Circle Christie - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



The writer Christie Kriste fascinates readers with books in the genres of love romance and fantasy with elements of erotica. The girl in a short time acquired his own army of readers and is now trying not to leave them for a long time without a new work. The creativity of the author is in demand on literary sites, and its novels are waiting with impatience.

Childhood and youth

Christie was born in the fall of 1990, lives in Omsk. This information is in the personal profile in the social network of the writer, as far as it is true, remains a mystery to readers.

The girl is quite hidden and prefers not to spread about the details of his own life, it is known only that in 2012 she graduated from the Omsk State Technical University, for what specialty - is not specified, as well as information about the family and parents of fire.


Why began the literary activity of Christie, it is unknown. After graduating from the university, she got a job, and began to write during lunch breaks and in the evenings. The first publications written by the author appeared on the net in 2017.

A love affair called "stepfather" talks about the difficult relationship of a man with a padchier. There is a big difference between the ages, and the plot of Pott is erotic experiences of heroes and in detail with painted bed scenes. This book is interested in readers of the fire, which inspired it to compose new, no less exciting stories.

In the autumn of 2017, another book "Neighbors inevitable" appears in the writer's biography. This is also a love story, in the center of the plot - young people. The girl, removing the apartment, did not know that she would split a nice guy with her. And when the girlfriends still rush to make your personal life, the choice does not remain and have to go on a date. How it all ends, it remains only to guess.

In early 2018, the bibliography of Christie replenished the book in the genre of erotic and adventure fantasy "Hurricane to another world", where the plot is built around the iswolf. After that, the list of works in fire began to expand rapidly, regularly caught up with new works.

During the period of creative biography, Christie presented the readers of the book "Auction", "Maid for Nekromanta", "Orcia. Following the call "and the" bride from the damned kind ". Then she wrote the 2nd part of the novel "The Bride of the Cursed God: Curlinate the Flame," and at the end of 2018 introduced the readers another exciting novel "Curator for Pickkaya".

Personal life

The writer is not known about the personal life of the writer, in the social network "Vkontakte" she registered in 2017, just at the moment when they began to post books on literary sites, and later created a group dedicated to his own creativity.

Judging by the status in the column "Seed Location", the girl is in a relationship, she has a husband. Other information on this issue did not appear. But there is a photo of the author of love romance, although a bit (much more covers of her books), but all this gives at least some idea of ​​the appearance of the mysterious writer.

Christie Krischi now

Kostona and now continues to write books, pleaseing fans with new stories in different genres. In the summer of 2019, the girl began writing the book "Orcia-2. When hesgging himself, "which became the continuation of the" Orcia "series.

The work in the genre of love and adventure fantasy is saturated with intrigues and secrets, memories from the past, magic and love. As far as Christist did not fully publish the novel, but as I wrote, I positive familiarization fragments for readers.


  • 2017 - "Step"
  • 2017 - "Neighbors in impaired"
  • 2018 - "Hurricane in another world"
  • 2018 - "Auction"
  • 2018 - "Maid for Nekromanta"
  • 2018 - "Orcia. Following call "
  • 2018 - "Bride from the Cursed Soda"
  • 2018 - "The Bride of the Curse: Curbed Flame"
  • 2018 - "Curator for Pindkaya"
  • 2019 - "Orcia 2. Fixing himself"

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