Nine Inch Nails Group - Photo, Creation History, Composition, News, Songs 2021



Nine Inch Nails are an Industrial-Rock team, at the head of which is Trent Reznor. A man does for his group literally everything - produces, sings, writes texts, playing various musical instruments. Also, the NIN leader composes music and songs for famous films.

The history of creation and composition

The history of the creation of an Industrial-Rock band Nine Inch Nails began in 1988 in the American city of Cleveland Ohio. Nin is the brainchild of the multi-instrument musician trent of the regulation, the rest of the participants from time to time changed.

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The guy began his career as a keyboard player in the Exotic Birds team, but in the late 80s wanted to devote himself to his own project. At that time, he worked as an assistant sound engineer and a cleaner on one of the studios of sound recording. Once, Rezunor asked Chef Bart Koster permission to use musical equipment for free in the free time from guests. The man answered consent, and from that moment began the biography of Nine Inch Nails.

Trent played on all tools except drums. For a long time he tried in vain to find a group, able to fulfill the music desired to them. However, the young man still managed to find the necessary people, after which the project was not only studio. Reznor gave the group a non-standard name "9-inch nails", assuring that it is just memorable than a deepthorn. Designer Gary Talpas developed a popular logo, and in the fall of the same year, Trent signed a contract for the release of a single with a TVT Records label.


The debut album Nine Inch Nails called Pretty Hate Machine appeared on the shelves of music stores in 1989. He independently recorded Reznor with the support of producers Mark Ellis and Adrian Sherwood. The record found a response in the hearts of the audience, appreciating the music in the style of alternative and industrial rock.

Although she did not occupy the high position in the Billboard 200 hit parade, but she lasted in it for more than 2 years, becoming the first released on the independent label and received platinum status. Three tracks were complemented by clips, and because of the video on the DOWN in IT, the FBI agents showed attention to the creator of the group.

The following year, Nin went to a tour of America, in which heated in more popular alternative performers. The collective of the trent of the regulation attracted the attention of the public in that he constantly broke the equipment right on the stage at the end of the speech.

Further, the rock group performed at the LOLLAPALOOZA alternative music festival, the organizer of which became Perry Farrell. Returning home from Europe, the guys began to prepare material for a new disk, as this wanted a label. Due to the fact that the creator of Nine Inch Nails did not want to listen to the label management, his relationship with TVT Records was finally spoiled.

When Rezunor realized that all new musical work under the terms of the contract would belong to the label, he began to produce tracks under different fictional names. Next, Nin moved to Interscope, in which a familiar group worked. Trent was initially dissatisfied with the fact that he again appeal as a thing with a thing, but later he realized that new bosses were quite liberal and provide a group of complete freedom of self-realization.

Broken mini album release took place on a personal label of the regulator called Nothing Records, which was part of Interscope. A guitar prevailed in the sound of a new material, which distinguished him from the debut disk. In 1993, the Wish composition was awarded the Grammy figurines in the nomination "The best performance in the Metal style", and the LIVE-performance of the Happiness In Slavery track from the Woodstock festival is another reward. Interestingly, the video on this song was banned for the show, as it depicts the scenes of torture and murder.

Preparatory work dedicated to the release of the second record began in the second half of 1992. As a result, she was recorded in a room, where many years ago, the serial killer Charles Manson, having enlisted the help of accomplices, stabbed Sharon Tate - actress and spouse director Roman Polanski. Interestingly, the reger managed to communicate with the sister of the killed woman. This acquaintance turned the consciousness of the musician.

The DowNward Spiral plate was published in March 1994 and immediately located on the 2nd line of the Billboard 200 rating. The final sales of the album exceeded 9 million copies, thereby making it the most commercially successful release of NIN. The disk came out conceptual, which narrates on the decomposition of the human soul. Musical critics supported the work.

The Hurt Track was nominated for Grammy in the category "Best Rock Song", and Closer has become one of the commercial singles. In June of the next year, the remix album called Further Down The Spiral was published. As a result, the guys went in a tour, which took re-participation in the Woodstock festival.

