Anaksagor - photo, biography, personal life, teaching, cause of death, philosopher



According to contemporaries, Anaksagor was the first professional scientist of that time, a man fully dedicated to the life of science and philosophy. He was distinguished and the fact that he never refused his beliefs, possessed the firm spirit and despised the material benefits.


The philosopher was born in Ionia, in the city of Claus, about 500 to n. NS. His father Gegesebul was a wealthy person than Anaxahor never used and led a ascetic lifestyle. From an early age, he was fond of the philosophy of Anaximman Miletsky. Refusing a father's inheritance, went to West.

Philosopher anaksagor

At the time of the intellectual dawn of Greece, in particular Athens, Anaksagora moved there to be deeper to study science and popularize his philosophical thought. This was helped by the Athenian politician Pericles, with whom his close relationship was associated. Some sources argue that the pericles was a student of a philosopher, but there is no direct confirmation. Rather, the statesman respected the man and listened to his opinion.

Science and philosophy

In the teachings of Anaxagora there are signs of materialism - philosophy, which has been developed before it. A distinguished feature was the statement that the whole world order is organized and is managed by the mind as the only driving force. This idea adhered to his students Fucdide, Archelay and Euripid.

Pericles and Anaxagor. Artist Augustine Louis Bel

At the same time, the Thinker Empidal wrote his works, and both philosophers based their teachings on the same principles, trying to explain what the materialists could not. If you compare these two theories of the development of the world, then Anaksagor is more accurate and details explained the formation of matter than its contemporary.

Greece influenced Anaksagora and as a scientist. The researcher was engaged in various sciences, a mathematics had paramount importance for him. Neoplatonic Proclus in the manuscripts commented that the geometry was developed by Pythagoras and Anaksagor.

In Astronomy, the scientist made an important prediction, which now exists as an ordinary and understandable phenomenon. Anaksagor "predicted the fall of a large stone from the sky." This seasonal phenomenon of the current science calls the "Falling of Stars" and explains the meeting with the flow of meteorites by the rotation of the Earth.

For this, the opening of the astronomer rigidly criticized some of the Athenian politicians. Anaksagor's theory questioned the religious beliefs that heavenly shining are deities, because, as a scientist assumed, the stars have a material origin. However, among other thinkers there were those who did not accept an anti-religious "doctrine of heaven." Xenophon, a student of Socrates, wrote that the sun could not consist of fire, because the skin darkens from sunlight, and there is no fire.

Anaxagor. Artist Giovanni Langesty

The philosopher was betrayed by the court and sentenced to the death penalty. However, Pericles convinced the judges to change the sentence to exile from Athens. He settled in Lammadcake - a trading city on the banks of the river. Residents surrounded by his respect and visited a school based school. In 428 BC NS. He died, the cause of death is not specified anywhere. In Lammadcake, after the death of the thinker, the celebrations arranged in his honor.

Modern scientists and historians continue to differ in the data on the biography of an ancient Greek philosopher. Anaxagor is written several hundred books and articles, and quotes and aphorisms to this day remain the foundations of philosophy.

Quotes and aphorisms

  • "The purpose of life is theoretical knowledge and coming from here freedom"
  • "Nothing arises from non-existence"
  • "- You lost the Society of Athenian.

    - No, they have lost my society "

  • "There are two lessons of death: time before birth and sleep"

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