Kostylin - biography, image and characteristics, analysis, main characters, quotes, the meaning of the name, photo


Character History

The secondary character of the story of the Lion Tolstoy "Caucasian Captive". A Russian officer serves in the Caucasus, he captures Tatars together with the main hero of the housing, but the weakness and indecision of the character refuses to escape when the possibility is converted.

History of creation

Writer Leo Tolstoy

Lion Tolstoy prepared a school allowance for which children should have learned reading, writing and arithmetic. The story "Caucasian captive" was written specifically for this manual, but was published for the first time in the literary and political journal "Zarya" in 1872. The story is called the author just like one of Alexander Pushkin's poems.

At the heart of the story partially lies the personal experience of Tolstoy, who served in the Caucasus in the 50s of the XIX century and almost captured. Tolstoy rode along with Chechen, who was his big friend. The satellites overtake the pursuers who had a certain reason to take revenge to a friend of Tolstoy, and were going to take both captured. However, the situation was permitted safely - the pursuit of the clock was noticed, and scorched with a friend. According to the writer's own recognition, it was a "sensitive" episode in his biography, which, apparently, inspired Tolstoy to the story.

"Prisoner of the Caucasus"

The story of the story is: two Russian officers, Kostlin and Zhilin, in the Caucasus are captured. Tatars hold those in the barn, and the pads put on the legs to the heroes, so as not to run away. From both require a letter asking for a redemption.


In the final of the story, Zhilin managed to escape from captivity, while passive crutin from escape refuses. The hero feels bad and says that he has no strength to run. At the successful outcome of this enterprise, Kostylin does not expect and humble with what he does not break out. The Tatars let go of the hero just a month after the zilin escapes safely, - when the Tatars get the ransom collected by relatives.

Kostylin is a Russian officer from the proposed noble family. The hero serves in the Caucasus, but not accustomed to military life. This is a raised person who poorly transfers difficulties and easily surrenders. Physical preparation of Kostilina leaves much to be desired - during an attempt to escape the hero constantly lags behind and complains of exhausted legs.

Frame from the film

The clumsiness of the hero also creates problems - he will stones, noise, makes it possible to publish screams and does not think that he betrays his own location to the pursuers. The hero justifies his own surname, all the way being "crutch" for a hilina - that is, interferes with the main hero to get out of trouble.

Externally, Kostlin is cargo, red face. Due to excess weight, the hero sweats greatly and is poorly adapted to hiking transitions in the forest. In addition, he is also a cowardly and, barely seeing Tatars, strives to hide into the fortress.

How comrade Kostlin is unreliable. Heroes leave the fortress with the turn, but in the end, they decide from the banner to tear off and go together to get to the place rather. Officers agree not to touch and hold together. However, at the first signs of the danger, Kostlin throws a hill and runs away. The Tatars shot the horse of Zilina, and that because of the betrayal of the comrade is captured. Kostylin himself, however, will also be in captivity in captivity in the same Mountain Aul as Zhillin.

Zhilin writes a letter home

Comforting with the circumstances of Kostlin is not inclined. Fucking, the hero is settled with the situation and writes a letter to home so that the redemption pay for him, without any conditions and thoughts about shooting. After that, Kostylin decides that everything is necessary done, and no longer undertakes anything, but only passively waiting for money from the house. The idea of ​​escape the hero meets with pessimism. Kostlin is convinced that ignorance of the terrain and night darkness are obstacles that do not overcome.

Comparative characteristic of hill and crutin


Zhilin is the complete opposite of the crutch. The hero is not shifting responsibility for his own salvation for the family and, when he needs to write a mother with a request for a redemption, writes the wrong address on the letter. In captivity, Kostylin behaves passively: either sleeps or waiting for the news about the redemption, which should send relatives. Zilin does not sit in captivity without affairs and master dolls for local children.

Zhilin managed to cause a sympathy of Dina, the thirteen-year-old daughter of man, whose captivity is located. The girl brings the hero of pellets and meat, and later helps to escape. In the afternoon, the feet of the heroes are stuck in the pads, but it does not prevent the housing to study the aul and surroundings. Walking, the hero is pretty, in which direction is the Russian fortress, how best to run. In the night, the hero holds, making a dope in the barn.

Zhilin escapes from captivity twice. For the first time through the subpople. Kostylin is sent with it. Zhillin is assembled, decisive and ready to go to the end, while the wizard and vigorous Kostlin strongly delays them both. As a result, the heroes are caught and returned back. After the escape, the heroes are not sent to the barn, but in the pit, and the pads stop shooting overnight. However, the hill perseves to escape and from there, while Kostylin gives up and from escape refuses.

Illustration for story

The differences between the housing and crutch can be traced even in appearance and life circumstances. Zhill is low increasing, "delete" and deft, comes from a poor family, is optimistic about things and does not humble with circumstances. The difference between heroes is manifested even in relation to horses. Costlin, while chase, brutally beaten the horse, as an inanimate item, while the hill is talking to the horse and asks that "tolerate".

While Kostylin is waiting for help from the side, the hill is counting only on its own strength. At the same time, Zilin does not throw a comrade on the mercy of fate and tries to escape along with the crutuminous, even bears on himself. The hero is not afraid of the Tatars, while Kostylin refers to the highlanders with fear. It is not surprising that these different heroes have different fates.


In 1975, the film "Caucasian captive" directed by Georgy Kalalatosischvili. The tape was filmed on the film studio "Georgia-film", the actor Vladimir Sododnikov came in the role of Kostilina.

Oleg Menshikov and Vladimir Sododnikova and the roles of Kostilina

The second film was released in 1996. This is not a literal screening of the story of Tolstoy, and the tape, removed based on. Events unfold in the 90s of the last century in the situation of the Chechen war. Heroes are captured to a person from a mountain aul, whose son will also languish in captivity. Zilina and Kostlin capture to organize the exchange of prisoners.

Director - Sergey Bodrov-Sr., the role of Kostilin's ensign, which in the film is called Sanya, fulfilled the actor Oleg Menshikov. The shooting was held in Kazakhstan and Dagestan, in particular in the city of Derbent and Hucunic Waterfall. The film was nominated for the Oscar Award as the best film in a foreign language.


"And Kostylin, indifferent to wait, just saw the Tatars - it rusted that there is a spirit to the fortress. The whip is engraving the horse from that side, then from the other. Only in dust it is seen how the horse turns the tail. "" Kostylin wrote again, everything was waiting for the sending of money and missed. For all days, sits in the barn and considers the days when the letter comes, or sleeps. And Zhilin knew that his letter would not reach, and did not write the other "

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