After that, the Runs began to record the soundtracks to the films "Born Killers" ("Burn") and the "Highway to Nowhere" ("Perfect Drug"). In addition, in 1996 he worked on the sound accompaniment for the popular game Quake, and also engaged in producing - it was Trent first to take care of the promotion of Marilyn Manson, taking part in the record of his debut plate.

The release of the Dual Album The Fragile was held in the fall of 1999. The disc was the leader of the Billboard 200 hit parade, and sales exceeded 228 thousand copies in the first week. True, later the album was not sold so successfully, so the Rubber had to finance the tour independently.

Before releaseing a new album, Nine Inch Nails announced the premiere of a hard satirical single called Starfuckers, Inc. In the video clip on this track, Marilyn Manson played the main role, who managed to quarrel with the Trent. However, after this cooperation, all disagreements between the two rock celebrities were settled.

In November 2000, the premiere of the collection with the remixes Things Falling Apart was held, and at the end of the touring tour, the concert record was released and all the Could Have Been. In the same period of time, the leader of the group acquired dependence on alcohol and narcotic substances, so the new studio album called with Teeth became available only in 2005. Despite the fact that the record was illegally posted on the Internet to the official release, it did not affect the fact that she headed the Billboard 200 rating.

Musical critics reacted ambiguously - someone believed that the group returned to the origins, and someone - that Nin was outlined. The video language of the song The Hand That Feeds was published on the official website of the Trent. The video on the composition of the Every Day IS Exactly The Same was mounted, but did not release. Tours, designed to support the record, stretched up to the summer months of 2006, resulting in a Beside You in Time DVD, which included photos and videos created in the tour.

NIN discography has been replenished with an anti-astope anti-American conceptual album Year Zero, in the spring of 2007. The first single was the song Survivalism. The work positively met critics, but she failed to achieve the first places in the hit parades. The group members created a fascinating puzzle game for fans, whose prompts were on different sites and concert attributes. Interestingly, on the courts where the concerts of the American team were held, it was possible to find the related USB discs with an unpublished material.

In the autumn of the same year, the premiere of the album with the remixes of the Year Zero Remixed, which became the last disk recorded on Interscope - the contract came up to the end, and did not begin to extend it. The idea of ​​sprinkling the series on the record, which he called the "soundtrack to a non-existent film" came to the head. Initially, the large-scale idea was never implemented, since the leader Nin realized that he would not master a full cinematic project.

In the spring of 2008, Trent Rezunor published on the website Nine Inch Nails 2 releases - The Slip and Ghosts I-IV. Both plates were limited to CDs. Next, the group went to the tour, the video materials from which the group leader posted for free download. Subsequently from these files, fans mounted a full film called Another Version of The Truth and released on DVD. Participants of the musical team were flattered by such attention.

In early 2009, Runor said that the Nine Inch Nails project was covered. The group played the last concert in September, after which the musicians left the team, and Trent began to work independently. The main activity was the record of the soundtracks to film, including "Tetsuo: a bullet man" and "social network". Work on the last film brought a man two prestigious awards - "Oscar" and "Golden Globe" in the nomination "For the best musical accompaniment".

After 4 years, the NIN leader announced that the group is reborn again. The collective has another 3 studio album, the last of which is in 2019. They got the names of Hesitation Marks, Bad Witch, Strobe Light.

Nine Inch Nails now

In 2019, the Group continues to give concerts around the world, write songs and shoot clips.

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  • 1989 - Pretty Hate Machine
  • 1994 - The Downward Spiral
  • 1999 - The Fragile
  • 2005 - WITH TEETH
  • 2007 - Year Zero
  • 2008 - Ghosts I-IV
  • 2008 - The Slip
  • 2013 - Hesitation Marks
  • 2018 - Bad Witch


  • 1992 - Wish.
  • 1992 - Happiness in Slavery
  • 1994 - Closer.
  • 1997 - Perfect Drug
  • 2005 - The Hand That Feeds
  • 2006 - Every Day IS Exactly The Same

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