Ionch - biography, image and characteristic, analysis, main characters, quotes, photos


Character History

The main hero of the story of Anton Chekhov "Ionch". Dr. From the provincial city of S. Turns to familiarity with the family of Turkish and falls in love with their daughter Catherine. However, the novel has no development, and the characters over time absorbs the bog of provincial being.

History of creation

Writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

Chekhov writes the story of "Ionch" in 1898, and then the text is first published in the ninth of the literary application to the popular magazine "Niva". Behind the story of Chekhov began after returning from France in the spring of 1898. Writer's notebooks are preserved, where he outlines the plot. Initially, the focus of the author was the Family of Turkish, which in the first edition they wore another surname.

The head of the family was supposed to be a sharp official who plays on stage and sings, the Hero's spouse had to write a story of a liberal sense and a joke to play with the surrounding one. Chekhov was going to concentrate on this family to debunk them and portray their empty people, but in the final version of the "under the blow" is also a doctor of elders.

Anatoly Papanov in the image of ion

In 1966, the Black and White film "In the city of S." came out on the film studio "Lenfilm" - The screening of the story "Ionch", filmed by the director Joseph Hayfitz. Actor Anatoly Papanov starred in the role of Dmitry Startseva. The director depicts the sad life path of Dr. Startsev, ending with the full degradation of the personality, and the image of the provincial city of S. is filled with cemetery symbols.


The young doctor of the elders comes to the village of Lelizh under the provincial city of S. and meets the famous Turkish family in the city. The head of the family puts amateur performances, the spouse writes a story and novels who read up to friends, and the daughter of Catherine plays on the piano. Elders at the invitation comes to visit and spends Turkish evening in the company. Heroes spend time - drink tea, hostess faith reads his novel aloud, and Catherine is musitis. Older Turkish like, and the hero leaves them in a good mood.

Ekaterina Turkina plays a piano

After a few months, the young doctor again finds himself in the house of Turkish, where he was invited to the hostess at home suffering from migraines. The hero is fond of Catherine Turkish and begins to visit the time to visit, to spend time with the girl and talk. Soon the doctor becomes difficult to do without society Catherine and a week.

Once the girl decided to joke, appointing a launch date at night on a cemetery. The doctor understands that this is nothing more than a joke, and still comes to the cemetery at midnight, where it is always lingering between the graves alone. The next day, the doctor makes Catherine a Turkish offer, but the girl does not want to marry. The heroine is going to leave the boring provincial city of S. and become an artist. A few days later, Catherine is actually leaving to enter the Moscow Conservatory, and the doctor stops worrying about it.

Dr. Elders and Turkin

Time goes, elders rich and expands the practice. And after a few years again falls into the house of Turkish, where he meets Catherine. She could not become a famous pianist, as she was going, and returned to the parent house, where things are still. Everyone also drink tea, mother writes novels. After that, elder's visit with Turkish no longer communicates. The hero is drowning in boredom, greed and discontent with life and gradually degrades. In the house of Turkish, too, everything remains still, the heroes are only agreed and do not develop at all.

Dr. Dmitry Ionovich Starters began his career as a Zemsky doctor in the village of Dliliz in the vicinity of the provincial city of S. Hero grew up among the simple and unsecured people, in the family of Dyccé - a small minister of the Church. By the nature of Dmitry Ionovich, the man is kind and stupid, Ekaterina Turkina calls the hero "the best of people." In the eyes of the public, Dmitry Ionovich appears by an intelligent person, it works at work a lot. The hero is so busy in the hospital, which cannot find free time on personal affairs.

At first, Dmitry Startseva has no money, and he lives the hero is quite poor. Nine miles that separated the village of Dalija from the city of S., the hero has to overcome on foot, because there is no money for horses in Dmitry Ionovich. The young doctor is interested not only by one medicine, but also by literature and art. He can talk for hours about these subjects. Elders loves to talk about work in a hospital, enthusiastic what makes.

Raised Ionch

According to the youth of the years, Dr. Elders "Plaplacely" falls in love with Ekaterina Turkin, who refuses to become a hero's wife, despite the community of interests and tenderness, which the elders exhibits it. The career of the doctor, meanwhile, slowly goes up, and after a year of the elders can afford to acquire a couple of horses and hire a koucher.

Four years after the hero ripped the relationship with Catherine, the reader sees a different picture. The elders frustrated and earned the shortness of breath, blinked off walking on foot and travels around the city on the top three horses. The time of the hero is employed mostly by work. Startieva has extensive practice. In the morning, the hero hurts patients in the village, then takes the top three and goes to the city, where patients are also waiting for it. Home Hero returns late at night.

Illustration for the work of Chekhov

No friends have no friends. The hero falls on the debt of the service to see many people and to be in different homes, but patients and other people are caused by one deaf irritation from Starty. Their views on life, appearance and conversations are unpleasant to the hero, so the elders closely do not converge with anyone. The life of the hero of dim and monotum, the older lacks impressions. According to his own sense, the hero is only "becoming" and "lowered". The work turns for Starty to the means of profit, and he does not see anything good in such a life.

Four years later, when the elders occurs again with Catherine, he does not have any gentle feelings to a woman, and the doctor is just rejoicing that he did not marry before. Ekaterina herself regrets that she refused the older, and wants to get close to get together, but the hero does not want any close relationship. Catherine seems older too pale, the expression of the face of the heroine, a smile, voice and even a dress and armchair are now caused by Startsev rejection. As a result, the doctor stops visiting Turkish.

Thilled Dmitry Startsev

It takes a few more years, and the doctor of elders turns into an unpleasant type, which surrounding the name is exclusively "ions". The doctor was dying even more, he became unhealthy red face, began to breathe hard and now he could only walk back his head. The hero of the rich is so much so that he bought himself the estate and two houses in the city, and is going to still buy the third. Work has become even more, and the older "once sigh".

A peculiar "entertainment" appears at the Hero - in the evenings, they pull out money from all pockets from patients per day, and lovingly those recalculate. When a rather large amount is recruited, the hero puts money to the account in the society of mutual loan.

The character of Starteva will finally deteriorate, and life is completely devoid of meaning and monotony. The doctor is easily annoyed on patients, angry and increases the voice, looks at the floor with a stick. The hero lives alone, he left no interests. Live older boring. In the evenings, the hero goes to the club, where he plays the screw, and then dines alone behind a large table. Youth love for Catherine Turkina turns out to be the only light episode in the Hero's life.

Further biography of the hero is unknown.


"While you play cards with a tourist or eat with him, then this is a peaceful, complacent and even a unlumous man, but it is only worth talking to him about anything inedible, for example, about politics or science, as it becomes a dead end or makes such a philosophy , stupid and evil that remains only hand to hate and move away. "" Not the one who does not know how to write a line, but the one who writes them and does not know how to hide it. "" If the most talented people in the whole city are so bad, then What should be the city. "

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