Yuri diamond - Photo, biography, personal life, news, songs, group "Boomer"



Yuri diamonds - singer, songwriter and producer, the most famous for the public who prefer music relating to the direction of Russian chanson.

Childhood and youth

Diamond was born in Omsk on September 8, 1969. Real surname - Nadyktov. In his family, no one has had an excessive interest in art, but, having learned that the Son is interested in music, parents took up his education. Once in profile school, Yura learned to play drums and piano. Then he entered the School, where he continued to occupy the selected profile.

Singer Yuri diamond

Having received a diploma, the young man did not think that it was better to be realized in the profession. He got a job as a musician in one of the restaurants of his hometown. The institution was called "Siberian Lights". Yuri played the drums, speaking among accompanies. The artist earned 90 rubles. per month and depended on the tastes of the public who ordered music.

In 1993, the financial situation in the country was deplorable. Restaurants are empty, people tried to reduce ends with ends. Yuri helped his friend who invited him to work in the casino. Performing the songs of Mikhail Shufutinsky, the artist turned out to be in demand, and in his biography began a white strip.

Personal life

In Moscow, Yuri Diazov moved, accompanied by a wife and a small son. The boy at that time was preparing to go to school. About the personal life singer does not apply. He communicates perfectly with his son and annually in his company visits the jazz festival on the Cote d'Azur.

The artist loves to travel. Several pets live in his house, among which dogs and birds. Diamond collects vinyl records and is now owner of a major assembly.


After several speeches, the casino leadership estimated the talent of a young singer, and a contract was concluded with him. Yuri provided a budget for recording songs, as well as professional equipment. By this period of the artist's lifestyle include the appearance of a sonorous aliam. At the debut concert, the casino clarified the casino, how to submit an artist, and Yuri said: "At least Casimir diamonds." The new name was fixed behind the singer.

The musician was shortly bought in success. Raiders and banditricism that flourished in Russia at the difficult time led to the devastation of casino halls. Yury had to be interrupted by orders at weddings and birthdays. By 1995 he decided to go to Moscow. Almovat had a little experience in writing songs, but the debut album did not have enough money.

Yuri went to a deal with a friend from Chita. In exchange for the necessary amount, he asked to compose the "Patsan Song" about his hometown. The persuasion was performed, and from $ 800 in the diamond wallet came to the capital. By sending a disc into several studios, the musician received a response only from one "zeko records." He signed a cherished contract and in parallel with the creation of a "Silver Dal" record, worked as a sound engineer in the "Roman" theater.

Mikhail Shufutinsky and Yuri diamonds

In 1996, the director of the studio was shot, with which the musician collaborated. By the time they managed to release 1 thousand cassettes, called the "Planet of the Twelve Confessions". In 1997, diamonds recorded the album "Four Walkers". But the audience, who worried about the economic crisis, was in no hurry to spend money on cassettes. At this time, the artist had to cooperate with representatives of dubious companies and groupings, which affected the context of creativity.

The discography of the artist replenished the album "Farewell to Taiga". In parallel, Yuri tried himself as a producer. The project "Happy New Year, Guys" project, he invited to participate in the artists of the Russian chanson. The works of Almodov at this point began to enjoy the interest of the public.

In 2002, he collaborated with Mikhail Shufutinsky, writing a series of "thoughts" song for the singer. For its own development, the artist released the solo albums "Four Masties", "Tell me about love", as well as several clips.

During this period, the popularity of Almody reached new heights. His compositions sounded from the mouth of many artists. The author's works were performed by the group "Vorovayki", Gera Ruch, Ruslan Kazantsev, Vasily Akimov. For Yana Pavlova, Yuri wrote 12 songs included in the album of the artist. As a diamond manager was engaged in the project Alena Anders. By 2005, he organized the "Boomer" group.

Yuri diamonds now

The performer continues creative activity as a producer and soloist of the Bommer team. Photos and video artists are published in the official community in Vkontakte. In July 2019, a presentation of the new album of the group "X (tenth album)" took place.


  • 1995 - "Silver Dal"
  • 1997 - "Planet Twelve Confessions"
  • 1998 - "Four Walkers"
  • 2000 - "Farewell to Taiga"
  • 2002 - "Zhigan and Bug"
  • 2004 - "Fourth Album"
  • 2005 - "Letters"
  • 2005 - "Gray Siberia"
  • 2006 - "Album Second"
  • 2019 - "X (tenth album)"

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