Ekaterina Mikhailova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



Ekaterina Mikhailova is a psychologist and psychodramatist, which implemented as a writer, coach and corporate coach. Now Mikhailova teaches at MGPPU and the Higher School of Economics, and is also included in the Directors of the International Association of Psychotherapy.

Childhood and youth

Ekaterina Mikhailova is a native of Novosibirsk, born on February 7, 1955. Kati's parents turned out to be creative people, which influenced the formation of the worldview and the subsequent choice of the daughter's profession. Father Mikhailova worked as an opera director, and the mother - theater.

Psychologist Ekaterina Mikhailov

Choosing a university, Catherine preferences MSU them. M. V. Lomonosov and the Faculty of Psychology. The graduate received a diploma in 1977 and for 14 years he was a researcher at the RSFSR Psychiatry Research Institute. In 1988, the defense of the physician dissertation took place. Since 1991, Catherine has occupied the position of a senior researcher in the research institute of cultural studies. Five years later became the co-founder of IGIIP.

In the 1990s, Ekaterina passed additional training abroad. The psychologist received a certificate of a listened program at the Hamburg Institute of Fritz Pershot, as well as in the European Psychodrama Association. Mikhailov graduated from the course at the InnerStages training center specializing in psychodramatism. This direction of Cauche chose as a lead in practice.

Psychology and books

Presenting psychological assistance, Mikhailov uses a role-playing game that contributes to the manifestation of human feelings and demonstration of experiences. Theatrical action, to whom they had the attitude of the profession of Parents Catherine, has become a tool for working with clients who do not have the opportunity to independently understand complex life situations.

The psychologist has developed copyright programs for individual work and corporate projects. Mikhailov led several programs at the Institute of Group and Family Psychology, projects in the training center of personnel, and also engaged in pedagogical activities in several Moscow universities.

In the account of Coucha, author's trainings for specialists and those interested. Ekaterina Mikhailova is led by top management, representatives of Russian and foreign companies. She explains the features of the effective self-testing and describes how to negotiate with the client by telephone.

Writer Ekaterina Mikhailova

Biography Mikhailova is connected with research, practical and creative work. Catherine acted as the author of several books that became a benefit for women. In her account, scientific and popular articles, as well as full-length works: "I am alone, or spontaneously Vasilisa," "Petrifsters of psychology", "Prissual Notes of the Fairy-Cross Fair" and others.

The most popular books entered the writings "I am alone!" And "Christmas cleaning". Mikhailova also works in coitancy with colleagues in the workshop. The bibliography of Catherine is periodically replenished with new works, and in parallel, the psychologist participates in international conferences, develops trainings and even reads the course for the shared direction in the American Institute of Business and Economics.

Personal life

Helping customers to deal with difficult situations, Catherine leaves his own personal life behind the scenes. Mikhailov focuses on the division of personal and professional.

She does not have an account in "Instagram" to share photos with Follovers. Most of the time the woman is spent at work. She is known to the public only from this side.

Ekaterina Mikhailova now

In 2019, Mikhailova is one of the leading specialists in socodra and psychodramatism in Russia.

It gives advice and organizes trainings at home and abroad, but refuses to take new private customers due to lack of time. The demand of the psychologist is explained by the effectiveness of impact tools.


  • 1993 - "Orchestra's Man: Microstructure of Communication" (in collaboration with L. Kollar)
  • 1999 - "That in the mirrors: essays of group psychotherapy and training" (in collaboration with L. Krol)
  • 2003 - "Play in Russian." Psychodrama in Russia: stories, meanings, symbols. "
  • 2008 - "Training Trainers: How Steel harvested"
  • 2008 - "Void psychology. Prissual notes of the fairy-godfather "
  • 2009 - "Yesterday it comes suddenly. Plenter and culture of everyday life "
  • 2012 - "A book about a tasty and healthy speech. Copyright recipes from business coach »
  • 2015 - "Psychologist for invisible. Certain recognition "
  • 2016 - "I am alone", or spindle Vasilisa "

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