Slava SE (Vyacheslav Soldatenko) - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, plumber, books, LJ 2021



The pseudonyms of some artists are worthy of at least memorization and as a maximum of admiration. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, in addition to Antoshi Chekhonte and a man without a spleen, invented the young elder and Schiller Shakespirovich Goethe. The surname Ranevskaya took himself Fanny Feldman from the favorite work above mentioned by the author of the Cherry Garden. Also hiding under the fictional name of SE Glory preferred and writer from Latvia Vyacheslav Soldatenko.

Childhood and youth

At first, Vyacheslav Soldatenko, and the sonorous short glory of SE and Vanych - much later, when Plumbing decided to radically change the profession and move to the Internet, giving him the best creations to him. The future writer was born in the capital of Latvia, according to some data, on April 6, 1969.

According to his few stories about the children's years, he possessed a quiet character, but this did not prevent the boy once to pull gunpowder from the father-hunter and blow up with friends in the covered places of the city. Or indulge in reading books right in school lessons, especially in chemistry, for which he got to her head from the teacher. And then there was no pain from slap, but the age of the teacher - 25, "quite an old woman."

Talking about the mother, Vyacheslav mentioned that the woman was born during the war years, and from 5 years of age in her duties included sheep's mouth. With the help of twigs, she first instilled upbringing and discipline to animals, and later to his beloved son.

"She loved Alexei Tolstoy and deducted somewhere that in childhood it was forced every day to write essays. The same technique was tested on me. And I did not want to be Alexey Tolstoy: He was a lie and in glasses. I wanted a "Volga". But, as you can see, I didn't have much choice, "said SE in an interview.

As for higher education, Vyacheslav received it at the Faculty of Psychology MPP, where he was not afraid to object to the Rector and argue with him about Sigmunde Freida, considering it a non-outstanding personality, but an abandoned paranoid. In parallel with the student, the student tried to work in a specialty in the Latvian Ministry of Internal Affairs, where he analyzed the tests of employees who attempted suicide.


In the future, the guy has changed a lot. He worked as a musician in an academic theater, and a businessman, and an advertiser, and a taxi driver, and a journalist, and even a nurse in children with health problems. And on the debt of the service constantly performed samples of the pen - then plans for marketing companies, then customized articles, then market reviews, then the same decryptions of psychological tests of personnel.

Before the literature, a man, as already mentioned, helped the townspeople cope with a drowned or torn faucet and another naughty plumbing. This, in fact, influenced not only for personal, but also on life in general.

Blog and books

In 2005, a new author was registered in the "Live Journal", hid behind the pseudonym of the Glory of SE and stubbornly laid out simple and very witty texts, found a response in the souls of readers and conquered the sophisticated public. Over time, interest in the blog of the Riga writer Ros, the prose ruthlessly understood the quotes, popularity and fame grew in geometric progression.

At the very start, of course, he could not predict it - the page on the network turned timidly, with bad premonitions, and the stories went out all about love and suffering. Gradually, the style was hipged, every printed word about the family, about two favorite daughters, the first spouse, who did not cope with the decision of her husband to leave the bread position of the entrepreneur and who broken jealousy, polished to the brilliance.

The resulting army of fans laughed over the opuses to tears, sympathizing with divorce, but infecting by the author's charm and his jokingly philosophical attitude towards everything that happened.

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The publishers who spoke with a serious proposal were left aside - to reveal the world a separate blogger book. From cooperation with the first glory refused, going on the principle, because 5 years of creative biography put in a collection with a fee of $ 600 seemed insolidated. With the subsequent conversation ended more favorably, reluctantly having surrendered to the mercy of the winner, the Soldatenko eventually agreed.

In 2010, "Plumbing, his cat, wife and other details" came out, "which even had to printe because of a mad excitement. Readers with head plunged into the story of living - to be the main character and demanded a continuation. It happened in the form of the novel "Eve" for the next year.

However, the success did not make the writer leave the native LJ, while at the same time an unofficial collection of short stories called "Giraffe" appeared there. After the noticeable break was made - the bibliography was replenished with "Plumbing. Your knee is only in December 2013 (together with the debut product forming the "total plumbing in one stack"). The "last plumber" came out in 2015, and after 36 months - immediately 2 books.

In 2018, the fans waited immediately a couple of prints of the author. At first there was a "plumber with heat and with heat", following him - "When the turtle drowshes." And after that, their creator, as it should, went to meet with readers by city not only the native country, but also Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, as well as abroad.

Often, Soldatenko was accompanied by talented musicians. For example, on March 2, 2019 in the Moscow Geological Museum of Vladimir Vernadsky, a literary evening for the accompaniment of Pavel Fahrtdinova was held.

And in the middle of the month of the same year, Vyacheslav and Roman Lankin gave joint concerts in Germany. At the same time, the Prosisaic did not forget about his plumbing profession, no one shy this.

Communication with fans, he preferred to support through a separate account in Facebook, publishing his own observations and photos.

By the way, the scenarios for the film "Gentlemen, Good luck!", "Sadko", "Three heroes: a horse's move" - ​​his hands.

Personal life

"There would be no happiness, but the misfortune helped" - this is one in one about Vyacheslav. If the divorce with the first wife of the Lyuce had happened, then, perhaps, they would not know how the gifted network writer would not know. The chosen one left, leaving the older Maria and the youngest Lyuly. However, to a woman who gave him two favorite daughters, ex-spouse treated with an unsurpassed irony:

"Wife beat himself strongly. This is exactly what caused the divorce. To her before his friends it was inconvenient that her husband from the board of directors went to Lumen-Proletaria. Then the girlfriend complained: "I did not know that he would become a writer." In general, she is fine. She earns well, very active. "

And at the same time added that its temperament was enough to fight with a representative of the opposite sex at the gas station and even manage to sue him from him.

As a man lived after Lucy's departure, it had to cope with the children and what had changed in life, Vyacheslav thought thoroughly and tastefully described in the 2013 novel.

Daughters of SE Glory
"I have a new wife. She is half Tatarka - she has relatives in Elabuga, director of a large company, 80 people in submission, but very democratic, and between us relationships that allow you to not worry about each other, "he admitted in 2018.

The daughters of SE could enthusiastically tell for hours. Senior, for example, decided to suddenly graduate from school externally, preferred to share with the father of the innermost secrets and consult in the choice of cavaliers. And the youngest thanks to a talented and famous parent could calmly get acquainted with the saleswoman at the bus stop and in exchange for a presented book regularly receive "unlimited" tea.


On June 10, 2021, the media reported on the hospitalization of the writer in one of the Riga hospitals with a diagnosis of coronavirus infection. All concerts were canceled. And on 19 June, the glory of SE died, the cause of death was bilateral pneumonia caused by COVID-19.

Fans of creativity Vyacheslav were amazed by the tragic news.


"We are the birthplace of Tsiolkovsky, so I have a chance to get on Mars more than in France." "Masha's first book was tested by the teacher in literature. And there on the 273rd page such that is still inconvenient to Russian philology. "" True love, which with self-denial, only God is inhaled. "" The main rule of Indian writers: "Reduced the phrase for one brief voice - the same joy, How to give birth to a son "".


  • 2010 - "Plumbing, his cat, wife and other details"
  • 2010 - "Giraffe" (informal collection in "LJ")
  • 2011 - "Eva"
  • 2013 - "Plumbing. Your knee "
  • 2014 - "All plumbing in one stack"
  • 2016 - "Last Plumbing"
  • 2018 - "Plumbing with heat and with heat"
  • 2018 - "When the turtle drowns"
  • 2019 - "Divorces"
  • 2021 - "Little Opera"

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