Vladimir Bukovsky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Books



On October 27, 2019, it became known that Vladimir Bukovsky died in the UK, which was deprived of Russian citizenship and was accused of spreading child pornography. For decades to these events and proceedings, a man has repeatedly exposed to arrests and for participation in opposition meetings and dissidents, spent several years in conclusion.

Childhood and youth

Vladimir Konstantinovich Bukovsky was born on December 30, 1942, when parents associated with literature and creativity were in evacuation in the Bashkir city of Belebey. Father was a military correspondent, as well as the author of books and notes, the mother worked in the rear at the plant, the farm led and raised children.

In 1950s, the family of the future political activist was able to move to the capital from the periphery, and the boy began to receive education in elementary school, open under Nicolae II. There he came to the editor of Samizdatovsky magazine and was soon removed from classes for the denial of the ideals of the Communist Party and criticizing the crimes committed by Joseph Stalin.

From the young years, Bukovsky, with difficulty, achieved a certificate, held an active public position and was one of the organizers of rallies and meetings at the monument to Vladimir Mayakovsky, located in Moscow. It was there that he was first arrested and seized an article about the collapse of the Komsomol, and then, doubting the adequacy of behavior, was inspected and psychiatric examination.

This led to Vladimir's deductions from Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov, as well as a diagnosis of low-armred schizophrenia, supplied by the future academician of AMN USSR. In order to avoid further questions and investigations, the young man went to the scientific expedition and was not a participant in the trial, which began on the basis of criminal cases.

In the future, Bukovsky, who remained under observation, was repeatedly engaged in illegal activities and spent 3 years in a specialized hospital for copies of the book that the dissident wrote. And then for participation in the political "rally of publicity" activist, the activist was examined in the research institute, but the Soviet specialists and physicians did not understand, he was healthy or not.

Politics and arrests

In the late 1960s, after the demonstration in support of Alexander Ginzburg, Vladimir was admitted by sane and together with comrades were given to court. For a violation of public order, he was sentenced to a 3-year conclusion, at the end of which was the return to the capital with the intention of heading a radical ringing circle.

During this period of staying on freedom, Bukovsky made a number of disagreeable authorities for statements regarding violation of human rights and abuse of psychiatry in the USSR. This caused the response of foreign journalists, who wrote articles about the leader of the dissidents, while their main character received a new term in the Vladimir prison.

In 1976, the power of the West agreed with the USSR on the exchange of political prisoners, and the Chilean communist Louis Korvalan became the price for the head of the head of Vladimir Konstantinovich. Once in the UK, the activist completed his own education in the University of Cambridge and among the friends of radicals and immigrants received a nickname hooligan.

In 1992, Bukovsky was able to return home and participated in the investigation of old party affairs. As a result of access to secret documents, he created the archive of rare materials and, giving most of them to publicity, led themselves as a radical and reactionary.

In 2000, a resident of the United Kingdom organized the Committee "Free Choice" and, with the support of prominent public figures, wanted to become President of the Russian Federation. But thanks to the attention and vigilance of the Central Election Commission, this application was recognized as illegal in connection with the lack of a candidate of Russian citizenship confirmed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs.


From the moment of flight from the Soviet Union, Bukovsky was engaged in literary creativity and became the author of such works as Golden Echelon and the Moscow Process.

Some photos and the facts of his biography were shown in the book "And the wind is returned ...", which was repeatedly published in Russia and caused readers.

Personal life

The personal life of the activist and the writer has always remained under the cover of the mystery, and he calmly lived in the UK with his wife, son, mother and sister.

But in recent years, the barrier in relations with loved ones was the accusation of interest in child pornography, and because of the disgusting photos found in the home computer, he began to spend less time with his family.


Noting the 75th birthday, Bukovsky began to take positions and, having suspended the replenishment of his own bibliography, went to the consultation to British doctors.

And on October 27, 2019, after an urgent hospitalization in the hospital, Cambridge, the cause of the death of the former dissident was the denial of the heart valve.


  • 2001 - Golden Echelon (Collection in Co-authorship)
  • 2007 - "And the wind is returned ..."
  • 2007 - "Moscow Process"
  • 2008 - "Letters of the Russian Traveler"
  • 2013 - "The heirs of Lavrentia Beria. Putin and his team "
  • 2014 - "Putin's Secret Empire. Will the "Palace Coup"? "
  • 2015 - "On the edge. Heavy choice of Russia "

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