Nigina Saifulllaeva - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



On the last day of October 2019, when it was not indifferent to the most terrible holiday of the year, they had a pre-prepared pumpkin, the "loyalty" of Nigina Saifullaeva came to the film distribution. The film managed to declare himself at the last festival "Kinotavr" and take a special prize of the jury. But this is not the main achievement of its achievement - repeatedly on discussions after the visits of the viewer got up and found the forces loud to admit to treason.

Childhood and youth

The figure of the cinema applying to the title of the chief director about sex was born in mid-April 1985, the 16th, in Dushanbe in the family of a purebred Tajik and half an Armenian, half of Ukrainian.

The familiarity of the parents occurred in Moscow - then the young people were still students (he - the Litin Institute, she is an industrial university, where he studied on a clothing designer). Strong mutual feelings broke out, and soon the lovers left the Male to their homeland.

In a new place, his chosen one only could take place in national clothes, having achieved almost impossible - permission to conduct a secular lifestyle. In curious facts of their biography, she shared in an interview with Meduse at the end of June 2019:

"Mom worked in the house of models, Dad - a journalist, a rider, grandfather, a writer, former President of Gosperary. By the way, he was almost shot for the fact that he broadcast and defended the principles of lightness. Perhaps that spirit of freedom and independence somehow influenced me. "

In the early 90s, the mother with two children (Nigina has an older sister) moved back to the capital of Russia, which, according to Syfulllaeva, turned everything from his head. In Moscow, having received secondary education, the girl entered the RGGU, then continued his studies in VKSR and IPSI.


The cinematic path of Nigina Hafizovna began in 2009, then she took off the short film "I want with you" on my own scenario, after 2 years by replenishing the filmography of the next short picture "Roshovnik".

Lovers of Russian television series are obliged by SimaFullae's creation of "Deffchonok" and "kids", and the connoisseurs of high-quality cinema, where love and sex and dirt speaks of love and sex in all manifestations, "about love. Only for adults "and" what is my name ".

By the way, the director, by hanging the work with bed scenes and intimate moments, does it in order to bring sex from the taboo zone. She believes that sufficient knowledge about him will be able to secure a person and bring the maximum pleasure, joy and even happiness.

Personal life

A person who shoots films about the difficult fragile interpersonal relations is not unfound-like - in the personal life of Nigina (by the way, in translation into Russian, such an unusual name means "precious stone in a frame" or "ring") reigns harmony and love.

The woman is happily married to a colleague Mikhail Bezetsky - Writer "Legends number 17", "Good Boy" and "Superbobrov". A married couple Growing the son of Ivan, born in 2017, family photos and now can be found in the "Instagram" of the winner of the "Kinotavorrow 2019" laureate.

Nigina Saifulllaeva now

Before the premiere of "loyalty", the numerous media literally pumped up her creator to pieces, luring to his frank conversations. However, Nigina Hafizovna with Hunting agreed on the aunt-a-tets, where they revealed professional secrets.

Evgenia Gromova and Alexander Pal

For example, in one of the conversations, the woman admitted that Alexander Pal appeared at the stage of the scenario: a man with internal warmth and unobtrusive sexuality was needed to the main role of the film on the treason, and not a "stallion".

As for his partner Evgenia Gromovoy, then the director estimated sensory content and truly royal nobility.


  • 2009 - "I want with you"
  • 2010 - "Rosehip"
  • 2012-2018 - "Deffchonki"
  • 2013 - "Loves doesn't like"
  • 2014 - "What is my name"
  • 2017 - "About love. For adults only
  • 2018 - "Baby"
  • 2019 - "loyalty"

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