Irina Asmus - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death, Cloanes



Irina Asmus was a versatile artist - worked as in the circus and the theater, so in the cinema and on television. Naughty and cheerful clownes was known to the Soviet audience of all ages as Iriska. Despite the fact that there were a lot of difficulties in her biography, the woman did not stop pleaseing the audience until the end of his days.

Childhood and youth

Asmus Irina Pavlovna was born before the beginning of the Great Patriotic War - April 28, 1941 in Leningrad. She was still in his youth dreamed of work related to reincarnation into different images, but could not decide which platform to her closer - film crew, circus or theatrical. In addition, because of the permanent moves, with his family, she could not walk in one circle for a long time.

Irina Asmus in youth

After completing her studies at school, Irina passed the entrance exams in the choreographic school of the Bolshoi Theater, but her little growth and weight became an obstacle in this endeavor.

The mid-50s stood on the courtyard, the Soviet circus was gaining great popularity. Based on this, the artistic girl decided to conquer a different admission committee, fulfilling a song and dance. So Asmus and became a student of the State School of Pop and Circus Art.

Circus and television

In 1958, the Soviet screens came out a television fairy tale "New Cat in Boots", in which Irina performed an episodic role. This project marked the beginning filmography of young actress.

After graduating from the school, the girl entered the circus. She was not afraid to jump on the rope, climb under the dome, walk along the rope and ride a motorcycle. Especially successfully, Irina managed to perform performances in the genre of equilibristics. Unfortunately, during one of the training, Asmus was injured, after which the doctors reported to her about the need to abandon the speeches.

Irina Asmus I.

The girl was upset, but it was sad for a short time - she decided to experience his strength in theatrical art, enrolling in the Leningrad Studio of the Theater of the Young Spectator. Thanks to the external data, her role was clearly understood immediately - Irina played mostly boys and teenagers. However, it soon became clear that the student could cope not only with the tragic and comedy roles.

Later, Asmus was invited to the theater named after the Commissioner, where the girl took part in such productions as "Prince and Beggar", "Cinderella", "Romeo and Juliet". Local print editions began to publish photos with an uptrend star and call her leading actress. At the same time, Irina could not forget the circus arena. She came to combine two works - in the theater for the time of New Year and children's holidays, as well as in the circus on the fountain, where the girl was asked after the end of the main activity.

Irina Asmus and Nina Charolapova (Frame from the film

At the ideas of Asmus, I was reincarnated in Lekhanka, the old woman Shapoklyak, Volka from the "old hottabycha". Children from the auditorium then could not imagine that soon she would be their favorite television clownes. The game in the theater could not fully satisfy the artist, she did not cease to think about the Manege. Arena so attracted her that the girl made a fatal choice - left theatrical layouts and returned to a constant workload in the circus.

In 1977, the Soviet screens came out the children's transfer "ABVGDIKA", which was aimed at teaching children alphabet. Each release is devoted to a separate letter, which the audience was taught together with clowns. Asmus played the heroine named Iriska, which looked like Peppi Longlocks: Two Focusing Mathers, Naughty Cap, Barscaled Jumpsuit and Dear Freckles. Pets of the audience were clowns of Klepa and Iriska.

Subsequently, "ABVGDIKA" won all-union fame, and the fame of the leading eclipsed even the popularity of film cartarters. Thus, 37-year-old Irina gained fame and love of the audience. Unfortunately, modern spectators are little familiar with the work of a woman, now it is associated mainly with its names of Christina asmus, although there is really no kinship between them. Their surname refers to German nationality.

Together with the activities in the television broadcast, Klonesse continued to work in the circus. It lasted 8 years, until the new leading popular program was gained in 1986.

Irina Asmus and Sergey Balabanov (frame from transfer

A clown-woman is a really rare phenomenon. Being funny and does not cause pity - not the simplest job, but Irina Asmus was able to easily. She, speaking practically without a grima, without breaking his clothes and not lurking, as other professionals do, having fun audience, but did not humiliate himself. The image in the arena corresponded to what was in the "ABVGDIK". All their circus performances female invented itself.

One successful room was ridiculed by the commonness of Soviet representatives of weak gender, which loaded themselves with purchases after work and no longer looked so fragile and gently like in the morning, just coming out of the house. Irina appeared in the arena in the image of an elegant dancing lady, which with each packet shown on itself or a bag losing a well-kept appearance - her clothes began to rush, hair is fruished.

Cloiness was able to be at the same time himself and each of those present in the hall. For this reason, the audience loved the Irisk so much and often threw flowers and candy on the arena right during the performance.

In the image of the clown, Asmus did not stop, she dreamed of making flights under the very dome of the circus. In her creative repertoire, a number appeared in which the elements of equilibristics appeared. He got the name "Dance on the lampshar" and meant a final leap head down, perfect with the help of a rotation machine. Subsequently, he was the cause of the death of talented clownes.

Personal life

About the personal life asmus is known not so much. A talented woman was official marriage 3 times. Her first husband was the movie actor and theater Alexander Khainsky, who received fame after the release of the film "Bumbaras". The second chosen was the Manege inspector, who was responsible for the fateful trick, which led to the fall of Irina, and the third - Circus Artist Mikhail Sychev, for which Asmus married in 1967.

Mikhail Sychev and Irina Asmus and Son Andrey

The actress has a son named Andrei, who is engaged in operator activities at various events and lives in St. Petersburg. Despite the fact that he has the middle name of Mikhailovich, Sychev is not his native father. When Andrei was 19 years old, he went to the city of Gomel, in which his mother died. Perhaps, precisely because of the desire to see the child, the Soviet artist performed in the Belarusian circus, where the tragedy occurred.


When in the courtyard stood 1986, Iriska reached a crazy popularity thanks to the participation in the television broadcast and its reprises. At this time, she achieved a trip to Belorussia, where on March 15 performed at the Arena of the Gomel Circus.

At the time of the execution of "Dance on the lampshar", the rotational machine broke, and 44-year-old Irina Asmus died in front of the crowded auditorium. The last return to the circus for a woman became fatal.

The funeral of the famous artist was held in St. Petersburg, her grave is located on the Baby Cemetery. Subsequently on the life, creativity and death of Irisky, a documentary film "Deadly Number" was removed.


  • 1958 - "New Cat in Boots"
  • 1966 - "12 chairs"
  • 1966 - "Eliza Dulittl"
  • 1973 - "Old Fortress"

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