling about the Earth of the Future, in which, instead of people live robots and dogs, possessing a mind. For this work, Saimak was awarded the International Fantastic Prize in 1953, after which he received long-awaited fame worldwide. Throughout the many years of creative biography, the author was awarded 3 more times a prestigious literary award "Hugo" and 1 time - "Neule".

In the Soviet Union about the talented writer, only in 1957, after the popular magazine "Knowledge-power", was translated and published one of his stories, which was called "for the first time on Mercury". From this point on, several generations of Soviet adolescents and adults began to call Clifford by one of the favorite fiction authors. His works were published in a series called "Mira Clifford Simak".

In the 1960s, Saimak composed for most novels, and already next decade did an emphasis on writing the leads and stories, since his physical condition began to deteriorate rapidly.

Despite this, the author continued to create almost until his death that occurred in 1988. Over 8 years before this fateful event, one of his recent works was published - the story of the "Grotto Dancing Deer". For this, the work of Saimak was awarded at once by three main literary prizes, which only existed in the world of science fiction: "Locus", "Neule" and "Hugo".

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The literary work of Clifford Simak in the future became an inspiration for different workers of world art. Several of his works survived the shieldation as a full-length films and serials. In 1993, the Russian director Yuri Elhov removed the film called "Anomaly", the scenario for which was taken from the novel "All Flesh - Grass". Aktera Alexander Filippeenko trusted to fulfill the role of the central character named Hyram.

Interesting fact is that Simak art books also reflected in the world of high fashion. In 2012, the Russian brand glasses called Fakoshima, the founder of which was the designer Konstantin Shileev. When creating copyright accessories, a man was inspired by the films Stanley Kubrick, as well as literary works of the authors such as Saimak, Bradbury, Heinline and Wells.

Personal life

In 1929, the official wife of Clifford Saimak was the woman named Key Kukhenberg Simak. Soon after that, the newlyweds became parents of two children.

Despite the fact that the books of the American Writer are overwhelmed with incredible events, the personal life of the man was sufficiently measured and calm. In one of the interviews, Clifford mentioned that, besides journalism and writing activities, he loved to go fishing, as well as collecting stamps and play chess.


Clifford Donald Saimak lived a long and rich life, and died at the age of 83 in the city of Minneapolis on April 25, 1988. The exact cause of death is not announced, but it can be assumed that they influenced his death that arose to this health problem.


"Life does not belong to the number of those things with whom not thinking" "Old age is one of our punishments, but at the same time, and one of the inalienable human rights" "I still had no way in order to prove the reality of the reality itself"


  • 1962 - "Almost like people"
  • 1963 - "Transfer Station"
  • 1966 - "When in the house is lonely"
  • 1968 - "Goblin Reserve"
  • 1973 - "Epilogue"
  • 1974 - "Photo of the Battle of Marathon"
  • 1977 - "Brother"
  • 1978 - "New Rear View"
  • 1980 - "Singing Well"
  • 1981 - "bite language!"

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