Todd Howard - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Games 2021



Todd Howard - Gamedizainer, who brought the creation of a series of computer games The Elder Scrolls and Fallout. He enters the pleiad of the famous and influential people in the profile industry.

Childhood and youth

Todd Howard was born on April 25, 1971 in the American town of Lower Makung Township, located in Pennsylvania. The biography of the gameidizer was associated with computer games from early childhood.

The first computer purchased by parents for study was used exclusively for leisure. For days, the boy was passionate about the Ultima and Wizardry games. Later, he discovered a hockey simulator from the manufacturer of Bethesda, and a brave idea came to the head of a teenager.

Despite showering and modesty, Todd went to the developer office to offer a resume. The young man refused. He failed to enlist the confidence of specialists and six months later, but the guy was not taking confidence. After graduating from college, the young man again experienced good luck and was adopted at Bethesda Game Studios.


The debut quest of Howard was porting the project The Elder Scrolls: Arena, which meant the need to transfer it from the diskette to the disk. To do this, it was necessary to rewrite the code, with which Todd quickly coped and received a translation into more interesting tasks. He gained new skills and was able to implement as a developer and designer in a short time. His ideas for shooters were sought-after. Gamedizainer provided free space in games, increasing the player overview.

After 2 years, Todd Howard became the leading developer of the company. In difficult conditions, he successfully organized the release of the 2nd part of the Daggerfall TES series. She was noted by several awards as a game of the year. Stunning success brought Howard and freedom of action. He decided to make a multi-stage project from TES with an adventure plot, but the first issue was failing.

Rehabilitated Gamedizainer allowed the game The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind. Graphics and dynamics of the author's new idea, a large arsenal of tools and other details made the release in demand, and the profitable profits, as the game was ported on xbox. In 2006, a continuation called Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion. After his presentation, Todd Howard's name was associated with success. The plot and graphics of the game were out of competition.

Two years later, the gameidizer presented Fallout 3. 12 million copies of the project were sold in the world. He received the status of the game of the year in several premiums. In 2010, Howard again surpassed himself, releaseing Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. The number of copies sold exceeded 20 million, and the project again became a game of year.

2015 pleased howr's fans start sales Fallout 4, which was expected to be a hit. By the time Todd held the position of the general producer of Bethesda Game Studios. On the first day of sale exceeded 1.2 million copies.

Personal life

Todd Howard is married. His wife is called Kim. Couple raises her son. Although the geimidizer tries not to apply for personal life, fans know that Howard Jr. became the first tester of several Father's projects.

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Now in "Instagram" and "Twitter" there are several communities dedicated to Todd Howard and its projects. Fans are followed by the work of the gamedizer and are waiting for the release of new games. On my own he does not lay out personal photos.

Male's growth is 168 cm, and the weight remains secret.

Todd Howard now

In 2019, video game lovers are waiting for several projects from the company Bethesda Game Studios. Their development has been delayed, so Memes with the participation of Todd Howard began to appear on the Internet.

According to the geimdizainer itself, the presentation will be held soon. Fans can count on the output of The Elder Scrolls VI project. Preparations of its presentation at least expected game Starfield. About Dates Company Developers do not apply.


  • 1995 - "The Terminator: Future Shock"
  • 1998 - "The Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard"
  • 2002 - "The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind"
  • 2006 - "The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion"
  • 2008 - "Fallout 3"
  • 2010 - "Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim"
  • 2015 - "Fallout 4"
  • 2018 - "Fallout 76"

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