Mikhail Elizarov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



Mikhail Elizarov managed to leave his mark both in the literature and in music. It is impossible to treat the work of men indifferently - it is either loved, or do not understand.

Childhood and youth

Elizarov Mikhail Yuryevich was born on January 28, 1973 in the Ukrainian city of Ivano-Frankivsk. In his youth, the guy was engaged in opera vocals at a local music school.

Having received secondary education in one of the general educational institutions, the young man entered the University of Kharkov at the Faculty of Philology, which graduated in 1996. Also in parallel with study at the university, Mikhail managed to serve in the army.

For 3 years, from 2001 to 2003, Elizarov lived in the German city of Hannover, receiving the education of a television director in a local cinematic school. Further, the guy moved to the capital of Germany, where he lived and worked for 4 years, from 2003 to 2007.


In parallel with the study in 2001, Mikhail adds and published a collection of stories, which received an unusual name "Nails". The work was published with the support of the AD MARGINEM book publishing house and almost immediately attracted attention to the pen's person.

The book represents 24 stories and the story of the same name, the main characters in which 2 student from the boarding school, aimed at raising low-cost children. In one of the interviews, Elizarov told that he composed his debut work for 8 years - began when he was 19, and he graduated from 28 years. The story was highly appreciated by literary critics, after which she fell into the list of Andrei White Prize, and the writer Leo Danilkin in the magazine "Athens" called the Nail Collection with the best debut of the year.

In 2003, from under Mikhail Yurevich's pen, a novel called "Pasternak", which received ambiguous assessments. In it, the cult Russian poet Boris Pasternak appeared in the Demon 'title, which "poisons" by his creativity the consciousness of the intelligentsia. Some critics nicknamed the work of "nauseous" and "theorest". However, Journalist Alla Latynina spoke out quite neutrally in his address, stating that the "Pasternak" a simple and mass-tilt plot.

The glossy edition of the "Continent", overlooking the new work of Elizarova, it vividly wrote that "It's only a brown color to fit into fashion, as the writer's fans and in the circles of literary," calling the journalist "Independent Newspaper" Lion Pirogov, who positively responded about the novel , "The ideologist of the Nazi sense." With all this, the magazine noted that the reason for the criticism was "the way out of the enemies of freedom and the crisis of liberal values".

There were also those readers who highly appreciated the work of Mikhail Yurevich. Thus, the literary critic Vladimir Bondarenko in the weekly newspaper "Tomorrow" responded about "Pasternak" as follows:

"That's where the unbridled Russian Revengers revealed himself in full brilliance, as the answer to all humiliation and insults of the Russian nation, Russian nature, the Russian faith and the Russian dream ... Through the entire set of avant-garde literary techniques, through the philological orientation of the text and the thick erudition of the young writer, not I am inferior to Milorad Pavizh, nor Umberto Eco, there is a fierce defense of the unshakable century spiritual values ​​of the Russian people. "

Literary critic and writer Lev Danilkin gave Roman's definition "Orthodox philosophical action movie." Mikhail Elizarov himself responded about Pasternak not too flattering - he argued that he never liked the poet. According to the author:

"Boris is a talented person, but at the same time exploits terrifying poetic techniques and exactly the same human qualities. You look further and watch the whole iceberg, followed by the frowning liberal bent. "

In 2007, Roman Mikhail Yurevich was published under the name "Librarian", which was subsequently included in the Long Sheet of the Russian Booker Prize. The main character of Roman found out that some books of all forgotten writer from the Soviet Union have magical properties, and several categories of readers are fiercely fighting for possession of them.

Journalists of the glossy magazine "Banner" spoke as follows:

"The prose of Elizarova, obviously, progresses, like the work of Vladimir Sorokina: At first, the scandalous outrageousness was progressed, which subsequently turned into intellectually saturated fiction.

At the beginning of the winter of 2008, the Librarian novel was included in the list of winners of the Russian Booker Prize.

In 2010, the writer's bibliography was replenished with another novel called "cartoons", which a year later reached the final of the Literary Prize "National Bestseller". After another 2 years, Mikhail Yuryevich won the Honorary Prize "New Literature" in the nomination "Audience Prize" with a collection of stories "We came out to smoke for 17 years."


In 2010, Mikhail Yuryevich Elizarov organized his own musical group, which was just called his name. The genre of the team man describes as "Punk-Bard Chanson".

In one of the interview, he so spoke about his team:

"I don't really understand what it is. The most important thing is the text that accompanies easily memorable and unobtrusive motive. And all this together must certainly be cheerful. And here I am in no case we are talking about humor. I just try to turn out the otherworked inventory of fun. "

By 2019, Mikhail Elizarova's discography expanded. One of the most popular songs includes such as "Orcskaya", "I now chikatilo", "Gorbachev (if there were bees of bees)", "Romance about Gigolo" and many others. A talented author-performer is not going to stop there.

Personal life

Not much known about the personal life of the Russian writer and the performer. He prefers not to use social networks, such as "VKontakte" or "Instagram", and on the official site dedicated to the work of a man, there is only a reference to its email. Now Mikhail Elizarov lives in Moscow.

Mikhail Elizarov and his wife Elena

On the Internet there is information that in 2009 his wife was some Elena Svetlova, but it is not known whether they are still in relationships or not.

Mikhail Elizarov now

In 2019, Mikhail Elizarov continues to engage in creativity - to compose new stories and stories, write music and give concerts.

So, in the summer there were three events in Moscow, Samara and St. Petersburg, in which the singer took part.


  • 2000 - "Prose"
  • 2001 - "Nails"
  • 2005 - "Red Film"
  • 2003 - "PASTERNAK"
  • 2007 - "Librarian"
  • 2008 - "Cubes"
  • 2010 - "Cartoons"
  • 2011 - "Burattini. Fascism has passed"
  • 2012 - "We came out to smoke for 17 years ..."


  • 2010 - "Notebook"
  • 2011 - "Evil is not enough"
  • 2011 - "About goat"
  • 2012 - "Package"
  • 2012 - "We came out to smoke for 17 years"
  • 2013 - "House and Paints"
  • 2014 - "Complaint Book"
  • 2015 - "Ragnaret"
  • 2017 - "In Light Ahu"
  • 2018 - "Soldier grunge"

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