Alisa Saltykova (Alyssa Salt) - biography, personal life, news, photos, songs, Irina Daughter Saltykova 2021



On Alisa - the only daughter of Irina and Viktor Saltykov - it is impossible to say that "Nature on it rested." Under becoming star parents, the girl has singing abilities and might and main storms of the show business, starting with foreign. In 2018, the performer decided to return home and take up the Russian stage. Already in the spring of next year, the light saw the next stylish clip to the single "Gray Eyes", where the famous mother was lit in the final.

Childhood and youth

The future parents of Alice, as in the famous song of Sergey Trofimov, the city of Sochi. The guy was there on the debt of the service - toured as part of the "Forum" group, and the girl enjoyed the rest along with the girlfriend. Noticing them at the bus stop, the musicians invited ladies to the local restaurant. Then everything was twisted, spinning, and the novel turned out to be at all resort.

Following the young people who broke through strong feelings, despite the solid distance and constant connectors, they found time for infrequent meetings with each other. Sometimes Ira even had to sacrifice student in the current Mgueci, going out in a tour with a loved one. The result of one such trip was the pregnancy ending with the birth of a child (Sagittarius on the sign of the zodiac) on the 13th day of December 1987.

Up to the loud divorce of spouses, childhood their daughter was little different from the rest - the first steps, words, school. But after parting celebrities, everything turned over. And not only because Irina had to raise the girl (Viktor participation did not accept this), but also due to the increased attention to it from the public.

For example, in 1997, the press appeared information that the performer of "blue eyes" was again in an interesting position. And even the "relevant" photos were attached. Pop singer, of course, was not silent, making an official statement about the open lies in the media. But Alisa did not save it then from persistent abrasions of classmates and even teachers about the details of the personal life of the mother and the preparing replenishment in the family.

Irina Ivanovna in the manifestation of emotions to the only heirman is not shy - neither now or decades ago. In 1998, the discography of the future actress "Brother-2" was replenished with an album called in honor of his daughter. From the family biography of Saltykov, it is known that at 15 years old with Alice there was a tragedy - a teenager, which turned the road, hit the car. Fortunately, it cost without serious injury.

At the same age, joyful changes happened. The girl, having heard an entertaining stories about abroad from a foreigner, caught fire by the desire to go to receive European education. France turned out to be the first, but after the bankruptcy of the school, Saltykov-younger moved to Switzerland, where she finished school.

"In the last grade I had seven Fridays at the week. I wanted to learn in architectural, and in legal, become a linguist, because I liked the languages. When the mother heard about the linguist, he asked: "And who will you work?". I thought about the teacher at the institute and somehow looked away, "Alice told in an interview.

In London, she arrived at once in two universities. In one studied dramatic art, in the second - vocal, blessing, the knowledge acquired in the "music" in Russia helped.

Native Alice did not forget. The family even appeared a glorious tradition to gather on Sundays along with relatives - grandmother, uncle and his big family. Despite the absolute lack of communication with the biological father, with his daughter from his second marriage Anna Moon, close and trembling relations are associated. One-sister sisters even made themselves the same tattoo on their hands.


According to the recognition of the daughter of Irina Saltykova, it began to professionally at the music by chance, simply coming to a personal meeting with the producer. A man after listening to the author's song suggested a guest to demonstrate creative abilities. Lady Gaga A Cappella helped please the harsh judge, win the passage to the studio and start a career under the pseudonym Salt. In 2012, Youtube was replenished with a debut clip on the Shingle Shine.

Often the performer was invited to cooperate as a session musician. Also by shoulders - experience with British DJs and the work of works for Russian colleagues. In 2016, under the scenic name Talitha Alice published on seven tracks.

In February 2018, she as Salt presented Silver Bullet, in April - Helium, in June - I Believe in two variations. By the end of the saturated year, Nick Saltykova expanded to Alyssa Salt, and the Russian-speaking composition "Don't let go" about love and dance and rhythmic video on it appeared in Arsenal, which often spun on Muz-TV.

According to the story of the movie, she had to hang down his head, and sit on the hands of an increase in Rabbit's rolling doll, and swim, and make choreographic PA with "Kamasouter", remembering ballet training from childhood. Winned caused an ambiguous reaction of the public: someone did not hide a frank admiration, someone - the same discontent.

In April 2019, Alice decided on the resuscitation of a hit who made her mother popular in the 90s. However, in the remake of "gray eyes", only chorus was preserved, the lyrics of the song is absolutely new.

Personal life

Despite the fact that in musical creations, the girl regularly chants human relationships and feelings, she does not like his personal life. Its social networks will die happy pictures with family and friends, but almost never with a young man. Therefore, for sure to say whether Alice Viktorovna is found in love with someone and is difficult.

Although, undoubtedly, a close relationship with the opposite sex was in her. About the singer mentioned in a conversation with journalists - then she moved to Europe, and parting was not easy. And the question of marriage declared:

"As for life, I have a simple life, except for work, a studio, tour. I, like everyone, I love to spend time with friends, hang out. The only thing my mother scolds me that I don't want to marry. I probably will not even go in forty. "

In addition to music, Alice adores tattoos, travel, fitness and beloved snow-white ps ball.

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At the end of May 2019, the singer made frank recognition in the personal account in "Instagram". It turns out that in the winter it was attacked by an unfamiliar dog (shepherd). As a result, the face, lips and hands were injured. But due to the literate action of plastic surgeons from scars and bites, there is no trace.

"I do not believe my happiness! As if this terrible case was not! The result is: Thanks to the golden hands of our plastic surgeons who clean our faces! And I want to say the words to young girls - do not lie down under the scalpel without need. Thank God for your beautiful lips! "," Said the record.

Alice Saltykova now

At the beginning of 2021, the actress presented a new Caver to the composition of Adel Hello, and a little later put a clip on this track on the Yutiub-Channel. The singer often holds with the subscribers of Challenge - those send it randomly a few words, on the basis of which Alice composes and executes the mini-composition.

In May Saltykova, together with his mother, appeared on the transfer of the "Fate of Man". The girl told that he did not communicate with Viktor Vladimirovich, while noted: if his father would want her society, she will take it with open arms.

Alice did not allow himself no comments about the lack of a parent in her life, while maintaining a person in this difficult situation. She honestly admitted that he had seen her friends more often, so can't make any conclusions about Saltykov as a man.


Like Salt

  • 2012 - shine
  • 2018 - Silver Bullet
  • 2018 - Helium.
  • 2018 - I Believe

As Talitha.

  • 2016 - Criminal.
  • 2016 - In The Moment
  • 2016 - One Night
  • 2016 - One More Lie
  • 2016 - Round
  • 2016 - ALL THAT LEFT
  • 2016 - Last Page

Like Alyssa Salt.

  • 2018 - "Does not let go"
  • 2021 - Hello.

Like Alice Saltykov

  • 2019 - "Gray Eyes"

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