Graham Maktavish - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Sam Hugheng, Hobbit, Dolinn 2021



Graham Maktavisch is the Scottish Artist Theater and Cinema, Actor of Sounding. It has a colorful appearance and the most memorable images creates in costume films.

Childhood and youth

Maktavis was born in Glasgow on January 4, 1961. In Scotland, at that time, the flourishing of dramatic art was observed, so it is not surprising that the boy was fond of acting skills.

In addition, his family lived in the UK, Canada and New Zealand for some time, which affected the latitude of the world's worldview.

Returning to his native country, Graham received an acting education and settled to work in the repertoire theater of the city of Dundee.


The creative biography of the artist started with television shows. The debut came to the release of "return to the island of treasure." After a couple of years, Graham depicted Indians in the painting "Fighter's Freedom". Then, in 1988, the role in the film "For the Queen and Country" was followed. Episodic and secondary characters replaced each other until in 1997 Jeremy Furrupt invited actors to play in the Macbeth tape on the play of William Shakespeare. McTavisch performed in the image of Bank.

A year later, the artist became a member of the shooting of the television film "Merlin: First Magic" and soon received the roles in the militants "Lara Croft: Crowders of the Tomb - 2" and "Rambo IV", where Graham created the image of the gang of hired killers.

In the period from 2012 to 2014, the actor was involved on the set of the "Hobbit" project. He played the role of Gnoma Twin, which turned out to be the most memorable in his career.

Graham Maktavis in the role of Gnoma Dvalin in Hobbit

The following significant project in the filmography of Maktavis was the series "Stranger". The artist fulfilled the role of McCenzi in the 1st and 2nd seasons of the historical drama created based on the fantastic sagi of Diana Gabdon.

As part of the work on the role of the Highlander of the XVIII century, the artist has learned to ride. Since Maktavish in the television series pronounces in Gaelski large pieces of text, he had to take Gael's lessons. According to the actor, he likes the language, but he finds him difficult to explore.

In 2016-2019, Graham was filmed in the Serpence Master Series, in the image of the Holy Killer, he was involved in the main acting in all 4 seasons. In parallel to this project, the actor participated in the work on the cartoon "Castluts" - he voiced the vampire of Vlad Dracula chain in the 3 seasons of the series.

In 2019, the premiere of the 4th season of mystical fantasy "Lucifer" took place. Graham played in him the priest William Kinley, who considered Lucifer evil and wanted to hold the rite of exorcism. The character was killed and became a vessel of a demon. The American ONE MILLION MOMS Family Association required to stop the production of a film that shows the devil from a good side, insulting the Christian faith.

The fans of the artist gladly watched the work of the charismatic Scots in the image of the first king of Atlantis Atlanis in the film "Aquamen" (2018) James Van.

In 2020, the actor appeared in the 5th season of the series "Stranger" in the role of Baka McCenzie - the son of Dugal McCenzie, whom the artist performed in the first 2 seasons of the tape. For Graham played a 20-year-old guy reliably, his character is rejected with digital technology.

Personal life

Graham does not apply to personal life. About the novels of the artist in youth and current relations are known, except that his wife is named Gwen Maktavis. Now the family lives in New Zealand. Spouses raise 2 daughters.

The actor has a verified profile in "Instagram", thanks to which fans can be closer to their idol. McTavisch publishes images from the shooting sites, travels, as well as from the family archive with children and his wife.

The growth of the artist is 189 cm, and the weight is 82 kg. Graham is the owner of an attractive figure. For their age, the actor retained excellent physical form thanks to regular training in the gym. Folloviers have access to photos and video from Maktavish sports.

Graham Maktavis now

In February 2021, the premiere of the realistic show "People in kilts: road adventures with Sam and Gram" took place. Kevin Johnston became the director of the project, the scenario was written by Sam Hughavish and Maktavish, they became the main characters. In the 8th series, they travel around the country, get acquainted with local craftsmen and attend places of historical battles, signs for the series "Strank".

Graham Maktavish - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Sam Hugheng, Hobbit, Dolinn 2021 10807_2

In March, information about the names of the actors who will play in the 2nd season of the Netflix series "Witcher" appeared in the media. One of them became McTavish, who got the role of the leadership of reconnaissance of Cigismund Diykstra.


  • 1997 - "Macbeth"
  • 1998-2005 - "Catastrophe"
  • 1999 - "Red Dwarf"
  • 2003 - "Lara Croft: Crowders of Tomb 2 - Life Cradle"
  • 2008 - "Rambo IV"
  • 2010 - "24 Chas
  • 2012-2013 - "Hobbit"
  • 2014-2020 - "Stranger"
  • 2015 - "Creation: Rocky Heritage"
  • 2016-2019 - "Preacher"
  • 2016 - "And the storm struck"
  • 2018 - "Aquamen"
  • 2019 - "Lucifer"
  • 2021 - "Witcher"

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