Dark Tranquillity Group - Photo, Creation History, Composition, News, Songs 2021



"Dark Tranquillity" is a famous Swedish group playing a melodic Metal genre. With "gloomy calm," namely, the name of the group sounds in English, the musicians hold popularity from the beginning of the 1990s. The team exists on the famous metal scene of Gothenburg, longer than all "relatives", stamping the unofficial title of the founder of "Gotheborg sound".

The history of creation and composition

In 1989, five Swedish young men gathered 15 and 16 years. All are natives of the second largest city in Sweden Gothenburg. Mikael Stanne, Nicholas Sundin, Martin Hendrickson, Anders Jiivap and Anders Friden is the first team of the team, subsequently won world famous among lovers of the most rigid musical genre.

The history of the group creation is the story of the search by the musicians of its place under the sun. Young participants came up with a very piquant name "Septic Broiler". The guys drew inspiration in the hives of the cult German metallers "Helloween" and "Kreator", as well as British Matters from Iron Maiden. Further work was considered exclusively through the prism of the metal genre and its directions of Power, Hevi, Tresh and Dat.

The debut "Dark Tranquillitu" took place in the 1990th. The musicians presented a demo album of 3 songs, which was called "Enfeebled Earth". The genre in which the guys recorded the first compositions - Tresh metal.

The stylistics and spirit of the first demo dictated the new name of the team - "Dark Tranquillity". "Dark" or "gloomy" power was still clearly heard in the sound of the second demoalbom, consisting of 4 songs. The compositions differed from the debut musical material greater dimming, slowness and weight, but were stylistically supplemented in the same trash metal.

In 1994, after a long searching for "his" label, "Dark Tranquillity" signed a contract with OSMOSE PRODUCTION. A year before that, the rhythm guitarist Mikael Stann acquired an invaluable experience, writing with a demo album with a group "In Flames". The guest musician first tried the strength in the Deat Metall, borrowing the genre for his team. At the end of the same 1993, Dark Tranquillity presented the first full-length album "Skydancer" by choosing Dat metal for him.

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After the release of the disk, the group left the vocalist Anders Frieden, who replaced Fredrik Johansson. 5 years later, Johansson was fired because he focused on the family. His place was taken by guitarist Martin Henriksson. The bassist was changed: the team invited Michael Niklasson to work. Immediately behind him hired a keyboard player Martin Brandstrem.

In the summer of 2008, Niklasson went from Dark Tranquillity, to replace which Daniel Antonson came. This is the third change in the composition of the executors of the group for its entire biography.


The music performed by the group gradually transformed. Characteristic feature of the first albums "Dark Tranquillity" became hard guitar chords (riffs). But after the release in the 1999th of the 4th album called "Projector", the sound was shifted to the Gothic metal, and the vocal parties were more common with pure solo.

Changes and subjects of compositions have undergone. The first texts are filled with the myths of Scandinavia, Esoteric and death, and later it is philosophical and psychological ballads. Especially indicative in this regard, the collection of songs "Auctioned".

In 2000, the team presented the fifth studio album "Haven", after which the hard metallic style of execution softens. The fans of the Swedish group are confident that the Musicians from Gothenburg - Pioneers of the Swedish Death Metal, to which they came after long experiments with sound. Since 1990, they tried Hvei, Black and Tresh Metal, boldly connecting these subsoances or highlighting one of them. Mixing gave an unexpected result - the resulting sound of music lovers called "Gothenburg Metal".

The Swedish team fans agree that the "Dark Tranquillity" heritage is the greatest value represents the Album "The Gallery". His compositions refer to the classic of the genre of melodic-death, while each of the 11 songs of the collection - Hit. But the album "Projector", on the contrary, rauraved fans, because it dominated uncharacteristic for the Swedes of Gothic Metal. But musical critics highly appreciated the collection, nominating it to the national Grammy.

2002th became a turning point for the team and the genre of melodic-death. Colleagues Swedes in metallic sound, in order to expand the frames and reach the scene of America and Europe, began experimenting with styles, introducing alternative elements. Dark Tranquilly performers left. Critics and fans increasingly reproached musicians into similar with "In Flames".

