Margarita Gracheva - biography, personal life, news, husband cut off his hands, photos, "close people", pregnant 2021



In December 2017, a monstrous history that happened in Serpukhov was stuck in Serpukhov. The husband brought his spouse into the forest, longly tied her and cut off his hands. The reason for such severe behavior was the desire of his wife to part with a jealous man. Now Margarita Gracheva has already found the strength not only to be happy, but also to share experiences with other people - those for whom the topic of domestic violence is close and relevant.

Childhood and youth

Margarita Gracheva was born in Serpukhov, Moscow region, November 12, 1992. Mother of the girl name Irina Sheikin. Margarita graduated from Mabiu, the Faculty of Economics and Management, in 2014 received a diploma.

Grachev's tragedy worked as a marketer in the newspaper of his native city. Career went up, and soon she was appointed by the head of his department.

Husband attack

In 2012, Rita married Dmitry Grachev. At first, this family seemed to be an ideal, beautiful couple admired close and familiar. In 2013, the spouses for the first time became their parents, the son of Dmitry appeared, and in 2014, the younger son Danil.

Margarita Gracheva with children

The disorder in the family began after the release of Margarita to work after maternity leave. Dmitry began to arrange the scene of jealousy. According to a woman, he did not beat her, but he humiliated morally, spoiled her passport, cosmetics, suspected of treason, even if the wife simply made a manicure or hairstyle. The spouses began to move apart from each other, and Rita decided to give a divorce.

In the fall of 2017, the husband left the joint housing, but visited the children and helped his spouse. On November 10, he took her on the car into the forest and threatened with a knife. Margarita appealed to the district, but he did not respond in any way, saying that this household quarrel was to understand independently.

December 11 Margarita was going to go to Kostroma. Dmitry offered to take her on his car. I suspected anything, the woman agreed and sat in the car. Grachev took her to the forest. There, the jealousness tied the sacrifice to the tree and washed over her for more than an hour, trying to knock recognition in treason.

Margarita Gracheva and her husband Dmitry Grachev

The attack was carefully planned. In the trunk of the car lay pre-purchased guns of the crime. Thinking tight harnesses, Grachev let the ax and cut off the hands of Rita. The victim recalls that Dmitry knew exactly how much harnesses can be kept. She also realized that he took her to the hospital not out of pity, but because the java with a mantop could reduce the term.

Moscow surgeons created a miracle during surgery. The left brush managed to find at the scene of the crime, and the doctors were able to sew her into place. The motor function was partially recovered. And on the right hand, Margarita is a bionic prosthesis.

Irina Sheikin attached a matter to publicity so that the criminal did not leave the punishment. Perhaps, thanks to the hype in the media of the federal level, he managed to deprive the sadist of parental rights on both children. The court sent Grachev for 14 years to the colony of a strict regime. Despite the appeal complaints of the convict, the sentence remained unchanged. A criminal case has been established on the district who refused to help.

After the tragedy

In October 2019, Margarita Sheikin, together with the Publishing House, Komsomolskaya Pravda presented a book called "Happy without hands". In it, the author told about his biography, described the tragedy and how she learned to live in new conditions.

In an interview, the woman shared that it was difficult for her to get used to the absence of hands and take himself to the end. But she understood that her beauty did not fade, so actively participated in photo shoots, published the photo and led a blog in "Instagram" and in Vkontakte.

Many women who collided with such situations turned to her for help and advice. However, Margarita complained that the country was poorly developed by legal protection against domestic violence and the victims are afraid of their tormentors.

And in May 2020, Regina Todorenko passed Margarita statuette "Woman of the Year". This title of Regina itself received in 2019, but he lost him because of the scandal: in one of the interviews, she incorrectly spoke out about the victims of domestic violence, actually accusing the victims in what happened. The rising excitement and the wave of the negative forced the regina to reconsider their attitude.

Personal life

In 2020, it became known that Margarita re-married, but did not tell even relatives about the wedding. Wedding took place in St. Petersburg, September 6, 2019. True, a significant event learned about a significant event - when the lovers celebrated the first anniversary. At the same time, close spouses finally congratulated a new family in a solemn atmosphere.

Maxim Andryzhenko shared with the press that the steps were already called his dad. For the musician and the builder, this marriage was also second, but he had no children to meet with Margarita. In the spring of 2021, it became known: the heroine of the tragic history is pregnant.

Margarita Gracheva now

And at the beginning of the 2021, Margarita tried herself in the new role: Gracheva became the leading talk show "Close people" with Leonid Zakoshansky. On the ether of the program - the incredible stories of people who survived the pain and betrayal.

The horror that happened to the TV host made her rethink his destination. Having gained happiness and sowing to turn the black page in the biography, she decided to help those who felt home by domestic violence. And the guests were able to not only speak out of the sore, but also find an answer to the main question - how to live on.

Lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky, psychologist Alexander Kopetskaya and a specialist in the "Formulas Formulas" Yevgeny Zmiev became permanent experts. The work of specialists led by TV, which was perceived by the audience with gratitude, who considered that the topic rising on the air is important and relevant.


  • 2019 - "Happy without hands"


  • 2021 - "Close people"

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