Tatyana Monttyan - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, On Recent Events 2021



Famous Ukrainian lawyer, publicist and blogger in one person, Tatyana Monttyan gained popularity gradually. It was possible to achieve this woman at the expense of sharp statements regarding the political situation in Ukraine, as well as participating in high-profile criminal cases as a defender.

Childhood and youth

Tatyana was born at the end of the summer of 1972 in Kerch (Crimea), nothing is known about her nationality. Girls did not occupy high posts, Nikolai Mikhailovich's father worked by a ship mechanic, and Ekaterina Ivanovna's mother worked as a school teacher.

Monttyan studied at a local school, and in 1984, he moved to Kherson with his father and mother and was already learning there, he studied in English. In parallel with this I was engaged in sports, I participated in the competitions and perfectly laid with classmates.

Having received a school certificate, Tanya comes in Moscow State University. Lomonosov at the Faculty of Law, for this girl moved to Moscow, where she began his own life. The family supported the daughter in this. It was then that the student decided that her profession would be associated with the protection of the rights of people, and therefore she approached his studies with full responsibility, chose the specialty "Constitutional law".

During my studies, Montdan was in-depth studied many topics. For example, in the 1st year, Islamic law disassembled as a legal phenomenon, and on the second he examined the Green Book Muammar Gaddafi. Protecting a diploma, studied in detail the influence of Islamic standards on all spheres of the life of the states in which this faith is confirmed. Practice to go to the criminal investigation of Moscow. Having in 1994, a diploma of higher education in 1994, Monttyan went to Ukraine, to his native city, then moved to Kiev.


In the Ukrainian capital in the biography of Tatiana, the first job appears, the graduate of Moscow State University settled in the Kiev Board of Bar. For the first time, the girl was able to distinguish between 2001, when, after the March action "Ukraine without Kuchma", the security service was made against its participants. Montdian volunteered to defend the accused, trying to prove that the actions of representatives of the authorities contain many inconsistencies and errors.

And at the beginning of next year, the case was brought against Tatiana, accusing it in resistance to police officers. Allegedly a woman hit a coneer, who intercepted the note transmitted by it through the lattices by the defendant. As the lawyer explains, she only carried out legal right, but it did not affect the future, since Tatyana was simply removed from protection.

According to Ukrainian legislation, for the time of Montdian lost the right to work with a lawyer, because he had an initiated criminal case against themselves. In 2005, due to the expiration of limitations, restrictions from a woman were removed. At that time, when Tatiana could not defend the defendants in criminal cases as a lawyer, temporarily a woman switched to civil and economic law.

By that time, she did not pay in the hustle department for about 11 years, justifying it by the fact that the maintenance of her house money leaves 6 times less than in reality it is allocated for maintenance and repair. The lawyer decided to defend the rights, creating a union of co-owners of apartment buildings in his own home. And also began to help the owners of apartments get rid of the hives that overestimated service tariffs.

In the following years, Montshan careers participated in the creation of the "Time!" Campaign And provided her legal support. And in the elections of the President of Ukraine 2004 in the Nikolaev region, together with other lawyers, controlled the work of observers and election commissions regarding the falsification of the election results. In 2007, he joined the public movement "Save the Old Kiev" and with other participants fought with the buildings of the October Hospital.

In 2008, it begins to translate scientific literature and foreign laws, completely translated the book "Capital Riddle" Peruwan Hernando de Soto, and soon in the infoporn collective blog, it became publishing our own notes on the laws of Ukraine and the practice of their application. Facebook has created a community "School of Young Squid", which discusses the basis of the foundation of the institutional economy, and on the Yutuba channel tells about the latest events occurring in the country.

From 2012 to 2014, Tatiana participated in the elections to the Verkhovna Rada, in 2015 he was running to the post of city chapter of Kiev. From the very beginning, Euromaidan did not support the violent overthrow of the ex-president of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, but also did not justify politics. In 2014, he visited Lugansk and Donetsk region, the trip details covered on the personal page in Facebook.

The most resonant affairs in Monttyan career was a complete justification and exemption from the custody of the journalist Ruslan Kotsab and the Protection of Vita Korefi, which later refused Tatiana services.

Personal life

Despite the stormy career, Tatiana managed to build a personal life. When a graduate of the Law Faculty met Yuri Vasilenko, he was already an experienced judge. Having settled in the Kiev City College of lawyers, Tanya first saw the future husband and almost immediately fell in love, she spoke herself about it in an interview. She liked how competently man leads processes, while not forgetting about human qualities.

Vasilenko also touched Montouts to people whom she protected. The girl did not have model parameters (accurate growth and weight are unknown) and appearance, so rather hooked in character. After a short courting, the lawyer agreed to become a wife's wife, although he believed that it was not necessary to put a stamp in the passport for this.

Immediately after the wedding, the newlyweds began to think about children, both were not life without them. Therefore, after a year of relations, Tatiana presented the wife of the Sons-twins Bogdan and Yaroslav, after 2 years, Vadim gave birth, and after 4 years - Vlad. Living surrounded by men, in the youth of Tatiana dreamed of her daughter, but there are no other children.

The eldest sons of Tatiana and Yuri have achieved great success in sports, since childhood they were engaged in karate, and at the age of 15 were both champions of Ukraine on boxing. They are also fond of cybersport. The middle son of Monttyan, on the contrary, is calm and sports prefers to study foreign languages, in the future it dreams of becoming a philologist.

Tatyana Monttyan now

Tatiana and now continues human rights activities. In addition to Facebook, a woman leads pages in Twitter and Instagram, and in the last note about politics and statements are diluted with personal photos from rest and family.

As a public figure, Monttyan continues to participate in talk shows and debates, expressing his own opinion regarding different situations. And on YouTube Channel, the woman still lays out the rollers. So, under her discussion, Igor Kolomoisky, Elena Boyko, she also recorded a video about Vladimir Zelensky. The latter came under the condemnation of Tatiana after the presidential election of 2019.

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