Mitio Kaku - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



The American physicist of Japanese origin Mitio Kaku became famous as a futurologist, who seeks to predict the most important life processes and phenomena from the point of view of modern scientific research. Kaku - the fan of the theory of Einstein, seeks to complete the scientific work of the idol - to prove his last theory and create a formula that unites all the laws of the Universe.

Childhood and youth

Mitio Kaku was born on January 24, 1947 in San Jose, California. The father is the son of the Japanese emigrant who arrived in San Francisco to assist in the elimination of destruction caused by the earthquake of 1906, and the remaining country remained in someone else's country. In his youth, Mitio's father studied in Japan, and during the war he got into the evacuation camp Tew Lake in California, the man met the future wife. A young family lived poorly, but two sons of parents tried to give everything you need.

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The younger son Mitio grew calm and tremble. He early learned to read and clock could sit behind the favorite books, and then the films. In particular, loved fiction. His imagination excited the time traveling and parallel worlds. When the age came, the boy went to High School Kibberly and, already as a student, began to show wonders of early development. The Japanese studied perfectly, was the captain of the school chess team.

Subsequently, the young juniorkind was interested in the theory of the probability of Einstein. He began to study both the identity of the outstanding scientist and the themes of his works. Parents drove their son to scientific libraries, and at home equipped a separate room, where he spent numerous experiments on physics and natural science.

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As a result, the schoolboy invented the Wilson chamber - a device that registers traces of charged particles, as well as a betatron - a machine for obtaining an anti-particle capacity of 2.3 MeV. These know-how Mitio presented at the National Scientific Fair in Albuquerque, which attracted the attention of the outstanding physics of Edward Teller.

The scientist prolobed the Hertz Foundation Scholarship for the Young Protege, as well as his receipt in Harvard at the Faculty of Physics. After graduating from a university with a Bachelor's diploma, I am coming to California University in Berkeley and in 1972 he receives a degree of Ph.D..

Science and books

In 1973, a young scientist began teaching students in Princeton, although even just yesterday was the same young listener. And soon, Mitio called to the army. The time was restless - the war went to Vietnam. But the Japanese did not get to the Asian Front, he served in Georgia and Washington, after which he returned to his research in science.

In 1974, the first big job dedicated to the string field theory appears in the scientific biography of Kaku. This work became somehow the continuation of Einstein searches: in recent years of life, the creator of the theory of relativity beat over the proof of the global relationship of everything and everything in the universe.

In the 80s, the main work scholarship work has become City College in New York. Kaku became the teacher of this educational institution and worries in it so far. Since the end of the 90s, the American acts as a writer's scientist, and his books become bestsellers for timeliness and the availability of a syllable.

In the bibliography, Kaku - nine scientific and popular books, two of which are "visions" and "hyperspace" - they became superpopular and translated into a number of languages. Soon the scientist begins to act as a futurologist. Kaku puts forward his own theories about the future of humanity. On the basis of his own hypotheses, he writes the books of "Physics of the Future", "Physics of the Impossible", "The Future of Mind" and "The Future of Mankind".

According to Mitio Kaku, only 2-3 decades separate humanity from life in which people will easily be able to create their digital counterparts, that is, cyborgs. Information can be read right from the human brain and place it in memory of another individual.

In order to popularize science and especially their favorite futurology and astrophysics, the scientist also creates a cycle of documentaries that were demonstrated on the Discovery channel. Caku published over 70 articles in popular world magazines, launched a number of scientific projects on CNN channels, ABC News, Al Jazira, Fox.

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Also, Mr. Kaku is a frequent guest in a television show. He participated and gave an interview in popular programs "Good morning, America", "Screen servers", "Larry King alive", conducted two radio programs - "Scientific fiction" and "Scientific research with Dr. Mitio Kaku".

The Japanese is the continuation of the research of Einstein's cumira alberta Einstein. In 2016, Dr. Mitio writes a popular science book "Space Einstein", in which it tells about how the discoveries of a brilliant scientist changed the world, as well as the consciousness of people. In this work, the author also reflects on God and represents the point of view of Einstein about religion.

Personal life

Despite the wiping of science, Mitio Kaku did not put his taboo on his personal life. The scientist is happily married.

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His wife was an ethnic Japanese Sizsee Kaku. Dressman gave birth to her husband two daughters. Now the spouses with children live in New York.

Mitio Kaku now

Recently, the scientist is increasingly occupied by the topic of neurobiology. Kaku tells about the incredible resources of the human brain in the book "The Future of Mind."Embed from getty images

Dr. Kaku heads the Department of Henry Semyat and is a professor of theoretical physics in New York City College. The scientist has a rich schedule: he rides on the planet with lectures and reports on futurology, which is now becoming popular and popular.

In 2019, Mitio Kaku visited Moscow and acted as the III forum of social innovation regions. Photos from this event had a social network, the scientist himself was not subject to the Internet trend of modernity and does not start "instagram."


  • 1990 - "Introduction to the theory of superstrun"
  • 2009 - "Physics of the Impossible"
  • 2012 - "Physics of the Future"
  • 2015 - "Future Mind"
  • 2016 - Einstein Cosmos
  • 2018 - "The Future of Mankind. Colonization of Mars, traveling to the stars and finding immortality "

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