John Hmelevskaya - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, books



John Khmelevskaya is a famous writer and the founder of the literary genre Ironic detective that glorified Poland to his work. A woman has always possessed a volitional and strong character. For her last 81, she passed through a large number of bright events and acquaintances with interesting personalities, which later served prototypes for the heroes of her literary works.

Childhood and youth

Biography of Irena Barbara Kun (nee Irena Barbara John Becker) began on April 2, 1932 in the average Polish family. Her father was an employee of one of the Warsaw banks. The man was constantly busy work, so he did not have enough time to upbringing his daughter - her mother and two aunt were engaged. Thanks to one of them, a journalist Lucina - a girl from an early age taught French, fond of literature and was a versatile developed.

Calm childhood John ended after the German troops attacked Poland in 1939. The future writer had to quit school and receive knowledge only on private classes with aunt. Subsequently, the girl continued his studies in the boarding school at the local monastery. After the victory over the fascists, Poland felt the spirit of freedom, but for a long time, Warsaw had to restore infrastructure.

Khmelevskaya, graduating for excellent points in the boarding school, decided to get a higher education. It always attacked the work and reproduction of the beautiful, so the young John, passing through the painful meditation, went to conquer the architectural academy. However, it's good or bad, the student did not become a talented and great sculptor.

According to its contemporaries, the final point for Khmelevskaya was a trip to France. There she saw a chapel in the city of Orly, after which I realized that it would never create something as beautiful and meaningful. After that, the girl began to search for new talents.

Her attraction to the literature triumphed, so John decided to try to earn money on bread with the help of writing craft. The first works brought too small income. The revenue money was barely enough for life, in this regard, the author decided to turn to the crime - she began to engage in smuggling of rare goods, which illegally transported to their native Poland from Denmark. Forbidden business began to successfully develop, so John miraculously managed to avoid prison.


The first success overtook a woman in the 1960s. Her debut novel called "Wedge Wedge" fell to readers and remained relevant to this day. In addition to money and glory, Khmelevskaya received flattering reviews of critics and first admirers. In the future, the Bibliography of John amounted to over 60 books in the genres of ironic detective and autobiographical prose.

All works of a woman contain a famously swirling plot, interesting interlacing of events, numerous heroes with a real prototype and, of course, a brilliant thin humor and irony, who attach a particular value to the novels of Khmelevskaya. John completely accidentally found his genre. As the writer stated in one of the interviews, life always contains something funny, entertaining and keeping in a tone.

For the sake of the experiment, she composed debut books in the best traditions of an ironic detective, after which it realized that it was interesting and fun, continuing to work in a similar direction. When creating book images, a woman took the basis of real people - the heroes of the books of John often became her friends and acquaintances, as well as the author herself. She clarified in advance whether they would not be close against such "popularity", but, as a rule, there was no failure.

So, for example, in the novel "All Red" the main characters were the writer John Polanskaya and her best friend named Alion Hansen. Of course, the professional path of John was not carefree and easy. Like many creative people, she was overtaking crisis and censorship, a woman tried for a long time to find himself. Despite this, all the works of Khmelevskaya intriguing and are not similar to each other.

She even had a book with recipes very unusual. The idea to release a publication with popular and delicious recipes originated by the author at the time of the output of the novel, entitled "Reserve version". In it, the main character mined the information they need, preparing the investigator a large number of non-standard dishes. Fans begged John to tell about their cook secrets, subsequently placed in the "culinary book".

It is important to say that most of the Romans of Khmelevskaya could not be released due to tough censorship. For example, the meaning of the "crocodile of Charlotte Country" was based on official overheard. However, the employees of the special services did not apply this method to collect the necessary information. Because of this, the writer was forced to transform the listener into the personal desire of citizens. And high-ranking antagonists from the "damned inheritance" for a long time served as an obstacle to print.

Despite this, John remained optimistic even in such difficult situations. She reacted on any prohibitions and reproaches with renewed changes that arrange them, but not spoiled the meaning of the work.

Personal life

John was happy in his personal life with her husband Stanislav for 11 years. Two children appeared in their union, both boys. Former spouses retained a warm relationship even after termination of marriage.

The first son was born in 1951. After graduating from studying at the university, he left for a part-time job in Algeria, but he immediately returned to his homeland and began to grow champignons. A man helped the younger brother named Robert. And he, in turn, over time he moved to Canada. In this country, the granddaughter of Khmelevskaya Monica still lives and still lives, who received the position of a specialist in the field of IT.

In addition to the composition of the novels, John preferred a versatile rest: she played cards, went to the races, gathered beads from seashells, fired well from the weapon, drove the car at high speeds and attended the casino.

But to use the world cobweb Hmlevskaya did not love at all - the computer located at her house was never conducted by the Internet. John with panic treated the fact that personal data from its hard disk, such as photo and video from a home archive, can be stolen or destroyed by any dangerous virus.


John Khmelevskaya went away in the morning of October 7, 2013 in Native Warsaw. The cause of death has become a long disease, from which a woman suffered from last years. The grave of the writer is located on the Ronzkovsky cemetery.

Today, the works of Khmelevskaya still do not lose their relevance, translated into different languages ​​and serve as the basis for the screening of feature films. In one of the interviews, Khmelevskaya voiced the quotation, which became the motto of her life:

"There is a lot of positive and funny in life! Even in the most negative events you can see something funny, and it will be easier to live. "


"It is limitless in this world only human nonsense" "Wealth and a variety of tastes smoothed sharp corners" "In nature, nothing disappears."


  • 1972 - "What the Dead said"
  • 1973 - "Les"
  • 1974 - "All Red"
  • 1979 - "House with ghosts"
  • 1992 - "Run"
  • 1993 - "Mystery"
  • 1998 - "GARPIA"
  • 1998 - "Gold Fly"
  • 2004 - "Cats in bags"
  • 2007 - "Treatise on weight loss"

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