Vitaly Bashun - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



Vitaly Bashun is a Russian science fiction writer, also works in fantasy genre. The author's books are presented in electronic form, as well as in printed. Every year, the army of fans of creativity Vitaly is replenished. Live writing language, exciting plots, exciting fantastic chase and battles like a large number of readers.

Information about the biography of the author a little. Vitaly was born on January 17, 1960 in St. Petersburg. According to the writer, it works as a programmer at a factory, which produces Delta antennas. From children's years he is interested in the works of a fantastic genre related to the theme of space and magic.


The writer notes that it starts creating creations when fantastic novels of other authors in his library are read. Writes Vitaly for its own entertainment, without setting the tasks to be a recognized classic of world literature. In the works of Bashun there is no reference to ancient philosophy, sacred knowledge.

Vitaly Bashun and Mom and Son Alexander

Debut in the work of the author became the novel "Be His", published in electronic form in 2010. The writing opened the same cycle of works. From the first pages, readers are involved in the world of magic and magic. The main character is a typical teenager, a student in an ordinary school and tolerance from surrounding jokes about the completeness. Unexpectedly, the young man falls a chance to become a student of the Royal Academy of Magic Arts to master the profession of Lekary Maga.

In 2012 and 2014, Bashun writes 2 novels, which brings together in the Star of the Designer. In the center of the plot of the adventure of the young hero, a graduate of the Magic Design School. The young man is considered unpromising, it is prepared to work in some boring place for a meager fee. This place becomes a dilapidated palace, which lives the last days of the old king.

With each new chapter, the action becomes more dynamic and exciting. Both books received high reviews, readers liked the artistic style and identity of the writer.

The series "Because Leng" turned out to be no less exciting than two previous ones. The mysterious fantastic story about the boy, Nicobar, reminds a little bit of the fairy tale "Dwarf Nose" Wilhelm Gauf. Bashuna novels are popular in the network, fans discuss advantages and shortcomings of books on the pages of sites.

Personal life

The writer does not hide a personal life from the press. For many years, Vitaly has lived in a happy marriage with Galina's wife.

Vitaly Bashun and his wife Galina

Couple has two adult children - Alexander's sons and Mikhail.

Vitaly Bashun now

In 2019, the author continues to work on the unfinished novel of the Sir Series series, the 1st part of which came out in 2010.


  • 2010 - "be healthy"
  • 2010 - "Sir trogs"
  • 2011 - "His Highness Mr. Healer"
  • 2012 - "Star of the Designer"
  • 2014 - "Star Prince"
  • 2016 - "Because Leng"
  • 2017 - "Martin Seward, or Piano in the bushes"
  • 2017 - "Because Leng - 2"

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