Novel Matveyeva - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Songs



The author of the heartfelt work about love, the song "Girl from Harchevni", poetess Novella Matveyev was a closed, painful and heavy man. The imagination of the artist allowed a woman to ignore the "lead abomination" of the surrounding reality and, flying into "forever wonderful, unknown long-country countries, to see there" Kakada with Kukobarroy ". Like the hero of the poem "Sharmanwger", Matveyev was "freely of the king himself."

Childhood and youth

Novella was born in 1934. As the time of her appearance on the light - Golden Autumn, and the place where it happened - the town of Children's (Tsarskoe) village, by century before the birth of poetess challenged Alexander Pushkin.

An unusual name for the girl came up with the father - the scholar-orientalist Nikolai Nikolayevich Matveyev-vigilant. Mom, uncle on the father's line and a cousin was professionally engaged in poems, and Novella composed uncomplicated poems almost from infancy, but to devote life to music.

Military Liphethet, who took childhood from future poetess, almost deprived the girl's visual - from blindness, Matveyev saved a military hospital in Monino, where the Father worked there, and raw carrots, issued in this medical institution. A clear baby began to greedily read books, first of all, Mark Twain and Alexander Green. Numerous sources argue that only 4 years has studied at the novel school.


In the work of Matveva, the covenant of Christ "Be as children" is embodied. Equally, in this regard, the poem "Ship", with which a funny confusion occurred: for a long time it was believed that Peru poerates belongs to a song, performed by Tatiana Doronina in the painting "Once again about love": "I dreamed of the seas and corals." But these lines composed Robert Christmas.

In the Matveyevsky "Ship" is told about the vessel, which hesitated himself, it was itself and Lotsman, and Botatman, it seems that this poem is born of a child's fantasy.

The work "Girl and Plasticine" easily and unobtrusively tells children about the Creator's responsibility for their creations. The poem "Summer" is unusually poetic, despite the lack of rhymes, introduces young readers with "white poetry".

In the "Snake Snake" of the heroine, the heroine spends those whom it seemed to be possible only to curse, it makes it not out of virtue, but from wisdom, the curses would damage himself and the very clerk, and others.

Many famous children's poets admired poems of Novella, for example, Chukovsky's roots, after reading the work of the "Sunny Bunny", he jumped over the chair. But the first writer who focused on creativity, the Kalmyk Poet David Kougultinov became the first writer, who had focused on creativity.

He, as well as Komsomol figures and future writers Viktor Bushin and Len Karpinsky, who David showed poems a nugget in the skirt, contributed to the first publications of Matveva, solving its household problems and enrollment on the literary courses at the Gorky Institute.

Personal life

Bard and scientist Alexander Gorodnitsky, hearing in the early 60s of the songs of Matveyeva, thought that they were written by a very happy person. Asking for a poetess to visit, Alexander Moiseevich was shocked by the monstrous life of a multicorate communal on a running street and a fantasy of the novel, allowing to turn into an adventure campaign to bakery.

In the poem of Gorodsky, dedicated to Matveyeva, there are such words:

"I do not seem like a nest, and your cheek is an intimate room."

Novallla Matveyeva 29 years old was married to the author of poems for children and adults - Finn-Ingermanlander Ivan Kury, with whom he met while studying in the literary institute. On the preserved photos, it can be seen that the poets were a very harmonious pair, treated each other with tenderness and respect. Listed spouses Death of Ivan Semenovich in 1992.

Interesting Fact: Delegor Poets - Brother Ivan - Eino Kury translated into Russian, Karelian-Finnish Epos "Kalevala". Husband and wife were friends with the poet Nikolai Starshinov, with whom they lived on different floors of one house located on a small Georgian street in Moscow.

According to Matveyeva, it is she who is the author of the term sixteenth, meaning "representatives of the intelligentsia, whose start of creativity has accounted for the 60s of the 20th century." The word "bard" of Novella Nikolaevna disliked, preferring to be called "Polygimnik". Viktor Luherowova considered the most talented from the Poligimnikov colleagues.


In old age, the poetess intensified sociophobia: Novella Nikolaevna ever less wanted to share with any details of personal life, feared displacements and communication. At the same time, according to the writer Dmitry Bykov, who was talking to the author of Pirates, the day before her death, the poets have excellent memory.
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Matveyeva, by heart quoted a lot of poems, and his works could read from any string. Continued Novella Nikolaevna compose music and music, and he recorded the melodies, drawing pictures showing how the fingers should be located on the Guitar Grope.

Shortly before the death of Matveyev published a cycle of patriotic poems, in which not only welcomed the return of the Crimea to Russia, but also justified Stalin, and the disappointed dissidents called "control".

A public discussion took place between Dmitry Bykov and Arabista George by Arabist George Mirsky about these works. Bykov believed that, although such verses did not paint the biography of Novels Nikolaevna, their writing is explained by the fact that the poetess - "defender of oppressed and beggars", the opponent of the poet spoke of the hate of Bard to freedomity.

Matveyeva died in September 2018 at the cottage, located near the Moscow region of Khimki. The cause of death was not officially reported; Most biographers converge on the fact that the poetess died from illness and "natural physiological changes caused by age." Novel Matveyev is buried at the Trocerovsk cemetery of the Russian capital.


  • 1966 - "Poems and Songs"
  • 1967 - "Songs"
  • 1982 - "Road - My Home"
  • 1984 - "Music of Light"
  • 1985 - "Ballads"
  • 1986 - "My Voronenok"
  • 1986 - "Redhead Girl"
  • 1997 - "What a big wind"
  • 1997 - "Girl from Harchevni"
  • 1999 - "Novella Matveyeva"
  • 2000 - "Best Songs"

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