Eddie Marsan - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Eddie Marsan is an English artist who has achieved first success in a career aged 35 years. Russian audiences know the actor mainly on the role of the Lestrade inspector in the films of Guy Richie, filmed by Arthur Conan Doyle's works.

Childhood and youth

The future actor was born in the summer of 1968 in the Stepni - the working area of ​​London. The boy's father worked as a truck driver, mother covered dinners in a school canteen. Eddie's parents loved movies and often watched with the son of films.

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At 16, Marsan threw school and entered the printing house as a student of the printer. Then Eddie studied at the theater school by Mauntwlow, located in South London, and also visited the Academy of Dramatic Art, created in London a native of the Chernivtsi region by Sam Kogan. According to the actor, the money for learning gave a philanthropist who believed a guy to the talent.


On the Eddie screen, first appeared in 34 years in the episode of the British Sitkom "The Piglet Files" ("Piglets"). The character of Marsan did not even have a name. In 1997, Eddie played a robber in a spy comedy "A man who knew too little."

At the Moscow International Film Festival of 2012, Eddie is recognized as the best actor for the game in the painting of Tinja Krishnan "Scrolls". In 2011, Marsan lit up in the British version of the television series "Law and Order".

Eddie is the owner of the British Prize for the best male role of the second plan, so criticism appreciated the work of Marsan in the social comedy Mark Lee "carefree." The actor and director also collaborated when creating a detective drama "Vera Drake" nominated for Oscar. In an interview with Venice Venice, Eddie admitted: he is glad that in the "carefree" played by the women's laminating Scott so that the audience would like to spit the character in the face.

Eddie Marsan and Robert Downey Jr. (frame from Sherlock Holmes)

In the filmography of Marsana, the pictures in which the actor characters are historical personality. Eddie created the Sharch Gimmler's cineguards (in the film "Last Kiss Kaiser") and Paul Wolfowitsa (in Nominted on 8 Oscars "tape" Power ").

Marsan also played a major role in the telefilm "The Best of Men" ("The Best of People"), dedicated to the biography of the doctor Ludwig Gutman - the initiator of the Paralympic Games. Although on the eve of the Sochi Olympiad, Russia released a postage stamp with the photo of the doctor, the tape of physician on Russian television was not demonstrated.

Personal life

Marsan is married. Actor's spouse - Awarenessist Janin Schneider. The wife gave Eddie four children, whose photos and pictures from the Personal life Marsan puts on the page in "Instagram". Family lovers - brown dog breed Labradudl.

Eddie Marsan now

At the beginning of August 2019, an action movie "Fasting: Hobbs and Show" appeared on American and Russian screens. In the 9th film Furious Forsazh franchise, Marsan fulfilled the role of Professor Andreiko.

Also, at the end of the summer of 2019, the Russian painting "Ebigeyl" ("Camericist") was published, shot in the fantasy genre director Alexander Boguslavsky. In it, Eddie played the father of the main heroine. Now the actor is starred in the Drama Sean Penn "Flag Day".


  • 1997 - "A man who knew too little"
  • 2004 - "Vera Drake"
  • 2006 - "Illusionist"
  • 2008 - "carefree"
  • 2009 - "Sherlock Holmes"
  • 2009 - "The disappearance of Alice Cre"
  • 2011 - "Sherlock Holmes: game of shadows"
  • 2011 - "Skumps"
  • 2012 - "Best of People"
  • 2016 - "Last Kiss Kaiser"
  • 2018 - "Power"
  • 2019 - "Fast and Furious: Hobbs and Show"
  • 2019 - "Ebigeyl"

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