Yana Wagner - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



The literary debut of Yana Wagner took place brightly and deafeningly - her first novel-anti-nightopia "Wongozero", published in 2011, after a high evaluation of critics nominated for a number of prestigious premiums. Since then, the writer pleases fans not by quantity, but the quality of their creativity. In recent work, the author tried himself in a popular detective genre.

Childhood and youth

Yana Mikhailovna Wagner was born on October 8, 1973 in Moscow. The writer has Russian-Czech origin. Mother, nee Wagner, Czech by nationality, arrived in the Soviet Union in the late 60s study Russian, and it remained here, having met his fate in the face of Janin Father.

The childhood of the future writer passed, as she herself admits, "immediately in two big worlds": at home, in Moscow, and in the Czech Republic, where the girl adored to come to the holidays - visit the grandfather and grandmother. Yana knows two languages ​​perfectly: still a schoolgirl, along with Russians read Czech records, watched cartoons.

At the end of the school, he entered the Russian State Humanitarian University, while studying in which he enhanced the knowledge of the English language and, having received a diploma, began to work as a translator.


In the professional biography of the author, there is experience in the radio, after which her career is unexpectedly folding with a humanitarian path to technical: many years a woman worked in the field of transport logistics. The position was associated with frequent business trips, including foreign, thanks to which Wagner visited many countries in Europe, Africa and Latin America.

Only step over the 30-year-old age line, Yana Mikhailovna came to modern Russian prose. Back in 2010, several of its stories entered the collection "Fox honesty" together with such writers as Alexander Thai, Marta Ketro and others. And then she became the author of the Great Roman-Antiutopia. From this point on, the whole woman does not call anything else as a "series of randomness."

"I have never been underground grafoman, did not write poems in youth, there is no painful prehistory ... I just suddenly wanted to do it. I got a blog and wrote a few texts, and everything that happened later, no more than a series of happy randomness ... "," she confessed in an interview.

The idea of ​​writing a novel in the fashionable now the genre of the postpocalypsis really came spontaneously - after watching the film about the global epidemic. There was a thought - and that if the catastrophic situation was formed here and now. Under this impression, Yana Wagner wrote a small story and posted in LJ ("Live Journal").

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Users interested the topic, they asked to continue, began to leave various comments under publication. So the author decided to write another piece, then, until, finally, a full-fledged novel-anti-nightopia "Wongozero" was not turned out, which wanted to get 3 major Moscow publishing houses at once.

Wagner has chosen cooperation with "Eksmo", on the basis of which the book was published in 2011 with a circulation of 3 thousand copies. The author put the story of the ordinary Moscow family. At the height of the deadly epidemic, which covers Moscow, the wife of Anna and Sergey on the advice of the Father decide to escape from the city, life in which collapses in front of her eyes.

At the same time, Sergey cannot leave for a fellow wife and a 5-year-old son and takes them with him. Another married couple with a baby is adjacent to the group. All together they run to snow-covered Karelia, where an abandoned hunting house is standing on the shore of the lake. There, frightened people hope to wait for the epidemic. But, as it usually happens, true human qualities are manifested in extreme danger conditions.

"I wrote a story about the end of the world because I wanted to remind myself about how fine - just live ... What nonsense is turned around our daily problems and disappointments in the face of the real tragedy," Wagner shared.

The work received many flattering reviews, but the main thing - the critic was favorably, which allowed the debut of the Roman to enter the list of nominees at once two prestigious literary premiums - "New Literature" ("Nose") and "National Bestseller". And soon the book started his way to the international market.

In this writer, the Literary Agency "Bank, Gumen & Smirnova" helped. For 4 years, "Wongozero" was transferred to Czech and Slovak, Swedish and French, Polish and Lithuanian. Today, the novel is translated into 11 languages ​​of the world, and many quotes from it received an independent life.

In 2013, the Vagner "Live People" appeared in the bibliography, which became a kind of continuation of the "Wongozer". The work reveals the story of the same heroes and their children who defended the epidemic and are now forced to live together, in a closed space, overcoming their weaknesses, parting with illusions, but at the same time purchasing new values.

Fans of creativity Wagner have become accustomed to the new book from her you have to wait for no year and not two: the author is very scrupulously working on the work, bringing to perfection every paragraph. The writer was pleased with the readers only in 2017, letting the novel "Who was not hidden" in the "Elena Shubina".

This time the writer performed in the genre of detective. In the center of the plot - the story of 9 close friends who came to relax in the ski hotel. A sudden murder of one of the holidays turns pleasant leisure to permanent stay in the atmosphere of fear and suspicion. Every guest has their reasons to be afraid, because by the shoulders of everyone - a difficult fate.

"This is a novel about the illusions, about the lie, when people have to put up with insufficient love and bad friendship," the writer summed up at one of the meetings with readers.

Personal life

Yana Mikhailovna reports itself only what now lives with her husband, son and two dogs in a large country house. There are no more details about her personal life. Yana Wagner admits that the idea of ​​leaving the Moscow apartment for the sake of fresh rustic air came to her in the mid-2000s.

Spouses chose a plot under Zvenigorod, 60 km from Moscow, and began to build a spacious bright house here, which is now located between the majestic pine forest and picturesque green meadows.

The writer is active in social networks - Facebook and Instagram, often publishes photos from everyday life in its chronicle.

Yana Wagner now

In 2018, the story of Yana Wagner "2068" appeared on the network, this is a joint project with Invitro. The work tells how the world would change without drugs and medicine. The purpose of this project is to draw the attention of each to dispensarization and laboratory studies that allow you to prevent the disease in a timely manner.
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And in 2019, a significant event occurred in the author's life. In May, the Russian series "Epidemic" was shown at the Cannes Film Festival, filmed by the director Pavel Kostomarov based on "Wongozer". For Wagner, according to her recognition, it is "at the same time a big luck and a serious test."


"I don't like scary when the writers divide on men and women, in the 21st century it is an idiotic division, outdated." "The ability to see how people who have invented by you go and talk - rare happiness and a large temptation, from which it is very difficult to refuse" . "Literature is an opportunity to see the picture in alphabetic signs."


  • 2011 - "Wagonero"
  • 2013 - "Living People"
  • 2018 - "Who is not hidden"

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