These claims and forced the group to release the "Damage Done" album, in which they returned to those music and style that fans heard at the beginning of creativity. The synthesizers are barely audible in the compositions, and there is no clean vocal. After the release of the album, the Swedes went on tour, giving concerts in Japan and Korea.

In the spring of 2013, Dark Tranquillity pleased the army of fans with a presentation of the new 10th studio album, which was given by the name "Construct". In support of the collection, the clip was released on the "Uniformity" song.

The DET-Metal Discography group was replenished in 2014: Swedes presented 2 tracks that were combined into a mini-album. Another surprise musicians made fans only 2 years later, in 2016. In November, the 11th Studio Album "Atoma" came out. Among the 12 compositions, fans paid special attention to Forward Momentum.

The new creation of the team of music lovers and musical critics met positive reviews and reviews. The first fresh compositions heard fans of North America, where the Swedes went on tour.

After the release of the stunned 11th disk, Michael Stann gave an interview with the Russian website Metalkings.org, told about the work of recent years. The vocalist shared joy, having told about the genuation on Grammis in Sweden. Readers, respecting the work of the Swedish Deat Metalists, was interested to know about the musical preferences of the vocalist. The station admitted that he often listens to the prog rock group "Agusa". Prog he discovered for himself in his youth and remains his fan of today.

The 2016 musician called the hard year. People respected by Mikael, the political climate in America and Europe grieved unpredictability, 8 months the team beat over a new disc. The work turned out to be exhausting and routine, the time for the family and the little daughter of the station almost did not remain. He admitted:

"When I wrote a lyrics, I tried to comprehend what was going on in the world. The year was unspositive, and I was very angry or upset about what I watched around myself. And the only known way to react is to write text and scream all this. "

But after the "Atoma" release, the musicians received a lot of positive emotions and compliments, relaxed and went to the tour, visited Russia and Belarus.

"Dark Tranquillity" now

In the spring of 2019, the team was pleased with Melomanians an expressive composition "Anno Domini Beats". On numerous fan pages in social networks, fans of the Swedish musicians leave posts in which they require "Dark Tranquilly" to release a new album.

Now as part of a cult group of five participants. Since 1994, the vocalist Mikael Stanne since 1994 goes to the scene with a rhythm guitar. From the first "gold composition" remained Solo-guitarist Niklas Sundin and the drummer Anders Jiivap. Keymows from the end of the 1990s heated Martin Brandstrem. Newbie in the team - Bass-guitarist Anders Ivers. He appeared in 2015.

In the spring of 2019, the Swedes arrived in Russia, making a gift to local fans. The musicians gave a concert at the city center of the chaplub, which on Ordzhonikidze Street.

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The team has an official website and pages in social networks, where you can find fresh photos and information about the work of the pets of millions. In the tour schedule, metalwesters are that in the summer they will be with concerts in France, Germany, Spain and Luxembourg. Account in "Instagram" lights in detail the weekdays "Dark Tranquillity".


  • 1993 - "Skydancer"
  • 1995 - "The Gallery"
  • 1997 - "The Mind's I"
  • 1999 - "Projector"
  • 2000 - "HAVEN"
  • 2002 - "Damage Done"
  • 2005 - "Character"
  • 2007 - "FICTION"
  • 2010 - "WE ARE THE VOID"
  • 2013 - "Construct"
  • 2016 - "Atoma"


  • 1995 - "Lethe"
  • 2000 - "The Wonders At Your Feet"
  • 2007 - "Terminus"
  • 2007 - "MISERY'S CROWN"
  • 2010 - "Her Silent Language"
  • 2012 - "Format C: for Cortex"
  • 2012 - "White Noise / Black Silence"
  • 2014 - "A Memory Construct"
  • 2016 - "Atoma"
  • 2016 - "Forward Momentum"
  • 2016 - "Force of Hand"
  • 2017 - Time Out of Place
  • 2017 - "The Absolute"
  • 2019 - "Alno Domini Beats"

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